{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns    #-}
-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) 2010-2012 Simon Meier & Benedikt Schmidt
-- License     : GPL v3 (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Simon Meier <iridcode@gmail.com>
-- Portability : GHC only
-- Proof methods and heuristics: the external small-step interface to the
-- constraint solver.
module Theory.Constraint.Solver.ProofMethod (
  -- * Proof methods
  , ProofMethod(..)
  , execProofMethod

  -- ** Heuristics
  , GoalRanking(..)
  , goalRankingName
  , rankProofMethods

  , Heuristic
  , roundRobinHeuristic
  , useHeuristic

  -- ** Pretty Printing
  , prettyProofMethod

) where

import           Data.Binary
import           Data.DeriveTH
import           Data.Function                             (on)
import           Data.Label                                hiding (get)
import qualified Data.Label                                as L
import           Data.List
import qualified Data.Map                                  as M
import           Data.Maybe                                (catMaybes)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Ord                                  (comparing)
import qualified Data.Set                                  as S
import           Extension.Prelude                         (sortOn)

import           Control.Basics
import           Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.PreciseFresh          as Precise

import           Theory.Constraint.Solver.CaseDistinctions
import           Theory.Constraint.Solver.Contradictions
import           Theory.Constraint.Solver.Goals
import           Theory.Constraint.Solver.Reduction
import           Theory.Constraint.Solver.Simplify
import           Theory.Constraint.Solver.Types
import           Theory.Constraint.System
import           Theory.Model
import           Theory.Text.Pretty

-- Utilities

-- | @uniqueListBy eq changes xs@ zips the @changes@ with all sequences equal
-- elements in the list.
-- > uniqueListBy compare id (const [ (++ show i) | i <- [1..] ]) ["a","b","a"] =
-- > ["a1","b","a2"]
uniqueListBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> (a -> a) -> (Int -> [a -> a]) -> [a] -> [a]
uniqueListBy ord single distinguish xs0 =
      map fst
    $ sortBy (comparing snd)
    $ concat $ map uniquify $ groupBy (\x y -> ord (fst x) (fst y) == EQ)
    $ sortBy (ord `on` fst)
    $ zip xs0 [(0::Int)..]
    uniquify []      = error "impossible"
    uniquify [(x,i)] = [(single x, i)]
    uniquify xs      = zipWith (\f (x,i) -> (f x, i)) dist xs
        dist = distinguish $ length xs

-- Proof Methods

-- | Every case in a proof is uniquely named.
type CaseName = String

-- | Sound transformations of sequents.
data ProofMethod =
    Sorry (Maybe String)                 -- ^ Proof was not completed
  | Solved                               -- ^ An attack was fond
  | Simplify                             -- ^ A simplification step.
  | SolveGoal Goal                       -- ^ A goal that was solved.
  | Contradiction (Maybe Contradiction)  -- ^ A contradiction could be
                                         -- derived, possibly with a reason.
  | Induction                            -- ^ Use inductive strengthening on
                                         -- the single formula constraint in
                                         -- the system.
  deriving( Eq, Ord, Show )

instance HasFrees ProofMethod where
    foldFrees f (SolveGoal g)     = foldFrees f g
    foldFrees f (Contradiction c) = foldFrees f c
    foldFrees _ _                 = mempty

    foldFreesOcc  _ _ = const mempty

    mapFrees f (SolveGoal g)     = SolveGoal <$> mapFrees f g
    mapFrees f (Contradiction c) = Contradiction <$> mapFrees f c
    mapFrees _ method            = pure method

