{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Synthesizer.LLVM.Plug.Input where import qualified Synthesizer.Zip as Zip import qualified Synthesizer.LLVM.ConstantPiece as Const import qualified LLVM.Extra.Memory as Memory import qualified LLVM.Extra.Arithmetic as A import qualified LLVM.Extra.Class as Class import qualified LLVM.Extra.Control as C import qualified LLVM.Core as LLVM import LLVM.Extra.Class (MakeValueTuple, ) import qualified Data.TypeLevel.Num as TypeNum import Control.Applicative (liftA2, ) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Tuple.HT (mapFst, mapPair, swap, ) import qualified Synthesizer.PiecewiseConstant.ALSA.MIDIControllerSet as PCS import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.Signal as SigG import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.BodyTime as EventListBT import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.MixedTime as EventListMT import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.TimeTime as EventListTT import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Wrapper as NonNegW import qualified Data.StorableVector as SV import qualified Data.StorableVector.Base as SVB import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Array as Array import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Alloc as Alloc import qualified Foreign.ForeignPtr as FPtr import Foreign.Storable (Storable, pokeElemOff, ) import Data.Word (Word32, ) {- This datatype does not provide an early exit option, e.g. by Maybe.T, since we warrant that the driver function will always read only as much data as is available. To this end you must provide a @length@ function via an instance of 'Synthesizer.Generic.Cut.Read'. -} data T a b = forall state packed size ioContext paramTuple paramValue paramPacked paramSize. (Storable paramTuple, MakeValueTuple paramTuple paramValue, Memory.C paramValue paramPacked, LLVM.IsSized paramPacked paramSize, Memory.C state packed, LLVM.IsSized packed size) => Cons (forall r. paramValue -> state -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (b, state)) -- compute next value (forall r. paramValue -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r state) -- initial state (a -> IO (ioContext, paramTuple)) {- initialization from IO monad This is called once input chunk. This will be run within unsafePerformIO, so no observable In/Out actions please! -} (ioContext -> IO ()) {- finalization from IO monad, also run within unsafePerformIO -} instance Functor (T a) where fmap f (Cons next start create delete) = Cons (\p s -> fmap (mapFst f) $ next p s) start create delete class Default a b | a -> b where deflt :: T a b instance (Default a c, Default b d) => Default (Zip.T a b) (c,d) where deflt = split deflt deflt instance Default SigG.LazySize () where deflt = lazySize instance (Storable a, MakeValueTuple a value, Memory.C value struct) => Default (SV.Vector a) value where deflt = storableVector {- This is intentionally restricted to NonNegW.Int aka StrictTimeShort, since chunks must fit into memory. If you have good reasons to allow other types, see the versioning history for an according hack. -} instance (Storable a, MakeValueTuple a value, Memory.C value struct, LLVM.IsSized struct size) => Default (EventListBT.T NonNegW.Int a) value where deflt = piecewiseConstant rmap :: (a -> b) -> T b c -> T a c rmap f (Cons next start create delete) = Cons next start (create . f) delete split :: T a c -> T b d -> T (Zip.T a b) (c,d) split (Cons nextA startA createA deleteA) (Cons nextB startB createB deleteB) = Cons (\(parameterA, parameterB) (sa0,sb0) -> do (a,sa1) <- nextA parameterA sa0 (b,sb1) <- nextB parameterB sb0 return ((a,b), (sa1,sb1))) (\(parameterA, parameterB) -> liftA2 (,) (startA parameterA) (startB parameterB)) (\(Zip.Cons a b) -> do (ca,paramA) <- createA