{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{- |
Copyright   :  (c) Henning Thielemann 2008-2009
License     :  GPL

Maintainer  :  synthesizer@henning-thielemann.de
Stability   :  provisional
Portability :  requires multi-parameter type classes
module Synthesizer.Dimensional.Causal.Filter (
   {- * Non-recursive -}

   {- ** Amplification -}

   {- ** Filter operators from calculus -}

   {- ** Smooth -}

   {- ** Delay -}

   {- * Recursive -}

   {- ** Without resonance -}



   {- ** With resonance -}

   {- ** Allpass -}

   {- ** Reverb -}

   {- ** Filter operators from calculus -}
) where

import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Map.Filter as FiltM
import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Process as Proc
import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Sample as Sample
import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Amplitude as Amp
-- import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Rate as Rate
import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Causal.ControlledProcess as CCProc
import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Causal.Process as CausalD
import qualified Synthesizer.Causal.Process as Causal
import Control.Arrow ((<<^), (^<<), (&&&), )

-- import Synthesizer.Dimensional.Process ((.:), (.^), )

-- import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Amplitude.Flat as Flat

-- import qualified Synthesizer.State.Signal as Sig
import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Modifier as Modifier
import Synthesizer.Plain.Signal (Modifier)

import Synthesizer.Dimensional.Process
   (toFrequencyScalar, DimensionGradient, )

import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Rate.Filter as FiltR

-- import qualified Synthesizer.Interpolation as Interpolation
-- import qualified Synthesizer.State.Filter.Delay as Delay
import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Recursive.FirstOrder  as Filt1
import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Recursive.Allpass     as Allpass
import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Recursive.Universal   as UniFilter
import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Recursive.Moog        as Moog
import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Recursive.Butterworth as Butter
import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Recursive.Chebyshev   as Cheby
import qualified Synthesizer.State.Filter.Recursive.Integration as Integrate
-- import qualified Synthesizer.State.Filter.Recursive.MovingAverage as MA
import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Recursive    as FiltRec
-- import qualified Synthesizer.State.Filter.NonRecursive as FiltNR

-- import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.Filter.Recursive.Comb as Comb
-- import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Causal.Displacement as DispC

import Synthesizer.Utility (affineComb, )

import qualified Number.DimensionTerm        as DN
import qualified Algebra.DimensionTerm       as Dim

import Number.DimensionTerm ((&*&), (&/&))

import qualified Number.NonNegative     as NonNeg

import qualified Algebra.Transcendental as Trans
-- import qualified Algebra.RealRing      as RealRing
import qualified Algebra.Field          as Field
-- import qualified Algebra.Absolute           as Absolute
import qualified Algebra.Ring           as Ring
import qualified Algebra.Additive       as Additive
-- import qualified Algebra.VectorSpace    as VectorSpace
import qualified Algebra.Module         as Module

import Foreign.Storable (Storable)

-- import Control.Monad(liftM2)

import Data.Tuple.HT (swap, mapFst, )

import NumericPrelude.Numeric hiding (negate)
import NumericPrelude.Base as P
import Prelude ()

{- | The amplification factor must be positive. -}
{-# INLINE amplify #-}
amplify :: (Module.C y amp) =>
   y ->
   Proc.T s u t (CausalD.Single s (Amp.Numeric amp) (Amp.Numeric amp) yv yv)
amplify volume =
   Proc.pure $ FiltM.amplify volume

{-# INLINE amplifyDimension #-}
amplifyDimension :: (Ring.C y, Dim.C u, Dim.C v0, Dim.C v1) =>
   DN.T v0 y ->
   Proc.T s u t
      (CausalD.Single s
          (Amp.Dimensional v1 y) (Amp.Dimensional (Dim.Mul v0 v1) y)
          yv yv)
amplifyDimension volume =
   Proc.pure $ FiltM.amplifyDimension volume

