synthesizer-llvm- Efficient signal processing using runtime compilation

Safe HaskellNone




data T p a b Source


forall state ioContext startParamTuple nextParamTuple . (Storable startParamTuple, Storable nextParamTuple, MakeValueTuple startParamTuple, MakeValueTuple nextParamTuple, C (ValueTuple startParamTuple), C (ValueTuple nextParamTuple), C state) => Cons (forall r c. Phi c => ValueTuple nextParamTuple -> a -> state -> T r c (b, state)) (forall r. ValueTuple startParamTuple -> CodeGenFunction r state) (p -> IO (ioContext, (nextParamTuple, startParamTuple))) (ioContext -> IO ()) 


Arrow (T p) 
Category (T p) 
Functor (T p a) 
Applicative (T p a) 
(Field b, Real b, RationalConstant b) => Fractional (T p a b) 
(PseudoRing b, Real b, IntegerConstant b) => Num (T p a b) 
(Field b, RationalConstant b) => C (T p a b) 
(PseudoRing b, IntegerConstant b) => C (T p a b) 
Additive b => C (T p a b) 

simple :: (Storable startParamTuple, Storable nextParamTuple, MakeValueTuple startParamTuple, ValueTuple startParamTuple ~ startParamValue, MakeValueTuple nextParamTuple, ValueTuple nextParamTuple ~ nextParamValue, C startParamValue, C nextParamValue, C state) => (forall r c. Phi c => nextParamValue -> a -> state -> T r c (b, state)) -> (forall r. startParamValue -> CodeGenFunction r state) -> T p nextParamTuple -> T p startParamTuple -> T p a bSource

fromSignal :: T p b -> T p a bSource

toSignal :: T p () a -> T p aSource

mapAccum :: (Storable pnh, MakeValueTuple pnh, ValueTuple pnh ~ pnl, C pnl, Storable psh, MakeValueTuple psh, ValueTuple psh ~ psl, C psl, C s) => (forall r. pnl -> a -> s -> CodeGenFunction r (b, s)) -> (forall r. psl -> CodeGenFunction r s) -> T p pnh -> T p psh -> T p a bSource

map :: (Storable ph, MakeValueTuple ph, ValueTuple ph ~ pl, C pl) => (forall r. pl -> a -> CodeGenFunction r b) -> T p ph -> T p a bSource

mapSimple :: (forall r. a -> CodeGenFunction r b) -> T p a bSource

zipWithSimple :: (forall r. a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r c) -> T p (a, b) cSource

apply :: T p a b -> T p a -> T p bSource

compose :: T p a b -> T p b c -> T p a cSource

first :: T p b c -> T p (b, d) (c, d)Source

feedFst :: T p a -> T p b (a, b)Source

feedSnd :: T p a -> T p b (b, a)Source

loop :: (Storable ch, MakeValueTuple ch, ValueTuple ch ~ c, C c) => T p ch -> T p (a, c) (b, c) -> T p a bSource

Not quite the loop of ArrowLoop because we need a delay of one time step and thus an initialization value.

For a real ArrowLoop.loop, that is a zero-delay loop, we would formally need a MonadFix instance of CodeGenFunction. But this will not become reality, since LLVM is not able to re-order code in a way that allows to access a result before creating the input.

take :: T p Int -> T p a aSource

takeWhile :: (Storable ph, MakeValueTuple ph, ValueTuple ph ~ pl, C pl) => (forall r. pl -> a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value Bool)) -> T p ph -> T p a aSource

integrate :: (Storable a, Additive al, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ al, C al) => T p a -> T p al alSource

The first output value is the initial value. Thus integrate delays by one sample compared with integrate0.

applyFst :: T p (a, b) c -> T p a -> T p b cSource

($<) :: T p (a, b) c -> T p a -> T p b cSource

applySnd :: T p (a, b) c -> T p b -> T p a cSource

($>) :: T p (a, b) c -> T p b -> T p a cSource

($*) :: T p a b -> T p a -> T p bSource

($*#) :: (Storable ah, MakeValueTuple ah, ValueTuple ah ~ a, C a) => T p a b -> ah -> T p bSource

provide constant input in a comfortable way

($<#) :: (Storable ah, MakeValueTuple ah, ValueTuple ah ~ a, C a) => T p (a, b) c -> ah -> T p b cSource