a (cb,paramB) <- createB b return ((ca,cb), (paramA, paramB))) (\(ca,cb) -> deleteA ca >> deleteB cb) lazySize :: T SigG.LazySize () lazySize = Cons (\ _ _ -> return ((), ())) return (\ _lazySize -> return ((), ())) (const $ return ()) storableVector :: (Storable a, MakeValueTuple a value, Memory.C value struct) => T (SV.Vector a) value storableVector = Cons (\ _ p -> liftA2 (,) (Memory.load p) (A.advanceArrayElementPtr p)) return (\vec -> let (fp,s,_l) = SVB.toForeignPtr vec in return (fp, Memory.castStorablePtr $ FPtr.unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fp `Array.advancePtr` s)) -- keep the foreign ptr alive FPtr.touchForeignPtr {- I would like to re-use code from ConstantPiece here. Unfortunately, it is based on the LLVM-Maybe-Monad, but here we do not accept early exit. -} piecewiseConstant :: (Storable a, MakeValueTuple a value, Memory.C value struct, LLVM.IsSized struct size) => T (EventListBT.T NonNegW.Int a) value piecewiseConstant = case rmap (uncurry Zip.Cons . mapPair (SV.pack . map ((fromIntegral :: Int -> Word32) . NonNegW.toNumber), SV.pack) . swap . unzip . EventListBT.toPairList) $ fmap (uncurry Const.Cons) $ split storableVector storableVector of Cons next start create delete -> Cons (\param state0 -> do (Const.Cons length1 y1, s1) <- C.whileLoopShared state0 (\(Const.Cons len _y, s) -> (A.cmp LLVM.CmpEQ len Class.zeroTuple, next param s)) length2 <- A.dec length1 return (y1, (Const.Cons length2 y1, s1))) (\param -> fmap ((,) (Const.Cons Class.zeroTuple Class.undefTuple)) $ start param) create delete {- | Return an Array and not a pointer to an array, in order to forbid writing to the array. -} controllerSet :: (TypeNum.Nat n, Memory.FirstClass a b, Storable a, MakeValueTuple a (LLVM.Value a), LLVM.IsSized a asize, LLVM.IsSized b bsize) => n -> T (PCS.T Int a) (LLVM.Value (LLVM.Array n a)) controllerSet n = case storableVector of Cons next start create delete -> Cons (\((arrPtr, _), param) state0 -> do (length2, s2) <- C.whileLoopShared state0 (\(len0, s0) -> (A.cmp LLVM.CmpEQ len0 Class.zeroTuple, do ((len1, (i,a)), s1) <- next param s0 LLVM.store a =<< LLVM.getElementPtr arrPtr (i, ()) return (len1, s1))) length3 <- A.dec length2 arr <- LLVM.load =<< LLVM.bitcastUnify arrPtr return (arr, (length3, s2))) (\((_, initialTime), param) -> do state <- start param return (initialTime, state)) (\pcs -> EventListMT.switchTimeL (\initialTime bt -> do (context, param) <- create (SV.pack . map (\((i,a),len) -> (fromIntegral len :: Word32, (fromIntegral i :: Word32, a))) . EventListBT.toPairList $ bt) -- FIXME: handle memory exhaustion arr <- Array.mallocArray (TypeNum.toInt n) flip mapM_ (Map.toList $ PCS.initial pcs) $ \(i,a) -> if i >= TypeNum.toInt n then error "Plug.Input.controllerSet: array too small" else pokeElemOff arr i a return ((arr, context), ((arr, fromIntegral initialTime :: Word32), param))) {- It would be more elegant, if we could pass Arrays around just like Vectors. return (context, ((sampleArray (\i -> maybe Class.undefTuple Class.valueTupleOf $ Map.lookup i (PCS.initial pcs)), time), param))) -} (EventListTT.flatten (PCS.stream pcs))) (\(arr, context) -> Alloc.free arr >> delete context) {- We might provide a plug that maps from a sequence of time-stamped controller events to a stream of (Array Controller Value). This way, we could select controllers more easily from within an causal arrow. The disadvantage is, that MIDI controller numbers are then hard-wired into the arrow. Instead we could use a stream of (Array Index Value) and a global mapping (Array Controller (Maybe Index)). This way would both save memory and make the controller numbers exchangeable. We also have to cope with initialization of values and have to assert that the exponential function is computed only once per constant piece in controllerExponential. -}