{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns       #-}
-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) 2011, 2012 Benedikt Schmidt & Simon Meier
-- License     : GPL v3 (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Simon Meier <iridcode@gmail.com>
-- Portability : GHC only
-- Facts used to formulate and reason about protocol execution.
module Theory.Model.Fact (

  -- * Fact
  , Multiplicity(..)
  , FactTag(..)

  , matchFact

  -- ** Queries
  , isLinearFact
  , isPersistentFact
  , isProtoFact

  , factTagName
  , showFactTag
  , showFactTagArity
  , factTagArity
  , factTagMultiplicity
  , factArity
  , factMultiplicity

  , DirTag(..)
  , kuFact
  , kdFact
  , kFactView
  , dedFactView

  , isKFact
  , isKUFact
  , isKDFact

  -- ** Construction
  , freshFact
  , outFact
  , inFact
  , kLogFact
  , dedLogFact
  , protoFact

  -- * NFact
  , NFact

  -- * LFact
  , LFact
  , LNFact
  , unifyLNFactEqs
  , unifiableLNFacts

  -- * Pretty-Printing

  , prettyFact
  , prettyNFact
  , prettyLNFact

  ) where

import           Control.Basics
import           Control.DeepSeq

import           Data.Binary
import           Data.DeriveTH
import           Data.Foldable          (Foldable(..))
import           Data.Generics
import           Data.Maybe             (isJust)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Traversable       (Traversable(..))

import           Term.Unification

import           Text.PrettyPrint.Class

-- Fact

data Multiplicity = Persistent | Linear
                  deriving( Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data )

-- | Fact tags/symbols
data FactTag = ProtoFact Multiplicity String Int
               -- ^ A protocol fact together with its arity and multiplicity.
             | FreshFact  -- ^ Freshly generated value.
             | OutFact    -- ^ Sent by the protocol
             | InFact     -- ^ Officially known by the intruder/network.
             | KUFact     -- ^ Up-knowledge fact in messsage deduction.
             | KDFact     -- ^ Down-knowledge fact in message deduction.
             | DedFact    -- ^ Log-fact denoting that the intruder deduced
                          -- a message using a construction rule.
    deriving( Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data )

-- | Facts.
data Fact t = Fact
    { factTag   :: FactTag
    , factTerms :: [t]
    deriving( Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data )

-- Instances

instance Functor Fact where
    fmap f (Fact tag ts) = Fact tag (fmap f ts)

instance Foldable Fact where
    foldMap f (Fact _ ts) = foldMap f ts

instance Traversable Fact where
    sequenceA (Fact tag ts) = Fact tag <$> sequenceA ts
    traverse f (Fact tag ts) = Fact tag <$> traverse f ts

instance Sized t => Sized (Fact t) where
  size (Fact _ args) = size args

instance HasFrees t => HasFrees (Fact t) where
    foldFrees  f = foldMap  (foldFrees f)
    foldFreesOcc f c fa = foldFreesOcc f ((show $ factTag fa):c) (factTerms fa)
    mapFrees   f = traverse (mapFrees f)

instance Apply t => Apply (Fact t) where
    apply subst = fmap (apply subst)

-- KU and KD facts

-- | A direction tag
data DirTag = UpK | DnK
            deriving( Eq, Ord, Show )

kdFact, kuFact :: t -> Fact t
kdFact = Fact KDFact . return
kuFact = Fact KUFact . return

-- | View a message-deduction fact.
kFactView :: LNFact -> Maybe (DirTag, LNTerm)
kFactView fa = case fa of
    Fact KUFact [m] -> Just (UpK, m)
    Fact KUFact _   -> errMalformed "kFactView" fa
    Fact KDFact [m] -> Just (DnK, m)
    Fact KDFact _   -> errMalformed "kFactView" fa
    _               -> Nothing

-- | View a deduction logging fact.
dedFactView :: LNFact -> Maybe LNTerm
dedFactView fa = case fa of
    Fact DedFact [m] -> Just m
    Fact DedFact _   -> errMalformed "dedFactView" fa
    _                -> Nothing

-- | True if the fact is a message-deduction fact.
isKFact :: LNFact -> Bool
isKFact = isJust . kFactView

-- | True if the fact is a KU-fact.
isKUFact :: LNFact -> Bool
isKUFact (Fact KUFact _) = True
isKUFact _               = False

-- | True if the fact is a KD-fact.
isKDFact :: LNFact -> Bool
isKDFact (Fact KDFact _) = True
isKDFact _               = False

-- | Mark a fact as malformed.
errMalformed :: String -> LNFact -> a
errMalformed caller fa =
    error $ caller ++ show ": malformed fact: " ++ show fa

-- Constructing facts

-- | A fact denoting a message sent by the protocol to the intruder.
outFact :: t -> Fact t
outFact = Fact OutFact . return

-- | A fresh fact denotes a fresh unguessable name.
freshFact :: t -> Fact t
freshFact = Fact FreshFact . return

-- | A fact denoting that the intruder sent a message to the protocol.
inFact :: t -> Fact t
inFact = Fact InFact . return

-- | A fact logging that the intruder knows a message.
kLogFact :: t -> Fact t
kLogFact = protoFact Linear "K" . return

