{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{- |
Copyright   :  (c) Henning Thielemann 2010
License     :  GPL

Maintainer  :  synthesizer@henning-thielemann.de
Stability   :  provisional
Portability :  requires multi-parameter type classes

Basics for building tone generators.
They generate signals of phases
and these signals can be converted to arbitrary waveforms
by mapping them via @Wave@ objects.
This is also the fundament for dimensional oscillators.
module Synthesizer.Causal.Oscillator.Core where

import qualified Synthesizer.Basic.Phase as Phase

import qualified Synthesizer.Causal.Process as Causal
import qualified Synthesizer.State.Signal as Sig

import qualified Algebra.RealRing             as RealRing
import qualified Algebra.Additive              as Additive

import Control.Arrow ((^<<), (&&&), second, returnA, )

import NumericPrelude.Numeric

import qualified Prelude as P
import NumericPrelude.Base

{-# INLINE static #-}
static :: RealRing.C a =>
   Phase.T a -> a -> Sig.T (Phase.T a)
static phase freq =
   Sig.iterate (Phase.increment freq) phase

{-# INLINE phaseMod #-}
{- | oscillator with modulated phase -}
phaseMod :: (RealRing.C a) =>
   a -> Causal.T a (Phase.T a)
phaseMod freq =
   uncurry Phase.increment ^<<
      Causal.feedSnd (static zero freq)

{-# INLINE shapeMod #-}
{- | oscillator with modulated shape -}
shapeMod :: (RealRing.C a) =>
   Phase.T a -> a -> Causal.T c (c, Phase.T a)
shapeMod phase freq =
   Causal.feedSnd (static phase freq)

{-# INLINE freqMod #-}
{- |
Convert a list of phase steps into a list of momentum phases.
phase is a number in the interval [0,1).
freq contains the phase steps.
The last element is omitted.
freqMod :: RealRing.C a =>
   Phase.T a -> Causal.T a (Phase.T a)
freqMod =
   Causal.scanL (flip Phase.increment)

{- |
Like 'freqMod' but the first element is omitted.
{-# INLINE freqModSync #-}
freqModSync :: RealRing.C a =>
   Phase.T a -> Causal.T a (Phase.T a)
freqModSync =
      (\f p0 -> let p1 = Phase.increment f p0 in Just (p1,p1))

{-# INLINE freqModAntiAlias #-}
{- | oscillator with modulated frequency -}
freqModAntiAlias :: (RealRing.C a) =>
   Phase.T a -> Causal.T a (a, Phase.T a)
freqModAntiAlias phase =
   returnA &&& freqMod phase

{-# INLINE phaseFreqMod #-}
{- | oscillator with both phase and frequency modulation -}
phaseFreqMod :: (RealRing.C a) =>
   Causal.T (a,a) (Phase.T a)
phaseFreqMod =
   uncurry Phase.increment ^<<
   second (freqMod zero)

{-# INLINE shapeFreqMod #-}
{- | oscillator with both shape and frequency modulation -}
shapeFreqMod :: (RealRing.C a) =>
   Phase.T a -> Causal.T (c,a) (c, Phase.T a)
shapeFreqMod phase =
   second (freqMod phase)