{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module ClientSpec where import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async import Control.Exception (Exception, SomeException, throwIO, try) import Control.Monad (forM_) import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (bimap)) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import Data.Default.Class (Default (def)) import Data.Either (isRight) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.X509 (CertificateChain (..), getSigned, signedObject) import GHC.IO (unsafePerformIO) import Network.HTTP.Client ( defaultRequest, managerModifyRequest, newManager, parseRequest, requestHeaders, withConnection, ) import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal (Connection (connectionRead)) import qualified Network.Simple.TCP.TLS as SimpleTLS import Network.Socket ( AddrInfoFlag (AI_NUMERICHOST, AI_NUMERICSERV), Family (AF_INET), SockAddr (SockAddrInet, SockAddrInet6, SockAddrUnix), Socket, SocketType (Stream), addrAddress, addrFlags, addrSocketType, bind, close', defaultHints, getAddrInfo, getSocketName, hostAddress6ToTuple, hostAddressToTuple, listen, openSocket, socket, ) import qualified Network.TLS as TLS import Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher (ciphersuite_default) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (defaultSettings) import Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS ( runTLSSocket, tlsSettings, ) import Servant.Client (ClientError (ConnectionError)) import TahoeLAFS.Internal.Client ( SPKIHash (SPKIHash), mkGBSManagerSettings, spkiBytes, spkiFingerprint, ) import TahoeLAFS.Storage.Backend.Memory (memoryBackend) import TahoeLAFS.Storage.Client (NURL (NURLv1, nurlv1Address), runGBS, version) import qualified TahoeLAFS.Storage.Server as Server import Test.Hspec ( Spec, describe, expectationFailure, it, runIO, shouldBe, shouldContain, shouldReturn, shouldSatisfy, shouldThrow, ) import Text.Printf (printf) import Vectors (SPKICase (..), loadSPKITestVector) -- Paths to pre-generated test data - an RSA private key and associated -- self-signed certificate. privateKeyPath :: FilePath privateKeyPath = "test/data/private-key.pem" certificatePath :: FilePath certificatePath = "test/data/certificate.pem" spkiTestVectorPath :: FilePath spkiTestVectorPath = "test/data/spki-hash-test-vectors.yaml" credentialE :: Either String TLS.Credential {-# NOINLINE credentialE #-} credentialE = unsafePerformIO $ TLS.credentialLoadX509 certificatePath privateKeyPath credential :: TLS.Credential credential = either (error . ("Failed to load test credentials: " <>) . show) id credentialE spec :: Spec spec = do describe "mkGBSManagerSettings" $ do describe "Authorization header" $ do it "includes the Tahoe-LAFS realm and encoded swissnum" $ do modified <- managerModifyRequest settings request requestHeaders modified -- Should contain the base64 encoding of the swissnum `shouldContain` [("authorization", "Tahoe-LAFS c3dpc3NudW0=")] it "does not duplicate the header" $ do modified <- managerModifyRequest settings request modified' <- managerModifyRequest settings modified let authorizations = filter (("authorization" ==) . fst) (requestHeaders modified') length authorizations `shouldBe` 1 describe "SPKI Fingerprints" $ do vectorE <- runIO $ loadSPKITestVector <$> B.readFile spkiTestVectorPath case vectorE of Left loadErr -> it "test suite bug" $ expectationFailure $ "could not load test vectors: " <> show loadErr Right vector -> do describe "spkiBytes" $ do it "agrees with the test vectors" $ do forM_ vector $ \(SPKICase{spkiExpected, spkiCertificate}) -> do spkiBytes spkiCertificate `shouldBe` spkiExpected describe "spkiFingerprint" $ do it "agrees with the test vectors" $ do forM_ vector $ \(SPKICase{spkiExpectedHash, spkiCertificate}) -> do spkiFingerprint spkiCertificate `shouldBe` spkiExpectedHash describe "TLS connections" $ do let CertificateChain [signedExactCert] = fst credential requiredHash = spkiFingerprint . signedObject . getSigned $ signedExactCert it "makes a connection to a server using the correct certificate" $ do withTlsServer (TLS.Credentials [credential]) "Hello!" expectServerSuccess $ \serverAddr -> do let (host, port) = addrToHostPort