{-# INLINE amplifyScalarDimension #-}
amplifyScalarDimension :: (Ring.C y, Dim.C u, Dim.C v) =>
   DN.T v y ->
   Proc.T s u t
      (CausalD.Single s
          (Amp.Dimensional Dim.Scalar y) (Amp.Dimensional v y)
          yv yv)
amplifyScalarDimension volume =
   Proc.pure $ FiltM.amplifyScalarDimension volume

{-# INLINE negate #-}
negate :: (Additive.C (Sample.Displacement sample)) =>
   Proc.T s u t (CausalD.T s sample sample)
negate =
   Proc.pure $ FiltM.negate

{-# INLINE envelope #-}
envelope :: (Ring.C y) =>
   Proc.T s u t (CausalD.T s (Sample.Flat y, Sample.Numeric amp y) (Sample.Numeric amp y))
envelope =
   Proc.pure $ FiltM.envelope

{-# INLINE envelopeScalarDimension #-}
envelopeScalarDimension ::
   (Ring.C y, Dim.C u, Dim.C v) =>
   Proc.T s u t
      (CausalD.T s
          (Sample.Dimensional Dim.Scalar y y, Sample.Dimensional v y y)
          (Sample.Dimensional v y y))
envelopeScalarDimension =
   Proc.pure $ FiltM.envelopeScalarDimension

{-# INLINE envelopeVector #-}
envelopeVector :: (Module.C y (Sample.Displacement sample)) =>
   Proc.T s u t (CausalD.T s (Sample.Flat y, sample) sample)
envelopeVector =
   Proc.pure $ FiltM.envelopeVector

{-# INLINE envelopeVectorDimension #-}
envelopeVectorDimension ::
   (Module.C y0 yv, Ring.C y, Dim.C u, Dim.C v0, Dim.C v1) =>
   Proc.T s u t
      (CausalD.T s
          (Sample.Dimensional v0 y y0, Sample.Dimensional v1 y yv)
          (Sample.Dimensional (Dim.Mul v0 v1) y yv))
envelopeVectorDimension =
   Proc.pure $ FiltM.envelopeVectorDimension

{-# INLINE differentiate #-}
differentiate :: (Additive.C yv, Ring.C q, Dim.C u, Dim.C v) =>
   Proc.T s u q
      (CausalD.Single s
         (Amp.Dimensional v q) (Amp.Dimensional (DimensionGradient u v) q) yv yv)
differentiate =
   flip fmap Proc.getSampleRate $ \rate ->
      CausalD.consFlip $ \ (Amp.Numeric amp) ->
         (Amp.Numeric $ rate &*& amp,
          uncurry (-) ^<< Causal.id &&& Causal.consInit zero)
--          Causal.crochetL (\x0 x1 -> Just (x0-x1, x0)) zero)

{- | needs a good handling of boundaries, yet -}
{-# INLINE meanStatic #-}
meanStatic ::
   (RealRing.C q, Module.C q yv, Dim.C u, Dim.C v) =>
      DN.T (Dim.Recip u) q   {- ^ cut-off frequency -}
   -> Proc.T s u q (
        SigA.R s v q yv
     -> SigA.R s v q yv)
meanStatic time =
   FiltR.meanStatic time

meanStaticSeparateTY :: (Additive.C yv, Field.C y, RealRing.C t,
         Module.C y yv, Dim.C u, Dim.C v) =>
      DN.T (Dim.Recip u) t   {- ^ cut-off frequency -}
   -> Proc.T s u t (
        SigA.R s v y yv
     -> SigA.R s v y yv)
meanStaticSeparateTY time =
   -- FiltR.meanStatic time, means that 't' = 'y'
   do f <- toFrequencyScalar time
      return $ \ x ->
         let tInt  = round ((recip f - 1)/2)
             width = tInt*2+1
         in  SigA.processBody
                ((SigA.asTypeOfAmplitude (recip (fromIntegral width)) x *> ) .
                 Delay.staticNeg tInt .
                 MA.sumsStaticInt width) x

