{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
module Synthesizer.LLVM.Causal.ProcessPrivate where

import qualified Synthesizer.LLVM.Simple.SignalPrivate as Sig
import qualified Synthesizer.Causal.Class as CausalClass
import qualified Synthesizer.Causal.Utility as ArrowUtil

import qualified LLVM.Extra.Arithmetic as A
import qualified LLVM.Extra.MaybeContinuation as MaybeCont
import qualified LLVM.Extra.Memory as Memory
import LLVM.Extra.Class (Undefined, MakeValueTuple, ValueTuple, )

import LLVM.Util.Loop (Phi, )
import LLVM.Core (CodeGenFunction, Value, )

import Foreign.Storable (Storable, )

import System.Random (Random, RandomGen, randomR, )

import qualified Control.Arrow    as Arr
import qualified Control.Category as Cat
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as MS
import Control.Arrow (Arrow, arr, (<<<), (>>>), (&&&), )
import Control.Monad (liftM2, replicateM, )
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, pure, (<*>), )

import qualified Number.Ratio as Ratio
import qualified Algebra.Field as Field
import qualified Algebra.Ring as Ring
import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive

import NumericPrelude.Numeric
import NumericPrelude.Base hiding (and, map, zip, zipWith, init, )

import qualified Prelude as P

data Core context initState exitState a b =
   forall state.
      (Memory.C state) =>
      Core (forall r c.
            (Phi c) =>
            context ->
            a -> state -> MaybeCont.T r c (b, state))
               -- compute next value
           (forall r.
            initState ->
            CodeGenFunction r state)
               -- initial state
           (state -> exitState)
               -- extract final state for cleanup

   (CausalClass.C process, Sig.C (CausalClass.SignalOf process)) =>
      C process where
   simple ::
      (Memory.C state) =>
      (forall r c.
       (Phi c) =>
       a -> state -> MaybeCont.T r c (b, state)) ->
      (forall r. CodeGenFunction r state) ->
      process a b

   alter ::
      (forall contextLocal initState exitState.
          Core contextLocal initState exitState a0 b0 ->
          Core contextLocal initState exitState a1 b1) ->
      process a0 b0 -> process a1 b1

   replicateControlled ::
      (Undefined x, Phi x) =>
      Int -> process (c,x) x -> process (c,x) x

alterSignal ::
   (C process, CausalClass.SignalOf process ~ signal) =>
   (forall contextLocal initState exitState.
       Sig.Core contextLocal initState exitState a0 ->
       Core contextLocal initState exitState a1 b1) ->
   signal a0 -> process a1 b1
alterSignal f =
   alter (\(Core next start stop) -> f (Sig.Core (\c -> next c ()) start stop))

data T a b =
   forall state local ioContext parameters.
      (Storable parameters,
       MakeValueTuple parameters,
       Memory.C (ValueTuple parameters),
       Memory.C state) =>
      Cons (forall r c.
            (Phi c) =>
            ValueTuple parameters -> local ->
            a -> state -> MaybeCont.T r c (b, state))
               -- compute next value
           (forall r.
            CodeGenFunction r local)
               -- allocate temporary variables before a loop
           (forall r.
            ValueTuple parameters ->
            CodeGenFunction r state)
               -- initial state
           (IO (ioContext, parameters))
               -- initialization from IO monad
           (ioContext -> IO ())
               -- finalization from IO monad

type instance CausalClass.ProcessOf Sig.T = T

instance CausalClass.C T where
   type SignalOf T = Sig.T
   toSignal = toSignal
   fromSignal = fromSignal

instance C T where
   simple next start =
         (const $ \ () -> next)
         (return ())
         (const start)
         (return ((),()))
         (const $ return ())

   alter f (Cons next0 alloca start0 create delete) =
      case f (Core (uncurry next0) start0 id) of
         Core next1 start1 _ ->
            Cons (curry next1) alloca start1 create delete

   Could be implemented with a machine code loop like in CausalParameterized.
   But to this end we would need a 'stop' function.
   replicateControlled = CausalClass.replicateControlled

toSignal :: T () a -> Sig.T a
toSignal (Cons next alloca start createIOContext deleteIOContext) = Sig.Cons
   (\ioContext local -> next ioContext local ())
   createIOContext deleteIOContext

fromSignal :: Sig.T b -> T a b
fromSignal (Sig.Cons next alloca start createIOContext deleteIOContext) = Cons
   (\ioContext local _ -> next ioContext local)
   createIOContext deleteIOContext

map ::
   (C process) =>
   (forall r. a -> CodeGenFunction r b) ->
   process a b
map f =
   mapAccum (\a s -> fmap (flip (,) s) $ f a) (return ())

