-- |
-- Module: System.FilePath
-- Copyright: 2010 John Millikin
-- License: MIT
-- Maintainer:  jmillikin@gmail.com
-- Portability:  portable
-- High‐level, byte‐based file and directory path
-- manipulations. You probably want to import "System.FilePath.CurrentOS"
-- instead, since it handles detecting which rules to use in the current
-- compilation.
module System.FilePath
	( FilePath
	, empty
	-- * Basic properties
	, null
	, root
	, directory
	, parent
	, filename
	, basename
	, absolute
	, relative
	-- * Basic operations
	, append
	, (</>)
	, concat
	, commonPrefix
	, collapse
	-- * Extensions
	, extension
	, extensions
	, hasExtension
	, addExtension
	, (<.>)
	, dropExtension
	, replaceExtension
	, addExtensions
	, dropExtensions
	, replaceExtensions
	, splitExtension
	, splitExtensions
	) where

import           Prelude hiding (FilePath, concat, null)

import           Data.List (foldl')
import           Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import qualified Data.Monoid as M
import qualified Data.Text as T

import           System.FilePath.Internal

instance M.Monoid FilePath where
	mempty = empty
	mappend = append
	mconcat = concat

-- Basic properties

-- | @null p = (p == 'empty')@
null :: FilePath -> Bool
null = (== empty)

-- | Retrieves the 'FilePath'&#x2019;s root.
root :: FilePath -> FilePath
root p = empty { pathRoot = pathRoot p }

-- | Retrieves the 'FilePath'&#x2019;s directory. If the path is already a
-- directory, it is returned unchanged.
directory :: FilePath -> FilePath
directory p = empty
	{ pathRoot = pathRoot p
	, pathDirectories = let
		starts = map Just [dot, dots]
		dot' | safeHead (pathDirectories p) `elem` starts = []
		     | isNothing (pathRoot p) = [dot]
		     | otherwise = []
		in dot' ++ pathDirectories p

-- | Retrieves the 'FilePath'&#x2019;s parent directory.
parent :: FilePath -> FilePath
parent p = empty
	{ pathRoot = pathRoot p
	, pathDirectories = let
		starts = map Just [dot, dots]
		directories = if null (filename p)
			then safeInit (pathDirectories p)
			else pathDirectories p
		dot' | safeHead directories `elem` starts = []
		     | isNothing (pathRoot p) = [dot]
		     | otherwise = []
		in dot' ++ directories

-- | Retrieve a 'FilePath'&#x2019;s filename component.
-- @
-- filename \"foo/bar.txt\" == \"bar.txt\"
-- @
filename :: FilePath -> FilePath
filename p = empty
	{ pathBasename = pathBasename p
	, pathExtensions = pathExtensions p

-- | Retrieve a 'FilePath'&#x2019;s basename component.
-- @
-- basename \"foo/bar.txt\" == \"bar\"
-- @
basename :: FilePath -> FilePath
basename p = empty
	{ pathBasename = pathBasename p

-- | Test whether a path is absolute.
absolute :: FilePath -> Bool
absolute p = case pathRoot p of
	Just RootPosix -> True
	Just (RootWindowsVolume _) -> True
	_ -> False

-- | Test whether a path is relative.
relative :: FilePath -> Bool
relative p = case pathRoot p of
	Just _ -> False
	_ -> True

-- Basic operations

-- | Appends two 'FilePath's. If the second path is absolute, it is returned
-- unchanged.
append :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
append x y = if absolute y then y else xy where
	xy = y
		{ pathRoot = pathRoot x
		, pathDirectories = directories
	directories = xDirectories ++ pathDirectories y
	xDirectories = (pathDirectories x ++) $ if null (filename x)
		then []
		else [filenameChunk x]

-- | An alias for 'append'.
(</>) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
(</>) = append

-- | A fold over 'append'.
concat :: [FilePath] -> FilePath
concat [] = empty
concat ps = foldr1 append ps