($>#) :: (Storable bh, MakeValueTuple bh, ValueTuple bh ~ b, C b) => T p (a, b) c -> bh -> T p a cSource

mapAccumSimple :: C s => (forall r. a -> s -> CodeGenFunction r (b, s)) -> (forall r. CodeGenFunction r s) -> T p a bSource

replicateControlled :: Int -> T p (c, x) x -> T p (c, x) xSource

feedbackControlled :: (Storable ch, MakeValueTuple ch, ValueTuple ch ~ c, C c) => T p ch -> T p ((ctrl, a), c) b -> T p (ctrl, b) c -> T p (ctrl, a) bSource

fromModifier :: (Flatten ah, Registers ah ~ al, Flatten bh, Registers bh ~ bl, Flatten ch, Registers ch ~ cl, Flatten sh, Registers sh ~ sl, C sl) => Simple sh ch ah bh -> T p (cl, al) blSource

stereoFromMono :: T p a b -> T p (T a) (T b)Source

Run a causal process independently on each stereo channel.

stereoFromMonoControlled :: T p (c, a) b -> T p (c, T a) (T b)Source

stereoFromChannels :: T p a b -> T p a b -> T p (T a) (T b)Source

stereoFromVector :: (IsPrimitive a, IsPrimitive b) => T p (Value (Vector D2 a)) (Value (Vector D2 b)) -> T p (T (Value a)) (T (Value b))Source

vectorize :: (C va, n ~ Size va, a ~ Element va, C vb, n ~ Size vb, b ~ Element vb) => T p a b -> T p va vbSource

vectorizeSize :: (C va, n ~ Size va, a ~ Element va, C vb, n ~ Size vb, b ~ Element vb) => n -> T p a b -> T p va vbSource

replaceChannel :: (C va, n ~ Size va, a ~ Element va, C vb, n ~ Size vb, b ~ Element vb) => Int -> T p a b -> T p va vb -> T p va vbSource

Given a vector process, replace the i-th output by output that is generated by a scalar process from the i-th input.

arrayElement :: (IsFirstClass a, GetValue (Array dim a) index, ValueType (Array dim a) index ~ a, NaturalT index, NaturalT dim, (index :<: dim) ~ True) => index -> T p (Value (Array dim a)) (Value a)Source

Read the i-th element from each array.

element :: (IsFirstClass a, GetValue agg index, ValueType agg index ~ a) => index -> T p (Value agg) (Value a)Source

Read the i-th element from an aggregate type.

mix :: Additive a => T p (a, a) aSource

You may also use '(+)'.

raise :: (Additive al, Storable a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ al, C al) => T p a -> T p al alSource

You may also use '(+)' and a constant signal or a number literal.

envelope :: PseudoRing a => T p (a, a) aSource

You may also use '(*)'.

envelopeStereo :: PseudoRing a => T p (a, T a) (T a)Source

amplify :: (PseudoRing al, Storable a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ al, C al) => T p a -> T p al alSource

You may also use '(*)' and a constant signal or a number literal.

amplifyStereo :: (PseudoRing al, Storable a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ al, C al) => T p a -> T p (T al) (T al)Source

mapLinear :: (IsArithmetic a, Storable a, FirstClass a, Stored a ~ am, IsSized a, IsSized am, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ Value a) => T p a -> T p a -> T p (Value a) (Value a)Source

quantizeLift :: (C b, C c, IsFloating c, CmpRet c, CmpResult c ~ Bool, Storable c, MakeValueTuple c, ValueTuple c ~ Value c, FirstClass c, Stored c ~ cm, IsSized c, IsSized cm, IsConst c) => T p c -> T p a b -> T p a bSource

quantizeLift k f applies the process f to every kth sample and repeats the result k times.

Like interpolateConstant this function can be used for computation of filter parameters at a lower rate. This can be useful, if you have a frequency control signal at sample rate that shall be used both for an oscillator and a frequency filter.

osciCore :: (FirstClass t, Stored t ~ tm, IsSized t, IsSized tm, IsConst t, Fraction t, C t) => T p (Value t, Value t) (Value t)Source

Compute the phases from phase distortions and frequencies.