mapAccum ::
   (C process, Memory.C state) =>
   (forall r.
    a -> state -> CodeGenFunction r (b, state)) ->
   (forall r. CodeGenFunction r state) ->
   process a b
mapAccum next =
   simple (\a s -> MaybeCont.lift $ next a s)

zipWith ::
   (C process) =>
   (forall r. a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r c) ->
   process (a,b) c
zipWith f = map (uncurry f)

mapProc ::
   (C process) =>
   (forall r. b -> CodeGenFunction r c) ->
   process a b ->
   process a c
mapProc f x = map f <<< x

zipProcWith ::
   (C process) =>
   (forall r. b -> c -> CodeGenFunction r d) ->
   process a b ->
   process a c ->
   process a d
zipProcWith f x y = zipWith f <<< x&&&y

takeWhile ::
   (C process) =>
   (forall r. a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value Bool)) ->
   process a a
takeWhile p =
      (\a () -> do
         MaybeCont.guard =<< MaybeCont.lift (p a)
         return (a,()))
      (return ())

compose :: T a b -> T b c -> T a c
      (Cons nextA allocaA startA createIOContextA deleteIOContextA)
      (Cons nextB allocaB startB createIOContextB deleteIOContextB) = Cons
   (\(paramA, paramB) (localA, localB) a (sa0,sb0) -> do
      (b,sa1) <- nextA paramA localA a sa0
      (c,sb1) <- nextB paramB localB b sb0
      return (c, (sa1,sb1)))
   (liftM2 (,) allocaA allocaB)
   (Sig.combineStart startA startB)
   (Sig.combineCreate createIOContextA createIOContextB)
   (Sig.combineDelete deleteIOContextA deleteIOContextB)

first :: (C process) => process b c -> process (b, d) (c, d)
first = alter (\(Core next start stop) -> Core (firstNext next) start stop)

instance Cat.Category T where
   id = map return
   (.) = flip compose

instance Arr.Arrow T where
   arr f = map (return . f)
   first = first

instance Functor (T a) where
   fmap = ArrowUtil.map

instance Applicative (T a) where
   pure = ArrowUtil.pure
   (<*>) = ArrowUtil.apply

instance (A.Additive b) => Additive.C (T a b) where
   zero = pure A.zero
   negate = mapProc A.neg
   (+) = zipProcWith A.add
   (-) = zipProcWith A.sub

instance (A.PseudoRing b, A.IntegerConstant b) => Ring.C (T a b) where
   one = pure A.one
   fromInteger n = pure (A.fromInteger' n)
   (*) = zipProcWith A.mul

instance (A.Field b, A.RationalConstant b) => Field.C (T a b) where
   fromRational' x = pure (A.fromRational' $ Ratio.toRational98 x)
   (/) = zipProcWith A.fdiv

instance (A.PseudoRing b, A.Real b, A.IntegerConstant b) => P.Num (T a b) where
   fromInteger n = pure (A.fromInteger' n)
   negate = mapProc A.neg
   (+) = zipProcWith A.add
   (-) = zipProcWith A.sub
   (*) = zipProcWith A.mul
   abs = mapProc A.abs
   signum = mapProc A.signum

instance (A.Field b, A.Real b, A.RationalConstant b) => P.Fractional (T a b) where
   fromRational x = pure (A.fromRational' x)
   (/) = zipProcWith A.fdiv

firstNext ::
   (Functor m) =>
   (context -> a -> s -> m (b, s)) ->
   context -> (a, c) -> s -> m ((b, c), s)
firstNext next context (b,d) s0 =
      (\(c,s1) -> ((c,d), s1))
      (next context b s0)

loopNext ::
   (Monad m) =>
   (context -> (a,c) -> state -> m ((b,c), state)) ->
   context -> a -> (c, state) -> m (b, (c, state))
loopNext next ctx a0 (c0,s0) = do
   ((b1,c1), s1) <- next ctx (a0,c0) s0
   return (b1,(c1,s1))

feedbackControlledAux ::
   Arrow arrow =>
   arrow ((ctrl,a),c) b ->
   arrow (ctrl,b) c ->
   arrow ((ctrl,a),c) (b,c)
feedbackControlledAux forth back =
   arr (fst.fst) &&& forth  >>>  arr snd &&& back

reverbParams ::
   (RandomGen g, Random a) =>
   g -> Int -> (a, a) -> (Int, Int) -> [(a, Int)]
reverbParams rnd num gainRange timeRange =
   flip MS.evalState rnd $
   replicateM num $
   liftM2 (,)
      (MS.state (randomR gainRange))
      (MS.state (randomR timeRange))