{- | needs a better handling of boundaries, yet -}
{-# INLINE mean #-}
mean :: (Additive.C yv, RealRing.C q,
         Module.C q yv, Dim.C u, Dim.C v) =>
      DN.T (Dim.Recip u) q    {- ^ minimum cut-off frequency -}
   -> Proc.T s u q (
        SigA.R s (Dim.Recip u) q q
                              {- v cut-off frequencies -}
     -> SigA.R s v q yv
     -> SigA.R s v q yv)
mean minFreq =
   FiltR.mean minFreq

{-# INLINE delay #-}
delay :: (Additive.C yv, Field.C y, RealRing.C t, Dim.C u, Dim.C v) =>
      DN.T u t
   -> Proc.T s u t (
        SigA.R s v y yv
     -> SigA.R s v y yv)
delay time =
   do t <- toTimeScalar time
      return $ SigA.processBody (Delay.static (round t))

{-# INLINE phaseModulation #-}
phaseModulation ::
   (Additive.C yv, RealRing.C q, Dim.C u, Dim.C v,
    Sample.C q, Sample.C yv) =>
      Interpolation.T q yv
   -> DN.T u q
          {- ^ minDelay, minimal delay, may be negative -}
   -> DN.T u q
          {- ^ maxDelay, maximal delay, it must be @minDelay <= maxDelay@
               and the modulation must always be
               in the range [minDelay,maxDelay]. -}
   -> Proc.T s u q (
        SigA.R s u q q
          {- v delay control, positive numbers meanStatic delay,
               negative numbers meanStatic prefetch -}
     -> SigA.R s v q yv
     -> SigA.R s v q yv)
phaseModulation ip minDelay maxDelay =
   FiltR.phaseModulation ip minDelay maxDelay

{-# INLINE frequencyModulation #-}
frequencyModulation ::
   (Flat.C flat q, Additive.C yv, RealRing.C q, Dim.C u, Dim.C v) =>
      Interpolation.T q yv
   -> Proc.T s u q (
        RP.T s flat q    {- v frequency factors -}
     -> SigA.R s v q yv
     -> SigA.R s v q yv)
frequencyModulation ip =
   Proc.pure $
      \ factors ->
             (FiltR.interpolateMultiRelativeZeroPad ip (Flat.toSamples factors))

{- |
Frequency modulation where the input signal can have a sample rate
different from the output.
(The sample rate values can differ, the unit must be the same.
We could lift that restriction,
but then the unit handling becomes more complicated,
and I didn't have a use for it so far.)

The function can be used for resampling.
{-# INLINE frequencyModulationDecoupled #-}
frequencyModulationDecoupled ::
   (Flat.C flat q, Additive.C yv, RealRing.C q, Dim.C u, Dim.C v) =>
      Interpolation.T q yv
   -> Proc.T s u q (
        RP.T s flat q    {- v frequency factors -}
     -> SigP.T u q (SigA.D v q SigS.S) yv
     -> SigA.R s v q yv)
frequencyModulationDecoupled ip =
      (\toFreq factors y ->
         flip SigA.processBody (RP.fromSignal (SigP.signal y)) $
            FiltR.interpolateMultiRelativeZeroPad ip
               (SigA.scalarSamples toFreq
                  (SigA.fromBody (SigA.actualSampleRate y) (Flat.toSamples factors))))
      (Proc.withParam Proc.toFrequencyScalar)

{- | symmetric phaser -}
{-# INLINE phaser #-}
phaser ::
   (Additive.C yv, RealRing.C q,
    Module.C q yv, Dim.C u, Dim.C v,
    Sample.C q, Sample.C yv) =>
      Interpolation.T q yv
   -> DN.T u q  {- ^ maxDelay, must be positive -}
   -> Proc.T s u q (
        SigA.R s u q q
                {- v delay control -}
     -> SigA.R s v q yv
     -> SigA.R s v q yv)
phaser = FiltR.phaser

