{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module System.Command
  -- * Running sub-processes
, P.shell
, P.proc
, P.CreateProcess(..)
, P.CmdSpec(..)
, P.StdStream(..)
, P.ProcessHandle
  -- * Specific variants of createProcess
, readProcessWithExitCode
, P.runCommand
, P.runProcess
, P.runInteractiveCommand
, P.runInteractiveProcess
, P.readProcess
, system
, rawSystem
  -- * Data Type
, ExitCode
  -- * ExitCode combinators
, exitCode
, success
, isSuccess
, isFailure
, exitValue
, exitWith
, exitFailure
, exitSuccess
, (->>)
, (->>>)
, (->->)
, (<<-)
, (<<<-)
, (<-<-)
, runExitCodes
, traverseExitCodes
  -- * Process completion
, waitForProcess
, getProcessExitCode
, P.terminateProcess
  -- * Execution combinators
, inDirectory
, inDirectory'
) where

import qualified System.Exit as E
import qualified System.Process as P
import System.Directory
import Data.Data
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Prelude hiding (foldr)
import Data.Foldable

-- | The result of running a process
newtype ExitCode =
  ExitCode Int
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

instance Read ExitCode where
  readsPrec n s =
    first exitCode `map` readsPrec n s

instance Show ExitCode where
  show (ExitCode n) =
    if n == 0 then "ExitSuccess" else "ExitFailure " ++ show n

instance Exception ExitCode where
  toException =
    toException . toExitCode
  fromException =
    fmap fromExitCode . fromException

instance Monoid ExitCode where
  mempty =
  a `mappend` b =
    if isSuccess a then b else a

-- | Construct a process result.
-- A value of @0@ denotes success, otherwise, failure.
exitCode ::
  -> ExitCode
exitCode =

-- | Construct a process result with the value @0@.
success ::
success =
  exitCode 0

-- | Returns true if the given process result was constructed with the value @0@, otherwise false.
isSuccess ::
  -> Bool
isSuccess (ExitCode n) =
  n == 0

-- | Returns false if the given process result was constructed with the value @0@, otherwise true.
isFailure ::
  -> Bool
isFailure =
  not . isSuccess

-- | Returns the value that the given process result was constructed with.
exitValue ::
  -> Int
exitValue (ExitCode n) =

-- | Computation 'exitWith' @code@ throws 'ExitCode' @code@.
-- Normally this terminates the program, returning @code@ to the
-- program's caller.  Before the program terminates, any open or
-- semi-closed handles are first closed.
-- A program that fails in any other way is treated as if it had
-- called 'exitFailure'.
-- A program that terminates successfully without calling 'exitWith'
-- explicitly is treated as it it had called 'exitWith' 'ExitSuccess'.
-- As an 'ExitCode' is not an 'IOError', 'exitWith' bypasses
-- the error handling in the 'IO' monad and cannot be intercepted by
-- 'catch' from the "Prelude".  However it is a 'SomeException', and can
-- be caught using the functions of "Control.Exception".  This means
-- that cleanup computations added with 'Control.Exception.bracket'
-- (from "Control.Exception") are also executed properly on 'exitWith'.
-- Note: in GHC, 'exitWith' should be called from the main program
-- thread in order to exit the process.  When called from another
-- thread, 'exitWith' will throw an 'ExitException' as normal, but the
-- exception will not cause the process itself to exit.
exitWith ::
  -> IO a
exitWith =
  E.exitWith . toExitCode

-- | The computation 'exitFailure' is equivalent to
-- 'exitWith' @(@'exitCode exitfail'@)@,
-- where /exitfail/ is implementation-dependent.
exitFailure ::
  IO a
exitFailure =
  exitWith (exitCode 1)

-- | The computation 'exitSuccess' is equivalent to
-- 'exitWith' 'success', It terminates the program
-- sucessfully.
exitSuccess ::
  IO a
exitSuccess =
  exitWith success

-- | Runs the first action.
-- Only if the result is successful, run the second action returning its result.
(->>) ::
  Monad m =>
  m ExitCode
  -> m ExitCode
  -> m ExitCode
a ->> b =
  do a' <- a
     if isSuccess a' then b else return a'

-- | Runs the first action.
-- Only if the result is successful, run the second action returning no result.
(->>>) ::
  (Monad m, Functor m) =>
  m ExitCode
  -> m a
  -> m ()
a ->>> b =
  do a' <- a
     when (isSuccess a') (void b) -- if isSuccess a' then b >> return () else return ()

