{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Synthesizer.Causal.Spatial where

import Control.Arrow (Arrow, arr, )

import qualified Algebra.NormedSpace.Euclidean as Euc
import qualified Algebra.Field                 as Field

import NumericPrelude.Numeric
import NumericPrelude.Base

simulate an moving sounding object

convert the way of the object through 2D or 3D space
into a delay and attenuation information,
sonicDelay is the reciprocal of the sonic velocity
moveAround ::
   (Field.C a, Euc.C a v, Arrow arrow) =>
   a -> a -> v -> arrow v (a,a)
moveAround att sonicDelay ear =
   arr ((\dist -> (sonicDelay*dist, 1/(att+dist)^2)) . Euc.norm . subtract ear)