serverAddr manager <- newManager (mkGBSManagerSettings requiredHash "swissnum") req <- parseRequest $ printf "https://%s:%d/" host port withConnection req manager $ \clientConn -> do connectionRead clientConn `shouldReturn` "Hello!" it "refuses to make a connection to a server not using the correct certificate" $ do withTlsServer (TLS.Credentials [credential]) "Hello!" expectServerFailure $ \serverAddr -> do let (host, port) = addrToHostPort serverAddr manager <- newManager (mkGBSManagerSettings (SPKIHash "wrong spki hash") "swissnum") req <- parseRequest $ printf "https://%s:%d/" host port withConnection req manager connectionRead `shouldThrow` (\(TLS.HandshakeFailed _) -> True) describe "runGBS" $ do let swissnum = "hello world" let CertificateChain [signedExactCert] = fst credential let certificate = signedObject . getSigned $ signedExactCert let nurl = NURLv1 (spkiFingerprint certificate) ("", 0) swissnum it "returns Left on connection errors" $ do result <- runGBS nurl version result `shouldSatisfy` ( \case Left (ConnectionError _) -> True _ -> False ) it "returns Right on success" $ do backend <- memoryBackend ver <- withServerSocket $ \sock -> do Async.withAsync (runTLSSocket (tlsSettings certificatePath privateKeyPath) defaultSettings sock (Server.app backend)) $ const $ do addr <- getSocketName sock runGBS nurl{nurlv1Address = bimap T.unpack fromIntegral $ addrToHostPort addr} version ver `shouldSatisfy` isRight where settings = mkGBSManagerSettings (SPKIHash "just any hash") "swissnum" request = defaultRequest expectServerSuccess = id expectServerFailure server = do result <- try server case result of Left (_ :: SomeException) -> pure () Right r -> throwIO $ ExpectedFailure ("Expect the server to fail but it succeed with " <> show r) withServerSocket :: (Socket -> IO a) -> IO a withServerSocket action = do sock <- socket AF_INET Stream 0 listen sock 1 r <- action sock close' sock pure r newtype ExpectedFailure = ExpectedFailure String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Exception ExpectedFailure addrToHostPort :: SockAddr -> (T.Text, Int) addrToHostPort (SockAddrInet port host) = (T.pack $ uncurry4 (printf "%d.%d.%d.%d") (hostAddressToTuple host), fromIntegral port) addrToHostPort (SockAddrInet6 port _flow host _scope) = (T.pack $ uncurry8 (printf "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x") (hostAddress6ToTuple host), fromIntegral port) addrToHostPort (SockAddrUnix _path) = error "Cannot do TLS over a Unix socket" -- XXX get a Credential here and then use it to set up the TLS.Context -- ServerParams -> serverShared (Shared) -> sharedCredentials -> Credentials ([Credential]) -> (CertificateChain, PrivKey) -- ServerParams -> serverHooks (ServerHooks) -> onServerNameIndication -> return Credentials ([Credential]) -> (CertificateChain, PrivKey) withTlsServer :: TLS.Credentials -> LB.ByteString -> (IO () -> IO ()) -> (SockAddr -> IO a) -> IO a withTlsServer serverCredentials expectedBytes runServer clientApp = do -- XXX safely clean up bindAddr : _ <- getAddrInfo (Just hints) (Just "") (Just "0") sock <- openSocket bindAddr bind sock (addrAddress bindAddr) listen sock 1 boundAddr <- getSocketName sock -- The server socket is bound and listening so it is safe to initiate a -- connection now. We'll get to handling the TLS connection next. client <- Async.async (clientApp boundAddr) -- Tests cover success and failure codepaths. Let them make whatever -- assertion they want about the server result. () <- runServer $ SimpleTLS.accept serverParams sock serverApp -- Let the client finish Async.wait client where -- Serve a connection to the TLS server. serverApp (ctx, _) = TLS.sendData ctx expectedBytes hints = defaultHints { addrFlags = [AI_NUMERICHOST, AI_NUMERICSERV] , addrSocketType = Stream } serverParams = def { TLS.serverShared = def { TLS.sharedCredentials = serverCredentials } , TLS.serverSupported = def { TLS.supportedCiphers = ciphersuite_default } } uncurry4 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> (a, b, c, d) -> e uncurry4 z (a, b, c, d) = z a b c d uncurry8 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> i uncurry8 z (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) = z a b c d e f g h