-- | Runs the first action.
-- Only if the result is successful, run the second action returning the first action's result.
(->->) ::
  Monad m =>
  m ExitCode
  -> m a
  -> m ExitCode
a ->-> b =
  do a' <- a
     if isSuccess a' then b >> return a' else return a'

-- | Runs the second action.
-- Only if the result is successful, run the first action returning its result.
(<<-) ::
  Monad m =>
  m ExitCode
  -> m ExitCode
  -> m ExitCode
(<<-) =
  flip (->>)

-- | Runs the second action.
-- Only if the result is successful, run the first action returning no result.
(<<<-) ::
  (Monad m, Functor m) =>
  m a
  -> m ExitCode
  -> m ()
(<<<-) =
  flip (->>>)

-- | Runs the second action.
-- Only if the result is successful, run the first action returning the second action's result.
(<-<-) ::
  Monad m =>
  m a
  -> m ExitCode
  -> m ExitCode
(<-<-) =
  flip (->->)

-- | Run the structure of actions stopping at the first failure.
runExitCodes ::
  (Monad m, Foldable f) =>
  f (m ExitCode)
  -> m ExitCode
runExitCodes =
  foldr (->>) (return success)

-- | Traverse the structure of actions stopping at the first failure.
traverseExitCodes ::
  (Monad m, Foldable f, Functor f) =>
  (a -> m ExitCode)
  -> f a
  -> m ExitCode
traverseExitCodes f =
  runExitCodes . fmap f

-- | readProcessWithExitCode creates an external process, reads its
-- standard output and standard error strictly, waits until the process
-- terminates, and then returns the 'ExitCode' of the process,
-- the standard output, and the standard error.
-- 'readProcess' and 'readProcessWithExitCode' are fairly simple wrappers
-- around 'createProcess'.  Constructing variants of these functions is
-- quite easy: follow the link to the source code to see how
-- 'readProcess' is implemented.
readProcessWithExitCode ::
  -> [String]
  -> String
  -> IO (ExitCode, String, String)
readProcessWithExitCode p args i =
  fmap (\(e, t, u) -> (fromExitCode e, t, u)) (P.readProcessWithExitCode p args i)

-- | Computation @system cmd@ returns the exit code produced when the
-- operating system runs the shell command @cmd@.
-- This computation may fail with
--    * @PermissionDenied@: The process has insufficient privileges to
--      perform the operation.
--    * @ResourceExhausted@: Insufficient resources are available to
--      perform the operation.
--    * @UnsupportedOperation@: The implementation does not support
--      system calls.
-- On Windows, 'system' passes the command to the Windows command
-- interpreter (@CMD.EXE@ or @COMMAND.COM@), hence Unixy shell tricks
-- will not work.
system ::
  -> IO ExitCode
system =
  fmap fromExitCode . P.system

-- | The computation @'rawSystem' cmd args@ runs the operating system command
-- @cmd@ in such a way that it receives as arguments the @args@ strings
-- exactly as given, with no funny escaping or shell meta-syntax expansion.
-- It will therefore behave more portably between operating systems than 'system'.
-- The return codes and possible failures are the same as for 'system'.
rawSystem ::
  -> [String]
  -> IO ExitCode
rawSystem z =
  fmap fromExitCode . P.rawSystem z

-- | Waits for the specified process to terminate, and returns its exit code.

-- GHC Note: in order to call @waitForProcess@ without blocking all the
-- other threads in the system, you must compile the program with
-- @-threaded@.
waitForProcess ::
  -> IO ExitCode
waitForProcess =
  fmap fromExitCode . P.waitForProcess

-- | This is a non-blocking version of 'waitForProcess'.  If the process is
-- still running, 'Nothing' is returned.  If the process has exited, then
-- @'Just' e@ is returned where @e@ is the exit code of the process.
getProcessExitCode ::
  -> IO (Maybe ExitCode)
getProcessExitCode =
  (fmap . fmap) fromExitCode . P.getProcessExitCode

inDirectory ::
  -> (FilePath -> IO a)
  -> IO a
inDirectory d k =
  do c <- getCurrentDirectory
     setCurrentDirectory d
     k c `finally` setCurrentDirectory c

inDirectory' ::
  -> IO a
  -> IO a
inDirectory' p =
  inDirectory p . const
-- not exported

toExitCode ::
  -> E.ExitCode
toExitCode (ExitCode n) =
  if n == 0 then E.ExitSuccess else E.ExitFailure n

fromExitCode ::
  -> ExitCode
fromExitCode E.ExitSuccess =
fromExitCode (E.ExitFailure n) =
  exitCode n