-- Proof method execution

-- @execMethod rules method se@ checks first if the @method@ is applicable to
-- the sequent @se@. Then, it applies the @method@ to the sequent under the
-- assumption that the @rules@ describe all rewriting rules in scope.
-- NOTE that the returned systems have their free substitution fully applied
-- and all variable indices reset.
execProofMethod :: ProofContext
                -> ProofMethod -> System -> Maybe (M.Map CaseName System)
execProofMethod ctxt method sys =
      case method of
        Sorry _                  -> return M.empty
          | null (openGoals sys) -> return M.empty
          | otherwise            -> Nothing
        SolveGoal goal
          | goal `M.member` L.get sGoals sys -> execSolveGoal goal
          | otherwise                        -> Nothing
        Simplify                 -> singleCase simplifySystem
        Induction                -> M.map cleanupSystem <$> execInduction
        Contradiction _
          | null (contradictions ctxt sys) -> Nothing
          | otherwise                      -> Just M.empty
    -- at this point it is safe to remove the free substitution, as all
    -- systems have it fully applied (by the virtue of a call to
    -- simplifySystem). We also reset the variable indices here.
    cleanupSystem =
         (`Precise.evalFresh` Precise.nothingUsed)
       . renamePrecise
       . set sSubst emptySubst

    -- expect only one or no subcase in the given case distinction
    singleCase m =
        case    removeRedundantCases ctxt [] id . map cleanupSystem
              . map fst . getDisj $ execReduction m ctxt sys (avoid sys) of
          []                  -> return $ M.empty
          [sys'] | check sys' -> return $ M.singleton "" sys'
                 | otherwise  -> mzero
          syss                ->
               return $ M.fromList (zip (map show [(1::Int)..]) syss)
      where check sys' = cleanupSystem sys /= sys'

    -- solve the given goal
    -- PRE: Goal must be valid in this system.
    execSolveGoal goal =
        return . makeCaseNames . removeRedundantCases ctxt [] snd
               . map (second cleanupSystem) . map fst . getDisj
               $ runReduction solver ctxt sys (avoid sys)
        ths    = L.get pcCaseDists ctxt
        solver = do name <- maybe (solveGoal goal)
                                  (fmap $ concat . intersperse "_")
                                  (solveWithCaseDistinction ctxt ths goal)
                    return name

        makeCaseNames =
            M.fromListWith (error "case names not unique")
          . uniqueListBy (comparing fst) id distinguish
            distinguish n =
                [ (\(x,y) -> (x ++ "_case_" ++ pad (show i), y))
                | i <- [(1::Int)..] ]
                l      = length (show n)
                pad cs = replicate (l - length cs) '0' ++ cs

    -- Apply induction: possible if the system contains only
    -- a single, last-free, closed formula.
      | sys == sys0 =
          case S.toList $ L.get sFormulas sys of
            [gf] -> case ginduct gf of
                      Right (bc, sc) -> Just $ insCase "empty_trace"     bc
                                             $ insCase "non_empty_trace" sc
                                             $ M.empty
                      _              -> Nothing
            _    -> Nothing

      | otherwise = Nothing
        sys0 = set sFormulas (L.get sFormulas sys)
             $ set sLemmas (L.get sLemmas sys)
             $ emptySystem (L.get sCaseDistKind sys)

        insCase name gf = M.insert name (set sFormulas (S.singleton gf) sys)

-- Heuristics

-- | The different available functions to rank goals with respect to their
-- order of solving in a constraint system.
data GoalRanking =
  | UsefulGoalNrRanking
  | SmartRanking Bool
  deriving( Eq, Ord, Show )

-- | The name/explanation of a 'GoalRanking'.
goalRankingName :: GoalRanking -> String
goalRankingName ranking =
    "Goals sorted according to " ++ case ranking of
        GoalNrRanking                -> "their order of creation"
        UsefulGoalNrRanking          -> "their usefulness and order of creation"
        SmartRanking useLoopBreakers -> smart useLoopBreakers
     smart b = "the 'smart' heuristic (loop breakers " ++
               (if b then "allowed" else "delayed") ++ ")."

