{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) 2010-2012 Benedikt Schmidt & Simon Meier
-- License     : GPL v3 (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Benedikt Schmidt <beschmi@gmail.com>
-- Term Algebra and related notions.
module Term.Term.Raw (
    -- * Terms
    , TermView (..)
    , viewTerm
    , TermView2 (..)
    , viewTerm2

    -- ** Standard function
    , traverseTerm
    , fmapTerm
    , bindTerm
    -- ** Smart constructors
    , lit
    , fApp
    , fAppAC
    , fAppC
    , fAppNoEq
    , fAppList
    , unsafefApp

    ) where

import           Data.List
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Foldable (Foldable, foldMap)
import           Data.Traversable
import           Data.Typeable
import           Data.Generics
import           Data.DeriveTH
import           Data.Binary

import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Basics

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import           Extension.Data.ByteString ()

import           Term.Term.Classes
import           Term.Term.FunctionSymbols

-- Terms

-- | A term in T(Sigma,a). Its constructors are kept abstract. Use 'viewTerm'
-- or 'viewTerm2' to inspect it.
data Term a = LIT a                 -- ^ atomic terms (constants, variables, ..)
            | FAPP FunSym [Term a]  -- ^ function applications
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data )

-- Views and smart constructors

-- | View on terms that corresponds to representation.
data TermView a = Lit a
                | FApp FunSym [Term a]
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

{-# INLINE viewTerm #-}
-- | Return the 'TermView' of the given term.
viewTerm :: Term a -> TermView a
viewTerm (LIT l) = Lit l
viewTerm (FAPP sym ts) = FApp sym ts

-- | @fApp fsym as@ creates an application of @fsym@ to @as@. The function
-- ensures that the resulting term is in AC-normal-form.
{-# INLINE fApp #-}
fApp :: Ord a => FunSym -> [Term a] -> Term a
fApp (AC acSym)  ts = fAppAC acSym ts
fApp (C o)       ts = fAppC o ts
fApp List        ts = FAPP List ts
fApp s@(NoEq _)  ts = FAPP s ts

-- | Smart constructor for AC terms.
fAppAC :: Ord a => ACSym -> [Term a] -> Term a
fAppAC _     []  = error "Term.fAppAC: empty argument list"
fAppAC _     [a] = a
fAppAC acsym as  =
    FAPP (AC acsym) (sort (o_as ++ non_o_as))
    o = AC acsym
    isOTerm (FAPP o' _) | o' == o = True
    isOTerm _                     = False
    (o_as0, non_o_as) = partition isOTerm as
    o_as              = [ a | FAPP _ ts <- o_as0, a <- ts ]

-- | Smart constructor for C terms.
fAppC :: Ord a => CSym -> [Term a] -> Term a
fAppC nacsym as = FAPP (C nacsym) (sort as)

-- | Smart constructor for non-AC/C terms.
{-# INLINE fAppNoEq #-}
fAppNoEq :: NoEqSym -> [Term a] -> Term a
fAppNoEq freesym = FAPP (NoEq freesym)

-- | Smart constructor for list terms.
{-# INLINE fAppList #-}
fAppList :: [Term a] -> Term a
fAppList = FAPP List

-- | @lit l@ creates a term from the literal @l@.
{-# INLINE lit #-}
lit :: a -> Term a
lit l = LIT l

-- | @unsafefApp fsym as@ creates an application of @fsym@ to as. The
--   caller has to ensure that the resulting term is in AC-normal-form.
unsafefApp :: FunSym -> [Term a] -> Term a
unsafefApp fsym as = FAPP fsym as

-- | View on terms that distinguishes function application of builtin symbols like exp.
data TermView2 a = FExp (Term a) (Term a)   | FInv (Term a) | FMult [Term a] | One
                 | FPMult (Term a) (Term a) | FEMap (Term a) (Term a)
                 | FUnion [Term a]
                 | FPair (Term a) (Term a)
                 | FAppNoEq NoEqSym [Term a]
                 | FAppC CSym [Term a]
                 | FList [Term a]
                 | Lit2 a
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | Returns the 'TermView2' of the given term.
viewTerm2 :: Show a => Term a -> TermView2 a
viewTerm2 (LIT l) = Lit2 l
viewTerm2 (FAPP List ts) = FList ts
viewTerm2 t@(FAPP (AC o) ts)
  | length ts < 2 = error $ "viewTerm2: malformed term `"++show t++"'"
  | otherwise     = (acSymToConstr o) ts
    acSymToConstr Mult  = FMult
    acSymToConstr Union = FUnion
viewTerm2 (FAPP (C EMap) [ t1 ,t2 ]) = FEMap t1 t2
viewTerm2 t@(FAPP (C _)  _)          = error $ "viewTerm2: malformed term `"++show t++"'"
viewTerm2 t@(FAPP (NoEq o) ts) = case ts of
    [ t1, t2 ] | o == expSym    -> FExp   t1 t2  -- ensure here that FExp is always exp, never a user-defined symbol
    [ t1, t2 ] | o == pmultSym  -> FPMult t1 t2
    [ t1, t2 ] | o == pairSym   -> FPair  t1 t2
    [ t1 ]     | o == invSym    -> FInv   t1
    []         | o == oneSym    -> One
    _          | o `elem` ssyms -> error $ "viewTerm2: malformed term `"++show t++"'"
    _                           -> FAppNoEq o ts
    -- special symbols
    ssyms = [ expSym, pairSym, invSym, oneSym, pmultSym ]

-- Instances

{-# INLINE traverseTerm #-}
traverseTerm :: (Applicative f, Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> f b) -> Term a -> f (Term b)
traverseTerm f (LIT x)         = LIT <$> f x
traverseTerm f (FAPP fsym  as) = fApp fsym <$> traverse (traverseTerm f) as

{-# INLINE fmapTerm #-}
fmapTerm :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> Term a -> Term b
fmapTerm f = foldTerm (lit . f) fApp

{-# INLINE bindTerm #-}
bindTerm :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Term a -> (a -> Term b) -> Term b
bindTerm m f = foldTerm f fApp m

instance Foldable Term where
    {-# INLINE foldMap #-}
    foldMap f = foldTerm f (const mconcat)

instance Show a => Show (Term a) where
    show t =
      case viewTerm t of
        Lit l                  -> show l
        FApp   (NoEq (s,_)) [] -> BC.unpack s
        FApp   (NoEq (s,_)) as -> BC.unpack s++"("++(intercalate "," (map show as))++")"
        FApp   (C EMap) as     -> BC.unpack emapSymString++"("++(intercalate "," (map show as))++")"
        FApp   List as         -> "LIST"++"("++(intercalate "," (map show as))++")"
        FApp   (AC o) as       -> show o++"("++(intercalate "," (map show as))++")"

-- | The fold function for @Term a@.
{-# INLINE foldTerm #-}
foldTerm :: (t -> b) -> (FunSym -> [b] -> b)
         -> Term t -> b
foldTerm fLIT fFAPP t = go t
  where go (LIT a)       = fLIT a
        go (FAPP fsym a) = fFAPP fsym $ map go a

instance Sized a => Sized (Term a) where
    size = foldTerm size (const $ \xs -> sum xs + 1)

-- Derived Instances

$( derive makeNFData ''Term )

$( derive makeBinary ''Term )