{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Synthesizer.Basic.Binary
   (C(..), toCanonical, fromCanonicalWith,
    int16ToCanonical, int16FromCanonical,
    int16FromFloat, int16FromDouble,
    ) where

import qualified Synthesizer.Frame.Stereo as Stereo

import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mappend, )

import qualified Algebra.ToInteger as ToInteger
import qualified Algebra.RealField as RealField
import qualified Algebra.RealRing  as RealRing
import qualified Algebra.Field     as Field
import qualified Algebra.Ring      as Ring

import Data.Ord.HT (limit, )

import Data.Int (Int16, )
import GHC.Float (float2Int, double2Int, )

import qualified Prelude as P98

import NumericPrelude.Base
import NumericPrelude.Numeric

class C a where
   outputFromCanonical ::
      (Bounded int, ToInteger.C int, Monoid out) =>
      (int -> out) -> a -> out
   numberOfChannels :: a -> Int

instance C Float where
   outputFromCanonical pack =
      pack .
         (fromIntegral . truncToRound float2Int)
   numberOfChannels _ = 1

instance C Double where
   outputFromCanonical pack =
      pack .
         (fromIntegral . truncToRound double2Int)
   numberOfChannels _ = 1

instance (C a, C b) => C (a,b) where
   outputFromCanonical pack x =
      outputFromCanonical pack (fst x) `mappend`
      outputFromCanonical pack (snd x)
   numberOfChannels x =
      numberOfChannels (fst x) +
      numberOfChannels (snd x)

instance (C a) => C (Stereo.T a) where
   outputFromCanonical pack x =
      outputFromCanonical pack (Stereo.left x) `mappend`
      outputFromCanonical pack (Stereo.right x)
   numberOfChannels x =
      numberOfChannels (Stereo.left x) +
      numberOfChannels (Stereo.right x)

{-# INLINE numberOfSignalChannels #-}
numberOfSignalChannels ::
   C yv => sig yv -> Int
numberOfSignalChannels sig =
   let aux :: C yv => sig yv -> yv -> Int
       aux _ dummy = numberOfChannels dummy
   in  aux sig undefined

{-# INLINE fromCanonicalWith #-}
fromCanonicalWith ::
   (RealRing.C real, Bounded int, ToInteger.C int) =>
   (real -> int) -> (real -> int)
fromCanonicalWith rnd r =
   let s = fromIntegral (maxBound `asTypeOf` i)
       i = rnd (s * limit (-1, 1) r)
   in  i

{-# INLINE truncToRound #-}
truncToRound ::
   (RealField.C real) =>
   (real -> int) -> (real -> int)
truncToRound trunc x =
   trunc $
   if x<0
     then x - 0.5
     else x + 0.5

{-# INLINE scale16 #-}
scale16 :: (Ring.C a, Ord a) => a -> a
scale16 x = 32767 * limit (-1, 1) x

{-# INLINE int16FromCanonical #-}
int16FromCanonical :: (RealRing.C a) => a -> Int16
The round procedure is complicated and usually unnecessary
int16FromCanonical = (P98.fromIntegral :: Int -> Int16) . round . scale16
{- in GHC-6.4 inefficient, since 'round' for target Int16 is not optimized
int16FromCanonical = round . scale16
int16FromCanonical =
   (P98.fromIntegral :: Int -> Int16) . RealRing.roundSimple . scale16

{-# INLINE int16FromFloat #-}
int16FromFloat :: Float -> Int16
int16FromFloat = P98.fromIntegral . float2Int . scale16

{-# INLINE scale16Double #-}
scale16Double :: (Ring.C a, Ord a) => a -> a
scale16Double x = 32767 * clip (-1) 1 x

{-# INLINE int16FromDouble #-}
int16FromDouble :: Double -> Int16
{- Why is scale16 not inlined here? See FusionTest.mixTest3
int16FromDouble = P98.fromIntegral . double2Int . scale16
-- int16FromDouble = P98.fromIntegral . double2Int . scale16Double
-- int16FromDouble x = P98.fromIntegral (double2Int (scale16 x))
int16FromDouble = P98.fromIntegral . double2Int . (32767*) . limit (-1, 1)

{-# INLINE toCanonical #-}
toCanonical ::
   (Field.C real, Bounded int, ToInteger.C int) =>
   (int -> real)
toCanonical i =
   let s = fromIntegral (maxBound `asTypeOf` i)
   in  fromIntegral i / s

{-# INLINE int16ToCanonical #-}
int16ToCanonical :: (Field.C a) => Int16 -> a
int16ToCanonical x = fromIntegral x / 32767