{-# INLINE phaserStereo #-}
phaserStereo ::
   (Additive.C yv, RealRing.C q,
    Module.C q yv, Dim.C u, Dim.C v,
    Sample.C q, Sample.C yv) =>
      Interpolation.T q yv
   -> DN.T u q   {- ^ maxDelay, must be positive -}
   -> Proc.T s u q (
        SigA.R s u q q
                 {- v delay control -}
     -> SigA.R s v q yv
     -> SigA.R s v q (Stereo.T yv))
phaserStereo = FiltR.phaserStereo

type FrequencyFilter s u q ic amp yv0 yv1 =
   Proc.T s u q
         (CCProc.Converter s
             (Sample.Dimensional (Dim.Recip u) q q)
                 {- v signal for cut off and band center frequency -}
         (CausalD.T s
             (Sample.T amp yv0, CCProc.SampleRateDep s ic)
             (Sample.T amp yv1)))

{-# INLINE firstOrderLowpass #-}
{-# INLINE firstOrderHighpass #-}
firstOrderLowpass, firstOrderHighpass ::
   (Trans.C q, Module.C q yv, Dim.C u) =>
   FrequencyFilter s u q (Filt1.Parameter q) amp yv yv
firstOrderLowpass  = firstOrderGen Filt1.lowpassModifier
firstOrderHighpass = firstOrderGen Filt1.highpassModifier

{-# INLINE firstOrderGen #-}
firstOrderGen ::
   (Trans.C q, Module.C q yv, Dim.C u) =>
      (Modifier yv (Filt1.Parameter q) yv yv)
--      (Sig.T (Filt1.Parameter q) -> Sig.T yv -> Sig.T yv)
   -> FrequencyFilter s u q (Filt1.Parameter q) amp yv yv
firstOrderGen modif =
   frequencyControl Filt1.parameter (Causal.fromSimpleModifier modif)

{-# INLINE butterworthLowpass #-}
{-# INLINE butterworthHighpass #-}
{-# INLINE chebyshevALowpass #-}
{-# INLINE chebyshevAHighpass #-}
{-# INLINE chebyshevBLowpass #-}
{-# INLINE chebyshevBHighpass #-}

butterworthLowpass, butterworthHighpass ::
   (Trans.C a, Module.C a yv, Storable a, Storable yv, Dim.C u) =>
   NonNeg.Int   {- ^ Order of the filter, must be even,
                     the higher the order, the sharper is the separation of frequencies. -}  ->
   ResonantFilter s u a (Butter.Parameter a) amp yv yv

chebyshevALowpass, chebyshevAHighpass ::
   (Trans.C a, Module.C a yv, Storable a, Storable yv, Dim.C u) =>
   NonNeg.Int ->
   ResonantFilter s u a (Cheby.ParameterA a) amp yv yv

chebyshevBLowpass, chebyshevBHighpass ::
   (Trans.C a, Module.C a yv, Storable a, Storable yv, Dim.C u) =>
   NonNeg.Int ->
   ResonantFilter s u a (Cheby.ParameterB a) amp yv yv

butterworthLowpass  = higherOrderNoResoGen (Butter.parameter FiltRec.Lowpass)  Butter.causal
butterworthHighpass = higherOrderNoResoGen (Butter.parameter FiltRec.Highpass) Butter.causal
chebyshevALowpass   = higherOrderNoResoGen (Cheby.parameterA FiltRec.Lowpass)  Cheby.causalA
chebyshevAHighpass  = higherOrderNoResoGen (Cheby.parameterA FiltRec.Highpass) Cheby.causalA
chebyshevBLowpass   = higherOrderNoResoGen (Cheby.parameterB FiltRec.Lowpass)  Cheby.causalB
chebyshevBHighpass  = higherOrderNoResoGen (Cheby.parameterB FiltRec.Highpass) Cheby.causalB

{- ToDo:
initial value
{-# INLINE higherOrderNoResoGen #-}
higherOrderNoResoGen ::
   (Field.C a, Module.C a yv, Storable a, Storable yv, Dim.C u) =>
   (Int -> FiltRec.Pole a -> param) ->
   (Int -> Causal.T (param, yv) yv) ->
   NonNeg.Int ->
   ResonantFilter s u a param amp yv yv

higherOrderNoResoGen mkParam causal order =
   let orderInt = NonNeg.toNumber order
   in  frequencyResonanceControl
          (mkParam orderInt)
          (causal orderInt)

