module Test.Sound.Synthesizer.Plain.Analysis (tests) where import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Analysis as Analysis import qualified Algebra.Algebraic as Algebraic import qualified Algebra.RealField as RealField import qualified Algebra.Field as Field import qualified Algebra.RealRing as RealRing import qualified Algebra.NormedSpace.Maximum as NormedMax import qualified Algebra.NormedSpace.Euclidean as NormedEuc import qualified Algebra.NormedSpace.Sum as NormedSum import qualified MathObj.LaurentPolynomial as LPoly import qualified Data.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import Data.List (genericLength) import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC import Test.QuickCheck (quickCheck, Property, (==>)) import Test.Utility (approxEqual) import NumericPrelude.Numeric import NumericPrelude.Base import Prelude () volumeVectorMaximum :: (NormedMax.C y y, RealRing.C y) => [y] -> Bool volumeVectorMaximum xs = Analysis.volumeVectorMaximum xs == Analysis.volumeMaximum xs volumeVectorEuclidean :: (NormedEuc.C y y, Algebraic.C y, Eq y) => NonEmpty.T [] y -> Bool volumeVectorEuclidean xs = let ys = NonEmpty.flatten xs in Analysis.volumeVectorEuclidean ys == Analysis.volumeEuclidean ys volumeVectorEuclideanSqr :: (NormedEuc.Sqr y y, Field.C y, Eq y) => NonEmpty.T [] y -> Bool volumeVectorEuclideanSqr xs = let ys = NonEmpty.flatten xs in Analysis.volumeVectorEuclideanSqr ys == Analysis.volumeEuclideanSqr ys volumeVectorSum :: (NormedSum.C y y, RealField.C y) => NonEmpty.T [] y -> Bool volumeVectorSum xs = let ys = NonEmpty.flatten xs in Analysis.volumeVectorSum ys == Analysis.volumeSum ys bounds :: Ord a => NonEmpty.T [] a -> Bool bounds xs = Analysis.bounds xs == (NonEmpty.minimum xs, NonEmpty.maximum xs) spread :: RealField.C a => (a,a) -> Bool spread b = sum (map snd (Analysis.spread b)) == one histogramDiscrete :: NonEmpty.T [] Int -> Bool histogramDiscrete xs = Analysis.histogramDiscreteArray xs == Analysis.histogramDiscreteIntMap xs withEmptyHistogram :: (NonEmpty.T [] y -> (Int, [y])) -> [y] -> (Int, [y]) withEmptyHistogram f = maybe (error "no bounds", []) f . NonEmpty.fetch histogramDiscreteLength :: [Int] -> Bool histogramDiscreteLength xs = sum (snd (withEmptyHistogram Analysis.histogramDiscreteIntMap xs)) == length xs histogramDiscreteConcat :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool histogramDiscreteConcat xs ys = let xHist = withEmptyHistogram Analysis.histogramDiscreteIntMap xs yHist = withEmptyHistogram Analysis.histogramDiscreteIntMap ys xyHist0 = LPoly.add (uncurry LPoly.Cons xHist) (uncurry LPoly.Cons yHist) xyHist1 = uncurry LPoly.Cons (withEmptyHistogram Analysis.histogramDiscreteIntMap (xs++ys)) in if null (LPoly.coeffs xyHist0) then LPoly.coeffs xyHist0 == LPoly.coeffs xyHist1 else xyHist0 == xyHist1 histogramLinear :: NonEmpty.T [] Int -> Bool histogramLinear xs = let ys = fmap fromIntegral xs :: NonEmpty.T [] Double in Analysis.histogramLinearArray ys == Analysis.histogramLinearIntMap ys histogramLinearLength :: NonEmpty.T [] Int -> Bool histogramLinearLength xs = let ys = fmap fromIntegral xs :: NonEmpty.T [] Double in approxEqual 1e-10 (genericLength $ NonEmpty.tail ys) (sum (snd (Analysis.histogramLinearIntMap ys))) {- With eps = 1e-15 Falsifiable, after 83 tests: -20 [32,-41,11,-25,-17,-27,32,-36,7,-36,38] Falsifiable, after 78 tests: 10 [-35,-28,-28,-24,-4,-29,-14,-29,-20,7,33,-2,-14,-4,7,-40,-5,-12] -} centroid :: (Field.C a, Eq a) => [a] -> Property centroid xs = sum xs /= zero ==> Analysis.centroid xs == Analysis.centroidAlt xs -- Test.QuickCheck.quickCheck (\xs -> sum xs /= 0 Test.QuickCheck.==> propCentroid (xs::[Rational])) histogramDCOffset :: NonEmpty.T (NonEmpty.T []) Int -> Property histogramDCOffset xs = let x1 = NonEmpty.flatten xs x = NonEmpty.flatten x1 (offset, hist) = Analysis.histogramDiscreteArray x1 in sum x /= 0 ==> fromIntegral offset + Analysis.centroid (map fromIntegral hist) == (Analysis.directCurrentOffset (map fromIntegral x) :: Rational) genSmall :: (Functor f, QC.Arbitrary (f Int)) => QC.Gen (f Int) genSmall = fmap (fmap (flip mod 1000)) QC.arbitrary forAllSmall :: (Functor f, QC.Arbitrary (f Int), Show (f Int), QC.Testable prop) => (f Int -> prop) -> Property forAllSmall = QC.forAll genSmall tests :: [(String, IO ())] tests = ("volumeVectorMaximum", quickCheck (volumeVectorMaximum :: [Rational] -> Bool)) : -- quickCheck may fail due to rounding errors, but so far the computation is exactly the same ("volumeVectorEuclidean", quickCheck (volumeVectorEuclidean :: NonEmpty.T [] Double -> Bool)) : ("volumeVectorEuclideanSqr", quickCheck (volumeVectorEuclideanSqr :: NonEmpty.T [] Rational -> Bool)) : ("volumeVectorSum", quickCheck (volumeVectorSum :: NonEmpty.T [] Rational -> Bool)) : ("bounds", quickCheck (bounds :: NonEmpty.T [] Rational -> Bool)) : ("spread", quickCheck (spread :: (Rational,Rational) -> Bool)) : ("histogramDiscrete", quickCheck (forAllSmall histogramDiscrete)) : ("histogramDiscreteLength", quickCheck (forAllSmall histogramDiscreteLength)) : ("histogramDiscreteConcat", quickCheck $ forAllSmall $ \x -> forAllSmall $ \y -> histogramDiscreteConcat x y) : ("histogramLinear", quickCheck (forAllSmall histogramLinear)) : ("histogramLinearLength", quickCheck (forAllSmall histogramLinearLength)) : ("centroid", quickCheck (centroid :: [Rational] -> Property)) : ("histogramDCOffset", quickCheck (forAllSmall histogramDCOffset)) : []