module TestSpec ( spec ) where -- TODO idempotency of fitting CMIs import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck import Text.Layout.Table import Text.Layout.Table.Cell (determineCuts, CutInfo(..), determineCutAction, CutAction(..), applyCutInfo, viewRange) import Text.Layout.Table.Spec.OccSpec import Text.Layout.Table.Primitives.Basic spec :: Spec spec = do describe "fill" $ do describe "fillLeft" $ it "ex1" $ fillLeft 4 "ab" `shouldBe` " ab" describe "fillRight" $ it "ex1" $ fillRight 4 "ab" `shouldBe` "ab " describe "fillCenter" $ it "ex1" $ fillCenter 4 "ab" `shouldBe` " ab " describe "mark" $ do prop "left mark does not change length" $ \s -> length (applyMarkLeftWith customCM s) `shouldBe` length s prop "right mark does not change length" $ \s -> length (applyMarkRightWith customCM s) `shouldBe` length s describe "fit" $ do describe "fitRightWith" $ do let fitRight = fitRightWith customCM it "ex1" $ fitRight 4 "12345678" `shouldBe` "1..>" describe "fitLeftWith" $ do let fitLeft = fitLeftWith customCM it "ex1" $ fitLeft 4 "12345678" `shouldBe` "<..8" describe "fitCenterWith" $ do let fitCenter = fitCenterWith customCM it "ex1" $ fitCenter 7 "12345678" `shouldBe` "<..5678" it "ex1" $ fitCenter 6 "12345678" `shouldBe` "<....>" -- TODO implement test cases -- describe "ColModInfo" $ do -- it "ensureWidthCMI" $ describe "pad" $ do prop "left" propPadLeft prop "right" propPadRight prop "center" propPadCenter describe "trimOrPad" $ do prop "pad" $ forAll hposG $ \p s (Positive (Small n)) -> length (s :: String) > n || trimOrPad p noCutMark n s == (pad p n s :: String) it "left" $ trimOrPad left customCM 5 "1234567890" `shouldBe` "12..>" it "right" $ trimOrPad right customCM 5 "1234567890" `shouldBe` "<..90" it "center" $ trimOrPad center customCM 8 "1234567890" `shouldBe` "<..56..>" it "center one sided" $ trimOrPad center customCM 9 "1234567890" `shouldBe` "<..567890" describe "align" $ do let ai = deriveAlignInfo occS "abc:42" it "ex1" $ align occS ai "c:4" `shouldBe` " c:4 " it "ex2" $ align occS ai "x" `shouldBe` " x " it "ex3" $ align occS ai ":x" `shouldBe` " :x " describe "determineCuts" $ do describe "cases" $ do it "view entails the cell" $ determineCuts 0 8 2 6 `shouldBe` SidesCI (FillCA 2) (FillCA 2) it "cell entails the view" $ determineCuts 2 6 0 8 `shouldBe` SidesCI (CutCA 2) (CutCA 2) it "disjunct and view left" $ determineCuts 0 2 4 6 `shouldBe` MarkRightCI it "disjunct and view right" $ determineCuts 4 6 0 2 `shouldBe` MarkLeftCI it "one side cut and view left" $ determineCuts 0 4 2 6 `shouldBe` SidesCI (FillCA 2) (CutCA 2) it "one side cut and view right" $ determineCuts 2 6 0 4 `shouldBe` SidesCI (CutCA 2) (FillCA 2) describe "bound tests" $ do it "disjunct and view right" $ determineCuts 1 2 0 1 `shouldBe` MarkLeftCI it "disjunct and view left" $ determineCuts 0 1 1 2 `shouldBe` MarkRightCI describe "determineCutAction" $ do it "actual width has less than required" $ determineCutAction 8 4 `shouldBe` FillCA 4 it "actual width has exactly the required amount" $ determineCutAction 8 8 `shouldBe` NoneCA it "actual width has more than required" $ determineCutAction 4 6 `shouldBe` CutCA 2 describe "applyCutInfo" $ do let apply ci = applyCutInfo ci customCM 5 11 "abcde:12345" :: String apply2 ci s = applyCutInfo ci customCM 5 (length s) s :: String apply3 ci n s = applyCutInfo ci customCM n (length s) s :: String -- "<...>" it "double cut" $ apply (SidesCI (CutCA 3) (CutCA 3)) `shouldBe` "<...>" it "left cut" $ apply (SidesCI (CutCA 6) NoneCA) `shouldBe` "<..45" it "left cut and pad" $ apply (SidesCI (CutCA 7) (FillCA 1)) `shouldBe` "<..5 " it "right cut" $ apply (SidesCI NoneCA (CutCA 6)) `shouldBe` "ab..