-- | Use a 'GoalRanking' to sort a list of 'AnnotatedGoal's stemming from the
-- given constraint 'System'.
rankGoals :: ProofContext -> GoalRanking -> System -> [AnnotatedGoal] -> [AnnotatedGoal]
rankGoals ctxt ranking = case ranking of
    GoalNrRanking       -> \_sys -> goalNrRanking
    UsefulGoalNrRanking ->
        \_sys -> sortOn (\(_, (nr, useless)) -> (useless, nr))
    SmartRanking useLoopsBreakers -> smartRanking ctxt useLoopsBreakers

-- | Use a 'GoalRanking' to generate the ranked, list of possible
-- 'ProofMethod's and their corresponding results in this 'ProofContext' and
-- for this 'System'. If the resulting list is empty, then the constraint
-- system is solved.
rankProofMethods :: GoalRanking -> ProofContext -> System
                 -> [(ProofMethod, (M.Map CaseName System, String))]
rankProofMethods ranking ctxt sys = do
    (m, expl) <-
            (contradiction <$> contradictions ctxt sys)
        <|> (case L.get pcUseInduction ctxt of
               AvoidInduction -> [(Simplify, ""), (Induction, "")]
               UseInduction   -> [(Induction, ""), (Simplify, "")]
        <|> (solveGoalMethod <$> (rankGoals ctxt ranking sys $ openGoals sys))
    case execProofMethod ctxt m sys of
      Just cases -> return (m, (cases, expl))
      Nothing    -> []
    contradiction c                    = (Contradiction (Just c), "")
    solveGoalMethod (goal, (nr, usefulness)) =
      ( SolveGoal goal
      , "nr. " ++ show nr ++ case usefulness of
                               Useful                -> ""
                               LoopBreaker           -> " (loop breaker)"
                               ProbablyConstructible -> " (probably constructible)"
                               CurrentlyDeducible    -> " (currently deducible)"

newtype Heuristic = Heuristic [GoalRanking]
    deriving( Eq, Ord, Show )

-- | Smart constructor for heuristics. Schedules the goal rankings in a
-- round-robin fashion dependent on the proof depth.
roundRobinHeuristic :: [GoalRanking] -> Heuristic
roundRobinHeuristic = Heuristic

-- | Use a heuristic to schedule a 'GoalRanking' according to the given
-- proof-depth.
useHeuristic :: Heuristic -> Int -> GoalRanking
useHeuristic (Heuristic []      ) = error "useHeuristic: empty list of rankings"
useHeuristic (Heuristic rankings) =
    n = length rankings

    ranking depth
      | depth < 0 = error $ "useHeuristic: negative proof depth " ++ show depth
      | otherwise = rankings !! (depth `mod` n)

-- | Schedule the given local-heuristics in a round-robin fashion.
roundRobinHeuristic :: [GoalRanking] -> Heuristic
roundRobinHeuristic []       = error "roundRobin: empty list of rankings"
roundRobinHeuristic rankings =
    n = length rankings

    methods depth ctxt sys
      | depth < 0 = error $ "roundRobin: negative proof depth " ++ show depth
      | otherwise =
          ( name
          ,     ((Contradiction . Just) <$> contradictions ctxt sys)
            <|> (case L.get pcUseInduction ctxt of
                   AvoidInduction -> [Simplify, Induction]
                   UseInduction   -> [Induction, Simplify]
            <|> ((SolveGoal . fst) <$> (ranking sys $ openGoals sys))
        (name, ranking) = rankings !! (depth `mod` n)

-- | Sort annotated goals according to their number.
goalNrRanking :: [AnnotatedGoal] -> [AnnotatedGoal]
goalNrRanking = sortOn (fst . snd)

-- | A ranking function tuned for the automatic verification of
-- classical security protocols that exhibit a well-founded protocol premise
-- fact flow.
smartRanking :: ProofContext
             -> Bool   -- True if PremiseG loop-breakers should not be delayed
             -> System
             -> [AnnotatedGoal] -> [AnnotatedGoal]
smartRanking ctxt allowPremiseGLoopBreakers sys =
    sortOnUsefulness . unmark . sortDecisionTree solveFirst . goalNrRanking
    oneCaseOnly = catMaybes . map getMsgOneCase . L.get pcCaseDists $ ctxt

    getMsgOneCase cd = case msgPremise (L.get cdGoal cd) of
      Just (viewTerm -> FApp o _)
        | length (getDisj (L.get cdCases cd)) == 1 -> Just o
      _                                            -> Nothing

    sortOnUsefulness = sortOn (tagUsefulness . snd . snd)