-- | Find the greatest common prefix between a list of 'FilePath's.
commonPrefix :: [FilePath] -> FilePath
commonPrefix [] = empty
commonPrefix ps = foldr1 step ps where
	step x y = if pathRoot x /= pathRoot y
		then empty
		else let cs = commonDirectories x y in
			if cs /= pathDirectories x || pathBasename x /= pathBasename y
				then empty { pathRoot = pathRoot x, pathDirectories = cs }
				else let exts = commonExtensions x y in
					x { pathExtensions = exts }
	commonDirectories x y = common (pathDirectories x) (pathDirectories y)
	commonExtensions x y = common (pathExtensions x) (pathExtensions y)
	common [] _ = []
	common _ [] = []
	common (x:xs) (y:ys) = if x == y
		then x : common xs ys
		else []

-- | Remove @\".\"@ and @\"..\"@ directories from a path.
-- Note that if any of the elements are symbolic links, 'collapse' may change
-- which file the path resolves to.
-- Since: 0.2
collapse :: FilePath -> FilePath
collapse p = p { pathDirectories = reverse newDirs } where
	(_, newDirs) = foldl' step (True, []) (pathDirectories p)
	step (True, acc) c = (False, c:acc)
	step (_, acc) c | c == dot = (False, acc)
	step (_, acc) c | c == dots = case acc of
		[] -> (False, c:acc)
		(h:ts) | h == dot -> (False, c:ts)
		       | h == dots -> (False, c:acc)
		       | otherwise -> (False, ts)
	step (_, acc) c = (False, c:acc)

-- Extensions

-- | Get a 'FilePath'&#x2019;s last extension, or 'Nothing' if it has no
-- extensions.
extension :: FilePath -> Maybe T.Text
extension p = case extensions p of
	[] -> Nothing
	es -> Just (last es)

-- | Get a 'FilePath'&#x2019;s full extension list.
extensions :: FilePath -> [T.Text]
extensions = map chunkText . pathExtensions

-- | Get whether a 'FilePath'&#x2019;s last extension is the predicate.
hasExtension :: FilePath -> T.Text -> Bool
hasExtension p e = extension p == Just e

-- | Append an extension to the end of a 'FilePath'.
addExtension :: FilePath -> T.Text -> FilePath
addExtension p ext = addExtensions p [ext]

-- | Append many extensions to the end of a 'FilePath'.
addExtensions :: FilePath -> [T.Text] -> FilePath
addExtensions p exts = p { pathExtensions = newExtensions } where
	newExtensions = pathExtensions p ++ chunks
	chunks = map (\e -> Chunk e True) exts

-- | An alias for 'addExtension'.
(<.>) :: FilePath -> T.Text -> FilePath
(<.>) = addExtension

-- | Remove a 'FilePath'&#x2019;s last extension.
dropExtension :: FilePath -> FilePath
dropExtension p = p { pathExtensions = safeInit (pathExtensions p) }

-- | Remove all extensions from a 'FilePath'.
dropExtensions :: FilePath -> FilePath
dropExtensions p = p { pathExtensions = [] }

-- | Replace a 'FilePath'&#x2019;s last extension.
replaceExtension :: FilePath -> T.Text -> FilePath
replaceExtension = addExtension . dropExtension

-- | Remove all extensions from a 'FilePath', and replace them with a new
-- list.
replaceExtensions :: FilePath -> [T.Text] -> FilePath
replaceExtensions = addExtensions . dropExtensions

-- | @splitExtension p = ('dropExtension' p, 'extension' p)@
splitExtension :: FilePath -> (FilePath, Maybe T.Text)
splitExtension p = (dropExtension p, extension p)

-- | @splitExtensions p = ('dropExtensions' p, 'extensions' p)@
splitExtensions :: FilePath -> (FilePath, [T.Text])
splitExtensions p = (dropExtensions p, extensions p)

-- Utils

safeInit :: [a] -> [a]
safeInit xs = case xs of
	[] -> []
	_ -> init xs

safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a
safeHead [] = Nothing
safeHead (x:_) = Just x