synthesizer-core-0.2.1: Audio signal processing coded in Haskell: Low level partSource codeContentsIndex
Portabilityrequires multi-parameter type classes
sumsDownsample2Strict :: (C v, Storable v) => Maybe v -> Vector v -> (Maybe v, Vector v)
sumsDownsample2 :: (C v, Storable v) => T v -> T v
sumsDownsample2Alt :: (C v, Storable v) => T v -> T v
halfLazySize :: T ChunkSize -> T ChunkSize
downsample2Strict :: Storable v => Int -> Vector v -> Vector v
laxTailStrict :: Storable v => Vector v -> Vector v
downsample2 :: Storable v => T v -> T v
pyramid :: (C v, Storable v) => Int -> T v -> [T v]
sumRangeFromPyramid :: (C v, Storable v) => [T v] -> (Int, Int) -> v
sumsPosModulatedPyramid :: (C v, Storable (Int, Int), Storable v) => Int -> T (Int, Int) -> T v -> T v
movingAverageModulatedPyramid :: (C a, C a v, Storable Int, Storable v) => a -> Int -> Int -> T Int -> T v -> T v
sumsDownsample2Strict :: (C v, Storable v) => Maybe v -> Vector v -> (Maybe v, Vector v)Source
The Maybe type carries an unpaired value from one block to the next one.
sumsDownsample2 :: (C v, Storable v) => T v -> T vSource
sumsDownsample2Alt :: (C v, Storable v) => T v -> T vSource
halfLazySize :: T ChunkSize -> T ChunkSizeSource
downsample2Strict :: Storable v => Int -> Vector v -> Vector vSource
offset must be zero or one.
laxTailStrict :: Storable v => Vector v -> Vector vSource
downsample2 :: Storable v => T v -> T vSource
pyramid :: (C v, Storable v) => Int -> T v -> [T v]Source
sumRangeFromPyramid :: (C v, Storable v) => [T v] -> (Int, Int) -> vSource
sumsPosModulatedPyramid :: (C v, Storable (Int, Int), Storable v) => Int -> T (Int, Int) -> T v -> T vSource

Moving average, where window bounds must be always non-negative.

The laziness granularity of the input signal is maintained.

movingAverageModulatedPyramid :: (C a, C a v, Storable Int, Storable v) => a -> Int -> Int -> T Int -> T v -> T vSource
The first argument is the amplification. The main reason to introduce it, was to have only a Module constraint instead of Field. This way we can also filter stereo signals.
Produced by Haddock version 2.4.2