>" it "right cut and pad" $ apply (SidesCI (FillCA 1) (CutCA 7)) `shouldBe` " a..>" it "double pad" $ apply2 (SidesCI (FillCA 1) (FillCA 1)) "abc" `shouldBe` " abc " it "no action" $ apply2 (SidesCI NoneCA NoneCA) "abcde" `shouldBe` "abcde" it "mark right 1" $ apply3 MarkRightCI 1 "" `shouldBe` ">" it "mark right 2" $ apply3 MarkRightCI 2 "" `shouldBe` ".>" it "mark right 3" $ apply3 MarkRightCI 4 "a" `shouldBe` " ..>" it "mark left 1" $ apply3 MarkLeftCI 1 "" `shouldBe` "<" it "mark left 2" $ apply3 MarkLeftCI 2 "" `shouldBe` "<." it "mark left 3" $ apply3 MarkLeftCI 4 "a" `shouldBe` "<.. " it "uneven mark left" $ applyCutInfo MarkLeftCI unevenCM 5 5 "12345" `shouldBe` "< " it "uneven mark right" $ applyCutInfo MarkRightCI unevenCM 5 5 "12345" `shouldBe` " -->" describe "viewRange" $ do -- " : " -- " " it "left" $ viewRange left 4 5 5 `shouldBe` (0, 4) -- " : " -- " " -- 01234567891 it "right" $ viewRange right 4 5 5 `shouldBe` (7, 11) -- " : " -- " " (left-biased centering) -- " " (right-biased-centering) -- (l + r + 1 - n) / 2 = (5 + 5 + 1 - 4) / 2 = 7 / 2 = 3 rem 1 it "center" $ viewRange center 4 5 5 `shouldBe` (4, 8) describe "alignFixed" $ do -- 5 spaces on each side. let ai = deriveAlignInfo occS " : " alignFixed' p l = alignFixed p customCM l occS ai ai2 = deriveAlignInfo occS " : " alignFixed2' p l = alignFixed p customCM l occS ai2 it "left 1" $ alignFixed' left 6 "ab:42" `shouldBe` " ..>" it "left 2" $ alignFixed' left 6 "abcd:42" `shouldBe` " ab..>" it "left 3" $ alignFixed' left 5 "32" `shouldBe` " 32" -- " : " -- "ab:1234" -- "<..34 " it "right 1" $ alignFixed' right 6 "ab:1234" `shouldBe` "<..34 " it "right 2" $ alignFixed' right 6 "ab:12" `shouldBe` "<.. " -- ensure left-biased centering: -- aligned to full length: " abcd:12 " -- right-biased centering: "bcd:12" -- left-biased centering: "cd:12 " it "center 1" $ alignFixed' center 6 "abcd:12" `shouldBe` "<..12 " -- use same string position: "ab:12 " it "center 2" $ alignFixed' center 6 "ab:12" `shouldBe` "ab:12 " -- ensure left-biased centering: -- aligned to full length: " abcd:12 " -- right-biased centering: " abcd:" -- left-biased centering: "abcd:1" it "center 3" $ alignFixed2' center 6 "abcd:12" `shouldBe` "abc..>" -- use same string position: " ab:1" it "center 4" $ alignFixed2' center 6 "ab:12" `shouldBe` " a..>" -- TODO add test cases for all combinations of lengths -- (i.e.: i mod 2 = 1, i mod 2 = 0, l + r mod 2 = 0, l + r mod 2 = 1) prop "alignFixed length" $ forAll hposG $ \p s (Positive (Small n)) -> length (alignFixed' p n (s :: String) :: String) `shouldBe` n describe "text justification" $ do describe "justify" $ do it "break lines" $ justify 3 ["not", "now"] `shouldBe` ["not", "now"] it "words in right order" $ justify 10 ["not", "now"] `shouldBe` ["not now"] where customCM = doubleCutMark "<.." "..>" unevenCM = doubleCutMark "<" "-->" occS = predOccSpec (== ':') hposG = elements [left, center, right] propPadLeft :: String -> Positive (Small Int) -> Bool propPadLeft s (Positive (Small n)) = let len = length s padded = pad left n s in len >= n || (take len padded == s && all (== ' ') (drop len padded)) propPadRight :: String -> Positive (Small Int) -> Bool propPadRight s (Positive (Small n)) = let len = length s padded = pad right n s in len >= n || (drop (n - len) padded == s && all (== ' ') (take (n - len) padded)) propPadCenter :: String -> Positive (Small Int) -> Bool propPadCenter s (Positive (Small n)) = let len = length s padded = pad center n s (q, r) = (n - len) `divMod` 2 trimLeft = drop q padded in len >= n || (all (== ' ') (take q padded) && take len trimLeft == s && drop len trimLeft == replicate (q + r) ' ')