{-# INLINE butterworthLowpassPole #-}
{-# INLINE butterworthHighpassPole #-}
{-# INLINE chebyshevALowpassPole #-}
{-# INLINE chebyshevAHighpassPole #-}
{-# INLINE chebyshevBLowpassPole #-}
{-# INLINE chebyshevBHighpassPole #-}

butterworthLowpassPole, butterworthHighpassPole,
   chebyshevALowpassPole, chebyshevAHighpassPole,
   chebyshevBLowpassPole, chebyshevBHighpassPole ::
   (Trans.C q, Module.C q yv, Dim.C u) =>
   NonNeg.Int   {- ^ Order of the filter, must be even,
                     the higher the order, the sharper is the separation of frequencies. -}  ->
   ResonantFilter s u q (FiltRec.Pole q) amp yv yv

butterworthLowpassPole  = higherOrderNoResoGenPole Butter.lowpassCausalPole
butterworthHighpassPole = higherOrderNoResoGenPole Butter.highpassCausalPole
chebyshevALowpassPole   = higherOrderNoResoGenPole Cheby.lowpassACausalPole
chebyshevAHighpassPole  = higherOrderNoResoGenPole Cheby.highpassACausalPole
chebyshevBLowpassPole   = higherOrderNoResoGenPole Cheby.lowpassBCausalPole
chebyshevBHighpassPole  = higherOrderNoResoGenPole Cheby.highpassBCausalPole

{- ToDo:
initial value
{-# INLINE higherOrderNoResoGenPole #-}
higherOrderNoResoGenPole ::
   (Field.C q, Dim.C u) =>
   (Int -> Causal.T (FiltRec.Pole q, yv) yv) ->
   NonNeg.Int ->
   ResonantFilter s u q (FiltRec.Pole q) amp yv yv

higherOrderNoResoGenPole filt order =
   let orderInt = NonNeg.toNumber order
   in  frequencyResonanceControl id (filt orderInt)

type ResonantFilter s u q ic amp yv0 yv1 =
   Proc.T s u q
         (CCProc.Converter s
             (Sample.Dimensional Dim.Scalar q q,
              Sample.Dimensional (Dim.Recip u) q q)
                   {- v signal for resonance,
                        i.e. factor of amplification at the resonance frequency
                        relatively to the transition band. -}
                   {- v signal for cut off and band center frequency -}
         (CausalD.T s
             (Sample.T amp yv0, CCProc.SampleRateDep s ic)
             (Sample.T amp yv1)))

-- ToDo: use this one instead of ResonantFilter
type ResonantFilterFlat s u q ic amp yv0 yv1 =
   Proc.T s u q
         (CCProc.Converter s
             (Sample.Flat q, Sample.Dimensional (Dim.Recip u) q q)
                   {- v signal for resonance,
                        i.e. factor of amplification at the resonance frequency
                        relatively to the transition band. -}
                   {- v signal for cut off and band center frequency -}
         (CausalD.T s
             (Sample.T amp yv0, CCProc.SampleRateDep s ic)
             (Sample.T amp yv1)))

{-# INLINE highpassFromUniversal #-}
{-# INLINE bandpassFromUniversal #-}
{-# INLINE lowpassFromUniversal #-}
{-# INLINE bandlimitFromUniversal #-}
highpassFromUniversal, lowpassFromUniversal,
  bandpassFromUniversal, bandlimitFromUniversal ::
   CausalD.Single s amp amp (UniFilter.Result yv) yv
--   Proc.T s u q (CausalD.T s amp amp (UniFilter.Result yv) yv)
highpassFromUniversal  = homogeneousMap UniFilter.highpass
bandpassFromUniversal  = homogeneousMap UniFilter.bandpass
lowpassFromUniversal   = homogeneousMap UniFilter.lowpass
bandlimitFromUniversal = homogeneousMap UniFilter.bandlimit

homogeneousMap ::
   (yv0 -> yv1) ->
   CausalD.Single s amp amp yv0 yv1
--   Proc.T s u t (CausalD.T s amp amp yv0 yv1)
homogeneousMap f =
   CausalD.homogeneous (Causal.map f)
--   Proc.pure (CausalD.homogeneous (Causal.map f))

