{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Delay ( phaser, plane, -- for testing propAll, ) where import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.NonRecursive as FiltNR import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Displacement as Syn import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Control as Ctrl import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Noise as Noise import System.Random (randomRs, mkStdGen, ) import qualified Algebra.Module as Module import qualified Algebra.RealField as RealField import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Interpolation as Interpolation import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Delay.ST as DelayST import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Delay.List as DelayList import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Delay.Block as DelayBlock import NumericPrelude.Numeric import NumericPrelude.Base phaser :: (Module.C a v, RealField.C a) => a -> [a] -> [v] -> [v] phaser maxDelay ts xs = FiltNR.amplifyVector (0.5 `asTypeOf` head ts) (Syn.mix xs (DelayBlock.modulated Interpolation.constant (ceiling maxDelay) ts xs)) plane :: Double -> [Double] plane sampleRate = let maxDelay = 500 in phaser maxDelay (map (maxDelay-) (Ctrl.exponential2 (10*sampleRate) maxDelay)) Noise.white -- move to test suite *** propSingle :: Interpolation.T Double Double -> [Bool] propSingle ip = let maxDelay = (5::Int) xs = randomRs (-1,1) (mkStdGen 1037) ts = take 20 (randomRs (0, fromIntegral maxDelay) (mkStdGen 2330)) pm0 = DelayST.modulated ip maxDelay ts xs pm1 = DelayList.modulatedRev ip maxDelay ts xs pm2 = DelayList.modulated ip maxDelay ts xs pm3 = DelayBlock.modulated ip maxDelay ts xs approx x y = abs (x-y) < 1e-10 -- equal as = and (zipWith (==) as (tail as)) -- equal [pm0, pm1 {-, pm2-}] in [pm0==pm1, pm2==pm3, and (zipWith approx pm1 pm2)] {- | The test for constant interpolation will fail, due to different point of views in forward and backward interpolation. -} propAll :: [[Bool]] propAll = map propSingle $ Interpolation.constant : Interpolation.linear : Interpolation.cubic : []