-- | A fact logging that the intruder deduced a message using a construction
-- rule. We use this to formulate invariants over normal dependency graphs.
dedLogFact :: t -> Fact t
dedLogFact = Fact DedFact . return

-- | A protocol fact denotes a fact generated by a protocol rule.
protoFact :: Multiplicity -> String -> [t] -> Fact t
protoFact multi name ts = Fact (ProtoFact multi name (length ts)) ts

-- Queries on facts

-- | True iff the fact is a non-special protocol fact.
isProtoFact :: Fact t -> Bool
isProtoFact (Fact (ProtoFact _ _ _) _) = True
isProtoFact _                          = False

-- | True if the fact is a linear fact.
isLinearFact :: Fact t -> Bool
isLinearFact = (Linear ==) . factMultiplicity

-- | True if the fact is a persistent fact.
isPersistentFact :: Fact t -> Bool
isPersistentFact = (Persistent ==) . factMultiplicity

-- | The multiplicity of a 'FactTag'.
factTagMultiplicity :: FactTag -> Multiplicity
factTagMultiplicity tag = case tag of
    ProtoFact multi _ _ -> multi
    KUFact              -> Persistent
    KDFact              -> Persistent
    _                   -> Linear

-- | The arity of a 'FactTag'.
factTagArity :: FactTag -> Int
factTagArity tag = case  tag of
    ProtoFact _ _ k -> k
    KUFact          -> 1
    KDFact          -> 1
    DedFact         -> 1
    FreshFact       -> 1
    InFact          -> 1
    OutFact         -> 1

-- | The arity of a 'Fact'.
factArity :: Fact t -> Int
factArity (Fact tag ts)
  | length ts == k = k
  | otherwise      = error $ "factArity: tag of arity " ++ show k ++
                             " applied to " ++ show (length ts) ++ " terms"
    k = factTagArity tag

-- | The multiplicity of a 'Fact'.
factMultiplicity :: Fact t -> Multiplicity
factMultiplicity = factTagMultiplicity . factTag

-- NFact

-- | Facts with literals containing names and arbitrary variables.
type NFact v = Fact (NTerm v)

-- LFact

-- | Facts with literals arbitrary constants and logical variables.
type LFact c = Fact (LTerm c)

-- | Facts used for proving; i.e. variables fixed to logical variables
-- and constant fixed to names.
type LNFact = Fact LNTerm

-- | Unify a list of @LFact@ equalities.
unifyLNFactEqs :: [Equal LNFact] -> WithMaude [LNSubstVFresh]
unifyLNFactEqs eqs
  | all (evalEqual . fmap factTag) eqs =
      unifyLNTerm (map (fmap (fAppList . factTerms)) eqs)
  | otherwise = return []

-- | 'True' iff the two facts are unifiable.
unifiableLNFacts :: LNFact -> LNFact -> WithMaude Bool
unifiableLNFacts fa1 fa2 = (not . null) <$> unifyLNFactEqs [Equal fa1 fa2]

-- | @matchLFact t p@ is a complete set of AC matchers for the term fact @t@
-- and the pattern fact @p@.
matchFact :: Fact t -- ^ Term
            -> Fact t -- ^ Pattern
            -> Match t
matchFact t p =
    matchOnlyIf (factTag t == factTag p &&
                 length (factTerms t) == length (factTerms p))
    <> mconcat (zipWith matchWith (factTerms t) (factTerms p))

-- Pretty Printing

-- | The name of a fact tag, e.g., @factTagName KUFact = "KU"@.
factTagName :: FactTag -> String
factTagName tag = case tag of
    KUFact            -> "KU"
    KDFact            -> "KD"
    DedFact           -> "Ded"
    InFact            -> "In"
    OutFact           -> "Out"
    FreshFact         -> "Fr"
    (ProtoFact _ n _) -> n

-- | Show a fact tag as a 'String'. This is the 'factTagName' prefixed with
-- the multiplicity.
showFactTag :: FactTag -> String
showFactTag tag =
    (++ factTagName tag) $ case factTagMultiplicity tag of
                             Linear     -> ""
                             Persistent -> "!"

-- | Show a fact tag together with its aritiy.
showFactTagArity :: FactTag -> String
showFactTagArity tag = showFactTag tag ++ "/" ++ show (factTagArity tag)

-- | Pretty print a fact.
prettyFact :: Document d => (t -> d) -> Fact t -> d
prettyFact ppTerm (Fact tag ts)
  | factTagArity tag /= length ts = ppFact ("MALFORMED-" ++ show tag) ts
  | otherwise                     = ppFact (showFactTag tag) ts
    ppFact n = nestShort' (n ++ "(") ")" . fsep . punctuate comma . map ppTerm

-- | Pretty print a 'NFact'.
prettyNFact :: Document d => LNFact -> d
prettyNFact = prettyFact prettyNTerm

-- | Pretty print a 'LFact'.
prettyLNFact :: Document d => LNFact -> d
prettyLNFact fa = prettyFact prettyNTerm fa

-- derived instances

$( derive makeBinary ''Multiplicity)
$( derive makeBinary ''FactTag)
$( derive makeBinary ''Fact)

$( derive makeNFData ''Multiplicity)
$( derive makeNFData ''FactTag)
$( derive makeNFData ''Fact)