{-# INLINE universal #-}
universal ::
   (Trans.C q, Module.C q yv, Dim.C u) =>
   ResonantFilter s u q (UniFilter.Parameter q) amp yv (UniFilter.Result yv)
universal =

{-# INLINE moogLowpass #-}
moogLowpass ::
   (Trans.C q, Module.C q yv, Dim.C u) =>
   -> ResonantFilter s u q (Moog.Parameter q) amp yv yv
moogLowpass order =
   let orderInt = NonNeg.toNumber order
   in  frequencyResonanceControl
          (Moog.parameter orderInt)
          (Moog.lowpassCausal orderInt)

{-# INLINE allpassCascade #-}
{- | the lowest comb frequency is used as the filter frequency -}
allpassCascade :: (Trans.C q, Module.C q yv, Dim.C u) =>
      NonNeg.Int  {- ^ order, number of filters in the cascade -}
   -> q           {- ^ the phase shift to be achieved for the given frequency -}
   -> FrequencyFilter s u q (Allpass.Parameter q) amp yv yv
allpassCascade order phase =
   let orderInt = NonNeg.toNumber order
   in  frequencyControl
          (Allpass.cascadeParameter orderInt phase)
          (Allpass.cascadeCausal orderInt)

{-# INLINE allpassPhaser #-}
{- |
We use the mixing ratio as resonance parameter.
Mixing ratio @r@ means:
Amplify input by @r@ and delayed signal by @1-r@.
Maximum effect is achieved for @r=0.5@.
allpassPhaser :: (Trans.C q, Module.C q yv, Dim.C u) =>
      NonNeg.Int  {- ^ order, number of filters in the cascade -}
   -> ResonantFilter s u q (q, Allpass.Parameter q) amp yv yv
allpassPhaser order =
   let orderInt = NonNeg.toNumber order
   in  frequencyResonanceControl
          (\x ->
             (FiltRec.poleResonance x,
              Allpass.flangerParameter orderInt $
              FiltRec.poleFrequency x))
          (uncurry affineComb ^<<
           Causal.second (Causal.fanout
              (Allpass.cascadeCausal orderInt) (Causal.map snd))
            <<^ (\((r,p),x) -> (r,(p,x))))

The handling of amplitudes is not efficient and the results may surprise.
Due to rounding errors the output amplitude may differ from input amplitude.
This problem can only be overcome by a specialised low-level routine.

allpassPhaser :: (Trans.C q, Module.C q yv, Dim.C u) =>
      NonNeg.Int  {- ^ order, number of filters in the cascade -}
   -> q           {- ^ mixing ratio @x@ means:
                       amplify input by @x@ and
                       amplify delayed signal by @1-x@.
                       Maximum effect is achieved for @x=0.5@. -}
   -> FrequencyFilter s u q (Allpass.Parameter q) amp yv yv
allpassPhaser order r =
-- incomplete
      (fmap $ \ap ->
         mix CausalD.<<<
            (amplify r)
            (amplify (1-r) CausalD.<<< ap))
      (Filt.allpassCascade 20 Filt.allpassFlangerPhase)

{-# INLINE frequencyControl #-}
frequencyControl ::
   (Field.C q, Dim.C u) =>
   (q -> ic) ->
   Causal.T (ic, yv0) yv1 ->
   FrequencyFilter s u q ic amp yv0 yv1

frequencyControl mkParam filt =
   do toFreq <- Proc.withParam toFrequencyScalar
      return $ CCProc.Cons
         (CCProc.makeConverter $ \ (Amp.Numeric freqAmp) ->
            let k = toFreq freqAmp
            in  \ freq -> mkParam $ k*freq)
         (CausalD.consFlip $ \ (xAmp, Amp.Abstract) ->
            (xAmp, filt <<^ mapFst CCProc.unRateDep . swap))
--         (\ params -> SigA.processBody (filt params))