It's like integrate but with wrap-around performed by fraction. For FM synthesis we need also negative phase distortions, thus we use addToPhase which supports that.

osciSimple :: (FirstClass t, Stored t ~ tm, IsSized t, IsSized tm, IsConst t, Fraction t, C t) => (forall r. Value t -> CodeGenFunction r y) -> T p (Value t, Value t) ySource

shapeModOsci :: (FirstClass t, Stored t ~ tm, IsSized t, IsSized tm, IsConst t, Fraction t, C t) => (forall r. c -> Value t -> CodeGenFunction r y) -> T p (c, (Value t, Value t)) ySource

delay :: (Storable a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ al, C al) => T p a -> T p Int -> T p al alSource

Delay time must be non-negative.

The initial value is needed in order to determine the ring buffer element type.

delay1 :: (Storable a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ al, C al) => T p a -> T p al alSource

Delay by one sample. For very small delay times (say up to 8) it may be more efficient to apply delay1 several times or to use a pipeline, e.g. pipeline (id :: T (Vector D4 Float) (Vector D4 Float)) delays by 4 samples in an efficient way. In principle it would be also possible to use unpack (delay1 (const $ toVector (0,0,0,0))) but unpack causes an additional delay. Thus unpack (id :: T (Vector D4 Float) (Vector D4 Float)) may do, what you want.

differentiate :: (Additive al, Storable a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ al, C al) => T p a -> T p al alSource

comb :: (C a, Storable a, IsArithmetic a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ Value a, FirstClass a, Stored a ~ am, IsSized a, IsSized am) => T p a -> T p Int -> T p (Value a) (Value a)Source

Delay time must be greater than zero!

combStereo :: (C a, Storable a, IsArithmetic a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ Value a, FirstClass a, Stored a ~ am, IsSized a, IsSized am) => T p a -> T p Int -> T p (T (Value a)) (T (Value a))Source

reverb :: (C a, Random a, Storable a, IsArithmetic a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ Value a, FirstClass a, Stored a ~ am, IsSized a, IsSized am, RandomGen g) => g -> Int -> (a, a) -> (Int, Int) -> T p (Value a) (Value a)Source

Example: apply a stereo reverb to a mono sound.

    (\seed -> reverb (Random.mkStdGen seed) 16 (0.92,0.98) (200,1000))
    (Stereo.cons 42 23)

pipeline :: (C v, a ~ Element v, Zero v, C v) => T p v v -> T p a aSource

This allows to compute a chain of equal processes efficiently, if all of these processes can be bundled in one vectorial process. Applications are an allpass cascade or an FM operator cascade.

The function expects that the vectorial input process works like parallel scalar processes. The different pipeline stages may be controlled by different parameters, but the structure of all pipeline stages must be equal. Our function feeds the input of the pipelined process to the zeroth element of the Vector. The result of processing the i-th element (the i-th channel, so to speak) is fed to the (i+1)-th element. The (n-1)-th element of the vectorial process is emitted as output of pipelined process.

The pipeline necessarily introduces a delay of (n-1) values. For simplification we extend this to n values delay. If you need to combine the resulting signal from the pipeline with another signal in a zip-like way, you may delay that signal with pipeline id. The first input values in later stages of the pipeline are initialized with zero. If this is not appropriate for your application, then we may add a more sensible initialization.

frequencyModulationLinear :: (C a, IsFloating a, CmpRet a, CmpResult a ~ Bool, Storable a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ Value a, FirstClass a, Stored a ~ am, IsSized a, IsSized am, IsConst a) => T p (Value a) -> T p (Value a) (Value a)Source

 frequencyModulationLinear signal

is a causal process mapping from a shrinking factor to the modulated input signal. Similar to interpolateConstant but the factor is reciprocal and controllable and we use linear interpolation. The shrinking factor must be non-negative.

trigger :: (Storable a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ al, Select al, C al) => T p a -> T p al -> T p (Value Bool) alSource

trigger fill signal send signal to the output and restart it whenever the Boolean process input is True. Before the first occurrence of True and between instances of the signal the output is filled with the fill value.

