module Synthesizer.LLVM.Server.Option ( T(..), get, defaultChannel, Play.defaultChunkSize, defaultSampleRate, defaultLatency, SampleRate(SampleRate), sampleRate, ) where import qualified Synthesizer.Storable.ALSA.Play as Play import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.Signal as SigG import qualified Data.StorableVector.Lazy as SVL import Synthesizer.EventList.ALSA.MIDI (ClientName(ClientName)) import qualified Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel as ChannelMsg import System.Console.GetOpt (getOpt, ArgOrder(..), OptDescr(..), ArgDescr(..), usageInfo, ) import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName, ) import System.Exit (exitSuccess, exitFailure, ) import qualified System.IO as IO import Control.Monad (when, ) import qualified NumericPrelude.Numeric as NP import Prelude hiding (Real, ) data T = Cons { device :: Play.Device, clientName :: ClientName, channel, extraChannel :: ChannelMsg.Channel, sampleDirectory :: FilePath, sampleRateInt :: SampleRate Integer, chunkSize :: SVL.ChunkSize, lazySize :: SigG.LazySize, periodTime :: Double, latency :: Int } deriving (Show) deflt :: T deflt = Cons { device = Play.defaultDevice, clientName = defaultClientName, channel = defaultChannel, extraChannel = ChannelMsg.toChannel 1, sampleDirectory = "speech", sampleRateInt = SampleRate defaultSampleRate, chunkSize = Play.defaultChunkSize, lazySize = error "Option.lazySize must be initialized after option parsing", periodTime = error "Option.periodTime must be initialized after option parsing", latency = defaultLatency } defaultClientName :: ClientName defaultClientName = ClientName "Haskell-LLVM-Synthesizer" defaultChannel :: ChannelMsg.Channel defaultChannel = ChannelMsg.toChannel 0 defaultSampleRate :: Num a => a -- defaultSampleRate = 24000 -- defaultSampleRate = 48000 defaultSampleRate = 44100 defaultLatency :: Int defaultLatency = -- 0 -- 256 1024 newtype SampleRate a = SampleRate a deriving (Show) instance Functor SampleRate where fmap f (SampleRate sr) = SampleRate (f sr) sampleRate :: Num a => T -> SampleRate a sampleRate = fmap fromInteger . sampleRateInt exitFailureMsg :: String -> IO a exitFailureMsg msg = IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr msg >> exitFailure parseChannel :: String -> IO ChannelMsg.Channel parseChannel str = case reads str of [(chan, "")] -> if 0<=chan && chan<16 then return $ ChannelMsg.toChannel chan else exitFailureMsg "MIDI channel must a number from 0..15" _ -> exitFailureMsg $ "channel must be a number, but is '" ++ str ++ "'" parseNumber :: (Read a) => String -> (a -> Bool) -> String -> String -> IO a parseNumber name constraint constraintName str = case reads str of [(n, "")] -> if constraint n then return n else exitFailureMsg $ name ++ " must be a " ++ constraintName ++ " number" _ -> exitFailureMsg $ name ++ " must be a number, but is '" ++ str ++ "'" maxInt :: Integer maxInt = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int) {- Guide for common Linux/Unix command-line options: -} description :: [OptDescr (T -> IO T)] description = Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg $ \ _flags -> do programName <- getProgName putStrLn (usageInfo ("Usage: " ++ programName ++ " [OPTIONS]") description) exitSuccess) "show options" : Option ['d'] ["device"] (flip ReqArg "NAME" $ \str flags -> return $ flags{device = str}) "select ALSA output device" : Option [] ["clientname"] (flip ReqArg "NAME" $ \str flags -> return $ flags{clientName = ClientName str}) "name of the ALSA client" : Option ['r'] ["samplerate"] (flip ReqArg "RATE" $ \str flags -> fmap (\rate -> flags{sampleRateInt = SampleRate rate}) $ parseNumber "sample-rate" (\n -> 0 fmap (\size -> flags{chunkSize = SVL.ChunkSize $ fromInteger size}) $ parseNumber "blocksize" (\n -> 0 fmap (\size -> flags{latency = fromInteger size}) $ parseNumber "latency" (\n -> 0<=n && n<=maxInt) "non-negative" str) "latency as number of sample-frames" : Option ['c'] ["channel"] (flip ReqArg "CHANNEL" $ \str flags -> fmap (\chan -> flags{channel = chan}) $ parseChannel str) "select MIDI input channel (0-based)" : Option [] ["extra-channel"] (flip ReqArg "CHANNEL" $ \str flags -> fmap (\chan -> flags{extraChannel = chan}) $ parseChannel str) "select MIDI channel with effects" : Option ['I'] ["sample-directory"] (flip ReqArg "DIR" $ \str flags -> return $ flags{sampleDirectory = str}) "directory for sound samples" : [] get :: IO T get = do argv <- getArgs let (opts, files, errors) = getOpt RequireOrder description argv when (not $ null errors) $ exitFailureMsg (init (concat errors)) when (not $ null files) $ exitFailureMsg $ "Do not know what to do with arguments " ++ show files fmap (\actual -> case chunkSize actual of SVL.ChunkSize size -> actual { lazySize = SigG.LazySize size, periodTime = NP.fromIntegral size NP./ case sampleRate actual of SampleRate sr -> sr }) $ foldl (>>=) (return deflt) opts