{-# INLINE frequencyResonanceControl #-}
frequencyResonanceControl ::
   (Field.C q, Dim.C u) =>
   (FiltRec.Pole q -> ic) ->
   Causal.T (ic, yv0) yv1 ->
   ResonantFilter s u q ic amp yv0 yv1

frequencyResonanceControl mkParam filt =
   flip fmap (Proc.withParam toFrequencyScalar) $ \toFreq ->
         (CCProc.makeConverter $ \ (Amp.Numeric resoAmp, Amp.Numeric freqAmp) ->
            let k = toFreq freqAmp
            in  \ (reso, freq) -> mkParam $
                    FiltRec.Pole (DN.toNumber resoAmp * reso) (k*freq))
         (CausalD.consFlip $ \ (xAmp, Amp.Abstract) ->
            (xAmp, filt <<^ mapFst CCProc.unRateDep . swap))
         -- CausalD.homogeneous almost fits, but it cannot handle the control input

{-# INLINE _frequencyResonanceControlFlat #-}
_frequencyResonanceControlFlat ::
   (Field.C q, Dim.C u) =>
   (FiltRec.Pole q -> ic) ->
   Modifier.Simple state ic yv0 yv1 ->
   ResonantFilterFlat s u q ic amp yv0 yv1

_frequencyResonanceControlFlat mkParam filt =
   flip fmap (Proc.withParam toFrequencyScalar) $ \toFreq ->
         (CCProc.makeConverter $ \ (Amp.Flat, Amp.Numeric freqAmp) ->
            let k = toFreq freqAmp
            in  \ (reso, freq) ->
                    mkParam $ FiltRec.Pole reso (k*freq))
         (CausalD.consFlip $ \ (xAmp, Amp.Abstract) ->
             Causal.fromSimpleModifier filt <<^ mapFst CCProc.unRateDep . swap))
         -- CausalD.homogeneous almost fits, but it cannot handle the control input

{- | Infinitely many equi-delayed exponentially decaying echos. -}
{-# INLINE comb #-}
comb :: (RealRing.C t, Module.C y yv, Dim.C u, Dim.C v, Sample.C yv) =>
   DN.T u t -> y -> Proc.T s u t (SigA.R s v y yv -> SigA.R s v y yv)
comb = FiltR.comb

{- | Infinitely many equi-delayed echos processed by an arbitrary time-preserving signal processor. -}
{-# INLINE combProc #-}
combProc ::
   (RealRing.C t, Absolute.C y, Field.C y, Module.C y yv, Sample.C yv,
    Dim.C u, Dim.C v) =>
   DN.T u t ->
   Proc.T s u t (SigA.R s v y yv -> SigA.R s v y yv) ->
   Proc.T s u t (SigA.R s v y yv -> SigA.R s v y yv)
combProc time proc =
   do f <- proc
      t <- fmap round $ toTimeScalar time
      let chunkSize = SigSt.chunkSize t
      return $ \x ->
            (Sig.fromStorableSignal .
             Comb.runProc t
                (Sig.toStorableSignal chunkSize .
                 SigA.vectorSamples (SigA.toAmplitudeScalar x) .
                 f .
                 SigA.fromBody (SigA.actualAmplitude x) .
                 Sig.fromStorableSignal) .
             Sig.toStorableSignal chunkSize) x

{-# INLINE integrate #-}
integrate :: (Additive.C yv, Field.C q, Dim.C u, Dim.C v) =>
   Proc.T s u q
      (CausalD.T s (Sample.Dimensional v q yv) (Sample.Dimensional (Dim.Mul u v) q yv))
integrate =
   flip fmap Proc.getSampleRate $ \rate ->
      CausalD.consFlip $ \ (Amp.Numeric amp) ->
         (Amp.Numeric $
              (Dim.commute . Dim.applyRightMul Dim.invertRecip) $
          amp &/& rate,