{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Synthesizer.LLVM.CausalParameterized.FunctionalPlug ( T, ($&), (&|&), run, runPlugOut, fromSignal, plug, askParameter, Input, withArgs, withArgsPlugOut, MakeArguments, Arguments, makeArgs, ) where import qualified Synthesizer.LLVM.Plug.Input as PIn import qualified Synthesizer.LLVM.Plug.Output as POut import qualified Synthesizer.LLVM.CausalParameterized.Process as CausalP import qualified Synthesizer.LLVM.Parameterized.Signal as Sig import qualified Synthesizer.CausalIO.Process as PIO import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.Cut as CutG import qualified Synthesizer.Zip as Zip import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.BodyTime as EventListBT import qualified Data.StorableVector as SV import qualified LLVM.Extra.Arithmetic as A import LLVM.Core (CodeGenFunction, ) import qualified Number.Ratio as Ratio import qualified Algebra.Transcendental as Trans import qualified Algebra.Algebraic as Algebraic import qualified Algebra.Field as Field import qualified Algebra.Ring as Ring import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as MR import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as MS import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Vault.Lazy as Vault import Data.Vault.Lazy (Vault, ) import Data.Unique (Unique, newUnique, ) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, ) import Control.Arrow ((^<<), (<<^), arr, first, second, ) import Control.Category (id, (.), ) import Control.Applicative (Applicative, (<*>), pure, liftA2, liftA3, ) import qualified System.Unsafe as Unsafe import Prelude hiding (id, (.), ) {- | This data type detects sharing. -} {- There are two levels of the use of keys. At the top level, in T's State monad, we store an object id in order to check, whether we have already seen a certain object. If we encounter a known object then we use the Simple constructor and fetch the stored CausalP output within the causal process enclosed in Simple. This and the causal process in the Plugged constructor are the second level. These arrows handle a Vault like a state monad and insert all values they produce into the Vault. -} newtype T pp pl inp out = Cons (MS.State (Set.Set Unique) (Core pp pl inp out)) {- We need to hide the x and y types since these types grow when combining Cores, and then we could not define numeric instances. -} data Core pp pl inp out = forall x y. CutG.Read x => Plugged (pp -> inp -> x) (PIn.T x y) (CausalP.T pl (y, Vault) (out, Vault)) | {- The Simple constructor is needed for reusing shared CausalP processes and for input without external representation. (a Plug.Input) -} Simple (CausalP.T pl Vault (out, Vault)) applyCore :: CausalP.T pl (a, Vault) (b, Vault) -> Core pp pl inp a -> Core pp pl inp b applyCore f core = case core of Plugged prep plg process -> Plugged prep plg (f . process) Simple process -> Simple (f . process) combineCore :: Core pp pl inp a -> Core pp pl inp b -> Core pp pl inp (a,b) combineCore (Plugged prepA plugA processA) (Plugged prepB plugB processB) = Plugged (\p -> Zip.arrowFanout (prepA p) (prepB p)) (PIn.split plugA plugB) ((\(a,(b,v)) -> ((a,b), v)) ^<< second processB . arr (\((a,v),b) -> (a,(b,v))) . first processA <<^ (\((a,b),v) -> ((a,v),b))) combineCore (Simple processA) (Plugged prepB plugB processB) = Plugged prepB plugB ((\(b,(a,v)) -> ((a,b), v)) ^<< second processA . processB) combineCore (Plugged prepA plugA processA) (Simple processB) = Plugged prepA plugA ((\(a,(b,v)) -> ((a,b), v)) ^<< second processB . processA) combineCore (Simple processA) (Simple processB) = Simple ((\(a,(b,v)) -> ((a,b), v)) ^<< second processB . processA) reuseCore :: Vault.Key out -> Core pp pl inp out reuseCore key = Simple $ arr $ \vault -> (fromMaybe (error "key must have been lost") $ Vault.lookup key vault, vault) tag :: Unique -> Vault.Key out -> MS.State (Set.Set Unique) (Core pp pl inp out) -> T pp pl inp out tag unique key stateCore = Cons $ do alreadySeen <- MS.gets (Set.member unique) if alreadySeen then return $ reuseCore key else do MS.modify (Set.insert unique) fmap (applyCore (arr $ \(a,v) -> (a, Vault.insert key a v))) stateCore tagUnique :: MS.State (Set.Set Unique) (Core pp pl inp out) -> T pp pl inp out tagUnique core = Unsafe.performIO $ liftA3 tag newUnique Vault.newKey (pure core) infixr 0 $& ($&) :: CausalP.T pl a b -> T pp pl inp a -> T pp pl inp b f $& Cons core = tagUnique $ fmap (applyCore $ first f) core infixr 3 &|& (&|&) :: T pp pl inp a -> T pp pl inp b -> T pp pl inp (a,b) Cons coreA &|& Cons coreB = tagUnique $ liftA2 combineCore coreA coreB instance Functor (Core pp pl inp) where fmap f (Simple process) = Simple (fmap (first f) process) fmap f (Plugged prep plg process) = Plugged prep plg (fmap (first f) process) instance Applicative (Core pp pl inp) where pure a = lift0Core $ pure a f <*> x = fmap (uncurry ($)) $ combineCore f x lift0Core :: (forall r. CodeGenFunction r out) -> Core pp pl inp out lift0Core f = Simple (CausalP.mapSimple (\v -> fmap (flip (,) v) f)) instance Functor (T pp pl inp) where fmap f (Cons x) = tagUnique $ fmap (fmap f) x instance Applicative (T pp pl inp) where pure a = tagUnique $ pure $ pure a f <*> x = fmap (uncurry ($)) $ f &|& x lift0 :: (forall r. CodeGenFunction r out) -> T pp pl inp out lift0 f = tagUnique $ pure $ lift0Core f lift1 :: (forall r. a -> CodeGenFunction r out) -> T pp pl inp a -> T pp pl inp out lift1 f x = CausalP.mapSimple f $& x lift2 :: (forall r. a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r out) -> T pp pl inp a -> T pp pl inp b -> T pp pl inp out lift2 f x y = CausalP.zipWithSimple f $& x&|&y instance (A.PseudoRing b, A.Real b, A.IntegerConstant b) => Num (T pp pl a b) where fromInteger n = pure (A.fromInteger' n) (+) = lift2 A.add (-) = lift2 A.sub (*) = lift2 A.mul abs = lift1 A.abs signum = lift1 A.signum instance (A.Field b, A.Real b, A.RationalConstant b) => Fractional (T pp pl a b) where fromRational x = pure (A.fromRational' x) (/) = lift2 A.fdiv instance (A.Additive b) => Additive.C (T pp pl a b) where zero = pure A.zero (+) = lift2 A.add (-) = lift2 A.sub negate = lift1 A.neg instance (A.PseudoRing b, A.IntegerConstant b) => Ring.C (T pp pl a b) where one = pure A.one fromInteger n = pure (A.fromInteger' n) (*) = lift2 A.mul instance (A.Field b, A.RationalConstant b) => Field.C (T pp pl a b) where fromRational' x = pure (A.fromRational' $ Ratio.toRational98 x) (/) = lift2 A.fdiv instance (A.Transcendental b, A.RationalConstant b) => Algebraic.C (T pp pl a b) where sqrt = lift1 A.sqrt root n x = lift2 A.pow x (Field.recip $ Ring.fromInteger n) x^/r = lift2 A.pow x (Field.fromRational' r) instance (A.Transcendental b, A.RationalConstant b) => Trans.C (T pp pl a b) where pi = lift0 A.pi sin = lift1 A.sin cos = lift1 A.cos (**) = lift2 A.pow exp = lift1 A.exp log = lift1 A.log asin _ = error "LLVM missing intrinsic: asin" acos _ = error "LLVM missing intrinsic: acos" atan _ = error "LLVM missing intrinsic: atan" fromSignal :: Sig.T pl a -> T pp pl inp a fromSignal sig = tagUnique $ pure $ Simple (CausalP.feedFst sig) type Input pp a = MR.Reader (pp, a) plug :: (CutG.Read b, PIn.Default b) => Input pp a b -> T pp pl a (PIn.Element b) plug accessor = tagUnique $ pure $ Plugged (curry $ MR.runReader accessor) PIn.deflt id askParameter :: Input pp a pp askParameter = MR.asks fst runPlugOut :: T pp pl a x -> POut.T x b -> IO (pp -> pl -> PIO.T a b) runPlugOut (Cons core) pout = case MS.evalState core Set.empty of Plugged prep pin process -> fmap (\f pp pl -> f pl <<^ prep pp) $ CausalP.processIOCore pin (fst ^<< process <<^ flip (,) Vault.empty) pout Simple _ -> error "FunctionalPlug.runPlugOut: no substantial input available" -- Simple process -> -- CausalP.processIOCore pin process pout run :: (POut.Default b) => T pp pl a (POut.Element b) -> IO (pp -> pl -> PIO.T a b) run f = runPlugOut f POut.deflt {- | Cf. 'F.withArgs'. -} withArgs :: (MakeArguments a, POut.Default b) => (Arguments (Input pp a) a -> T pp pl a (POut.Element b)) -> IO (pp -> pl -> PIO.T a b) withArgs f = withArgsPlugOut f POut.deflt withArgsPlugOut :: (MakeArguments a) => (Arguments (Input pp a) a -> T pp pl a x) -> POut.T x b -> IO (pp -> pl -> PIO.T a b) withArgsPlugOut = withArgsPlugOutStart (MR.asks snd) withArgsPlugOutStart :: (MakeArguments a) => Input pp a a -> (Arguments (Input pp a) a -> T pp pl a x) -> POut.T x b -> IO (pp -> pl -> PIO.T a b) withArgsPlugOutStart fid f = runPlugOut (f (makeArgs fid)) type family Arguments (f :: * -> *) (arg :: *) class MakeArguments arg where makeArgs :: Functor f => f arg -> Arguments f arg type instance Arguments f (EventListBT.T i a) = f (EventListBT.T i a) instance MakeArguments (EventListBT.T i a) where makeArgs = id type instance Arguments f (SV.Vector a) = f (SV.Vector a) instance MakeArguments (SV.Vector a) where makeArgs = id type instance Arguments f (Zip.T a b) = (Arguments f a, Arguments f b) instance (MakeArguments a, MakeArguments b) => MakeArguments (Zip.T a b) where makeArgs f = (makeArgs $ fmap Zip.first f, makeArgs $ fmap Zip.second f)