Attention: This function will crash if the input generator uses fromStorableVectorLazy, piecewiseConstant or lazySize, since these functions contain mutable references and in-place updates, and thus they cannot read lazy Haskell data multiple times.

derefFillPtr :: Importer (Ptr param -> Word32 -> Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO Word32)Source

On each restart the parameters of type b are passed to the signal.

triggerParam :: (MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ al, MakeValueTuple b, ValueTuple b ~ bl) => Param.T p a -> (Param.T p b -> Sig.T p a) -> T p (Value Bool, bl) al triggerParam fill sig =

runStorable :: (Storable a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ valueA, C valueA, Storable b, MakeValueTuple b, ValueTuple b ~ valueB, C valueB) => T p valueA valueB -> IO (p -> Vector a -> Vector b)Source

applyStorable :: (Storable a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ valueA, C valueA, Storable b, MakeValueTuple b, ValueTuple b ~ valueB, C valueB) => T p valueA valueB -> p -> Vector a -> Vector bSource

derefChunkPtr :: Importer (Ptr nextParamStruct -> Ptr stateStruct -> Word32 -> Ptr structA -> Ptr structB -> IO Word32)Source

compileChunky :: (C valueA, Struct valueA ~ structA, C valueB, Struct valueB ~ structB, C state, Struct state ~ stateStruct, C startParamValue, Struct startParamValue ~ startParamStruct, C nextParamValue, Struct nextParamValue ~ nextParamStruct) => (forall r. nextParamValue -> valueA -> state -> T r (Value Bool, (Value (Ptr structB), state)) (valueB, state)) -> (forall r. startParamValue -> CodeGenFunction r state) -> IO (FunPtr (Ptr startParamStruct -> IO (Ptr stateStruct)), FunPtr (Ptr stateStruct -> IO ()), FunPtr (Ptr nextParamStruct -> Ptr stateStruct -> Word32 -> Ptr structA -> Ptr structB -> IO Word32))Source

derefStartParamPtr :: Importer (Ptr startParamStruct -> IO (Ptr stateStruct))Source

derefStopPtr :: Importer (Ptr stateStruct -> IO ())Source

compilePlugged :: (C state, Struct state ~ stateStruct, C startParamValue, Struct startParamValue ~ startParamStruct, C nextParamValue, Struct nextParamValue ~ nextParamStruct, Undefined stateIn, Phi stateIn, Undefined stateOut, Phi stateOut, C paramValueIn, Struct paramValueIn ~ paramStructIn, C paramValueOut, Struct paramValueOut ~ paramStructOut) => (forall r. paramValueIn -> stateIn -> CodeGenFunction r (valueA, stateIn)) -> (forall r. paramValueIn -> CodeGenFunction r stateIn) -> (forall r. nextParamValue -> valueA -> state -> T r (Value Bool, (Value Word32, (stateIn, state, stateOut))) (valueB, state)) -> (forall r. startParamValue -> CodeGenFunction r state) -> (forall r. paramValueOut -> valueB -> stateOut -> CodeGenFunction r stateOut) -> (forall r. paramValueOut -> CodeGenFunction r stateOut) -> IO (FunPtr (Ptr startParamStruct -> IO (Ptr stateStruct)), FunPtr (Ptr stateStruct -> IO ()), FunPtr (Ptr nextParamStruct -> Ptr stateStruct -> Word32 -> Ptr paramStructIn -> Ptr paramStructOut -> IO Word32))Source

runStorableChunky :: (Storable a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ valueA, C valueA, Storable b, MakeValueTuple b, ValueTuple b ~ valueB, C valueB) => T p valueA valueB -> IO (p -> Vector a -> Vector b)Source

runStorableChunkyCont :: (Storable a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ valueA, C valueA, Storable b, MakeValueTuple b, ValueTuple b ~ valueB, C valueB) => T p valueA valueB -> IO ((Vector a -> Vector b) -> p -> Vector a -> Vector b)Source

This function should be used instead of StorableVector.Lazy.Pattern.splitAt and subsequent append, because it does not have the risk of a memory leak.

applyStorableChunky :: (Storable a, MakeValueTuple a, ValueTuple a ~ valueA, C valueA, Storable b, MakeValueTuple b, ValueTuple b ~ valueB, C valueB) => T p valueA valueB -> p -> Vector a -> Vector bSource

processIOCore :: Read a => T a b -> T p b c -> T c d -> IO (p -> T a d)Source

processIO :: (Read a, Default a, Default d) => T p (Element a) (Element d) -> IO (p -> T a d)Source