    tagUsefulness Useful                = 0 :: Int
    tagUsefulness ProbablyConstructible = 1
    tagUsefulness LoopBreaker           = 1
    tagUsefulness CurrentlyDeducible    = 2

    unmark | allowPremiseGLoopBreakers = map unmarkPremiseG
           | otherwise                 = id

    unmarkPremiseG (goal@(PremiseG _ _), (nr, _)) = (goal, (nr, Useful))
    unmarkPremiseG annGoal                        = annGoal

    solveFirst =
        [ isChainGoal . fst
        , isDisjGoal . fst
        , isNonLoopBreakerProtoFactGoal
        , isStandardActionGoal . fst
        , isPrivateKnowsGoal . fst
        , isFreshKnowsGoal . fst
        , isSplitGoalSmall . fst
        , isMsgOneCaseGoal . fst
        , isDoubleExpGoal . fst
        , isNoLargeSplitGoal . fst ]
        -- move the rest (mostly more expensive KU-goals) before expensive
        -- equation splits

    -- FIXME: This small split goal preferral is quite hacky when using
    -- induction. The problem is that we may end up solving message premise
    -- goals all the time instead of performing a necessary split. We should make
    -- sure that a split does not get too old.
    smallSplitGoalSize = 3

    isNonLoopBreakerProtoFactGoal (PremiseG _ fa, (_, Useful)) = not $ isKFact fa
    isNonLoopBreakerProtoFactGoal _                            = False

    msgPremise (ActionG _ fa) = do (UpK, m) <- kFactView fa; return m
    msgPremise _              = Nothing

    isFreshKnowsGoal goal = case msgPremise goal of
        Just (viewTerm -> Lit (Var lv)) | lvarSort lv == LSortFresh -> True
        _                                                           -> False

    isMsgOneCaseGoal goal = case msgPremise goal of
        Just (viewTerm -> FApp o _) | o `elem` oneCaseOnly -> True
        _                                                  -> False

    isPrivateKnowsGoal goal = case msgPremise goal of
        Just t -> isPrivateFunction t
        _      -> False

    isDoubleExpGoal goal = case msgPremise goal of
        Just (viewTerm2 -> FExp  _ (viewTerm2 -> FMult _)) -> True
        _                                                  -> False

    -- Be conservative on splits that don't exist.
    isSplitGoalSmall (SplitG sid) =
        maybe False (<= smallSplitGoalSize) $ splitSize (L.get sEqStore sys) sid
    isSplitGoalSmall _            = False

    isNoLargeSplitGoal goal@(SplitG _) = isSplitGoalSmall goal
    isNoLargeSplitGoal _               = True

    -- | @sortDecisionTree xs ps@ returns a reordering of @xs@
    -- such that the sublist satisfying @ps!!0@ occurs first,
    -- then the sublist satisfying @ps!!1@, and so on.
    sortDecisionTree :: [a -> Bool] -> [a] -> [a]
    sortDecisionTree []     xs = xs
    sortDecisionTree (p:ps) xs = sat ++ sortDecisionTree ps nonsat
      where (sat, nonsat) = partition p xs

-- Pretty printing

-- | Pretty-print a proof method.
prettyProofMethod :: HighlightDocument d => ProofMethod -> d
prettyProofMethod method = case method of
    Solved               -> keyword_ "SOLVED" <-> lineComment_ "trace found"
    Induction            -> keyword_ "induction"
    Sorry reason         ->
        fsep [keyword_ "sorry", maybe emptyDoc lineComment_ reason]
    SolveGoal goal       ->
        keyword_ "solve(" <-> prettyGoal goal <-> keyword_ ")"
    Simplify             -> keyword_ "simplify"
    Contradiction reason ->
        sep [ keyword_ "contradiction"
            , maybe emptyDoc (lineComment . prettyContradiction) reason

-- Derived instances

$( derive makeBinary ''ProofMethod)
$( derive makeBinary ''GoalRanking)
$( derive makeBinary ''Heuristic)

$( derive makeNFData ''ProofMethod)
$( derive makeNFData ''GoalRanking)
$( derive makeNFData ''Heuristic)