{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) 2010-2012 Benedikt Schmidt
-- License     : GPL v3 (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Benedikt Schmidt <beschmi@gmail.com>
-- Standard and fresh substitutions.
module Term.Substitution (

  -- ** Composition of fresh and free substitutions

  -- ** Conversion between fresh and free
  , freshToFree
  , freshToFreeAvoiding
  , freshToFreeAvoidingFast

  , freeToFreshRaw

  -- ** Convenience exports
  , module Term.LTerm
  , module Term.Substitution.SubstVFree
  , module Term.Substitution.SubstVFresh
) where

import Term.LTerm
import Term.Substitution.SubstVFree
import Term.Substitution.SubstVFresh

import Extension.Prelude

import Control.Monad.Bind
import Control.Basics

-- Composition of VFresh and VFresh substitutions

-- | @composeVFresh s1 s2@ composes the fresh substitution s1 and the free substitution s2.
--   The result is the fresh substitution s = s1.s2.
composeVFresh :: (IsConst c, Show (Lit c LVar))
              => LSubstVFresh c -> LSubst c -> LSubstVFresh c
composeVFresh s1_0 s2 =
    -- all variables in vrange(s1.s2) originate from s1 and can be considered fresh.
    freeToFreshRaw (s1 `compose` s2)
    s1 = freshToFreeAvoidingFast (extendWithRenaming (varsRange s2)  s1_0) (s2,s1_0)

-- Conversion between substitutions

-- | @freshToFree s@ converts the bound variables in @s@ to free variables
-- using fresh variable names. We try to preserve variables names if possible.
freshToFree :: (MonadFresh m, IsConst c)
            => SubstVFresh c LVar -> m (Subst c LVar)
freshToFree subst = (`evalBindT` noBindings) $ do
    let slist = sortOn (size . snd) $ substToListVFresh subst
          -- import oldvar ~> newvar mappings first, keep namehint from oldvar
    substFromList <$> mapM convertMapping slist
    convertMapping (lv,t) = (lv,) <$> mapFrees (Arbitrary importVar) t
        importVar v = importBinding (\s i -> LVar s (lvarSort v) i) v (namehint v)
        namehint v  = case viewTerm t of
            Lit (Var _) -> lvarName lv -- keep name of oldvar
            _           -> lvarName v

-- | @freshToFreeAvoiding s t@ converts all fresh variables in the range of
--   @s@ to free variables avoiding free variables in @t@. This function tries
--   to reuse variable names from the domain of the substitution if possible.
freshToFreeAvoiding :: (HasFrees t, IsConst c) => SubstVFresh c LVar -> t -> Subst c LVar
freshToFreeAvoiding s t = freshToFree s `evalFreshAvoiding` t

-- | @freshToFreeAvoidingFast s t@ converts all fresh variables in the range of
--   @s@ to free variables avoiding free variables in @t@. This function does
--   not try to reuse variable names from the domain of the substitution.
freshToFreeAvoidingFast :: (HasFrees t, Ord c) => LSubstVFresh c -> t -> LSubst c
freshToFreeAvoidingFast s t =
    substFromList . renameMappings . substToListVFresh $ s
    renameMappings l = zip (map fst l) (rename (map snd l) `evalFreshAvoiding` t)

-- | @freeToFreshRaw s@ considers all variables in the range of @s@ as fresh.
freeToFreshRaw :: Subst c LVar -> SubstVFresh c LVar
freeToFreshRaw s@(Subst _) = substFromListVFresh $ substToList s