{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns               #-}
-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) 2010-2012 Benedikt Schmidt, Simon Meier
-- License     : GPL v3 (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Benedikt Schmidt <beschmi@gmail.com>
-- Portability : GHC only
-- Support for reasoning with and about disjunctions of substitutions.
module Theory.Tools.EquationStore (
  -- * Equations

  , EqStore(..)
  , emptyEqStore
  , eqsSubst
  , eqsConj

  -- ** Equalitiy constraint conjunctions
  , falseEqConstrConj

  -- ** Queries
  , eqsIsFalse

  -- ** Adding equalities
  , addEqs
  , addRuleVariants
  , addDisj

  -- ** Case splitting
  , performSplit
  , dropNameHintsBound

  , splits
  , splitSize
  , splitExists

  -- * Simplification
  , simp
  , simpDisjunction

  -- ** Pretty printing
  , prettyEqStore
) where

import           Logic.Connectives
import           Term.Unification
import           Theory.Text.Pretty

import           Control.Monad.Fresh
import           Control.Monad.Bind
import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Extension.Prelude
import           Utils.Misc

import           Debug.Trace.Ignore

import           Control.Basics
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Monad.State   hiding (get, modify, put)
import qualified Control.Monad.State   as MS

import           Data.Binary
import           Data.DeriveTH
import qualified Data.Foldable         as F
import           Data.List
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set              as S
import           Extension.Data.Label  hiding (for, get)
import qualified Extension.Data.Label  as L
import           Extension.Data.Monoid

-- Equation Store                                                --

-- | Index of disjunction in equation store
newtype SplitId = SplitId { unSplitId :: Integer }
  deriving( Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Binary, NFData, HasFrees )

-- FIXME: Make comment parse.
-- The semantics of an equation store
-- > EqStore sigma_free
-- >         [ [sigma_i1,..,sigma_ik_i] | i <- [1..l] ]
-- where sigma_free = {t1/x1, .., tk/xk} is
-- >    (x1 = t1 /\ .. /\ xk = tk)
-- > /\_{i in [1..l]}
-- >    ([|sigma_i1|] \/ .. \/ [|sigma_ik_1|] \/ [|mtinfo_i|]
-- where @[|{t_1/x_1,..,t_l/x_l}|] = EX vars(t1,..,tl). x_1 = t1 /\ .. /\ x_l = t_l@.
-- Note that the 'LVar's in the range of a substitution are interpreted as
-- fresh variables, i.e., different by construction from the x_i which are
-- free variables.
-- The variables in the domain of the substitutions sigma_ij and all
-- variables in sigma_free are free (usually globally existentially quantified).
-- We use Conj [] as a normal form to denote True and Conj [Disj []]
-- as a normal form to denote False.
-- We say a variable @x@ is constrained by a disjunction if there is a substition
-- @s@ in the disjunction with @x `elem` dom s@.
data EqStore = EqStore {
      _eqsSubst       :: LNSubst
    , _eqsConj        :: Conj (SplitId, S.Set LNSubstVFresh)
    , _eqsNextSplitId :: SplitId
  deriving( Eq, Ord )

$(mkLabels [''EqStore])

-- | @emptyEqStore@ is the empty equation store.
emptyEqStore :: EqStore
emptyEqStore = EqStore emptySubst (Conj []) (SplitId 0)

-- | @True@ iff the 'EqStore' is contradictory.
eqsIsFalse :: EqStore -> Bool
eqsIsFalse = any ((S.empty == ) . snd) . getConj . L.get eqsConj

-- | The false conjunction. It is always identified with split number -1.
falseEqConstrConj :: Conj (SplitId, S.Set LNSubstVFresh)
falseEqConstrConj = Conj [ (SplitId (-1), S.empty) ]

dropNameHintsBound :: EqStore -> EqStore
dropNameHintsBound = modify eqsConj (Conj . map (second (S.map dropNameHintsLNSubstVFresh)) . getConj)

dropNameHintsLNSubstVFresh :: LNSubstVFresh -> LNSubstVFresh
dropNameHintsLNSubstVFresh subst =
    substFromListVFresh $ zip (map fst slist)
                              ((`evalFresh` nothingUsed) . (`evalBindT` noBindings) $ renameDropNamehint (map snd slist))
  where slist = substToListVFresh subst

-- Instances

instance Apply SplitId where
    apply _ = id

instance HasFrees EqStore where
    foldFrees f (EqStore subst substs nextSplitId) =
        foldFrees f subst <> foldFrees f substs <> foldFrees f nextSplitId
    foldFreesOcc  _ _ = const mempty
    mapFrees f (EqStore subst substs nextSplitId) =
        EqStore <$> mapFrees f subst
                <*> mapFrees f substs
                <*> mapFrees f nextSplitId

-- Equation Store

-- | We use the empty set (disjunction) to denote false.
falseDisj :: S.Set LNSubstVFresh
falseDisj = S.empty

-- Dealing with equations

-- | Returns the list of all @SplitId@s valid for the given equation store
-- sorted by the size of the disjunctions.
splits :: EqStore -> [SplitId]
splits eqs = map fst $ nub $ sortOn snd
    [ (idx, S.size conj) | (idx, conj) <- getConj $ L.get eqsConj eqs ]

-- | Returns 'True' if the 'SplitId' is valid.
splitExists :: EqStore -> SplitId -> Bool
splitExists eqs = isJust . splitSize eqs

-- | Returns the number of cases for a given 'SplitId'.
splitSize :: EqStore -> SplitId -> Maybe Int
splitSize eqs sid =
    (S.size . snd) <$> (find ((sid ==) . fst) $ getConj $ L.get eqsConj $ eqs)

-- | Add a disjunction to the equation store at the beginning
addDisj :: EqStore -> (S.Set LNSubstVFresh) -> (EqStore, SplitId)
addDisj eqStore disj =
    (   modify eqsConj ((Conj [(sid, disj)]) `mappend`)
      $ modify eqsNextSplitId succ
      $ eqStore
    , sid
    sid = L.get eqsNextSplitId eqStore

-- | @performSplit eqs i@ performs a case-split on the first disjunction
-- with the given 'SplitId'.
performSplit :: EqStore -> SplitId -> Maybe [EqStore]
performSplit eqStore idx =
    case break ((idx ==) . fst) (getConj $ L.get eqsConj eqStore) of
        (_, [])                   -> Nothing
        (before, (_, disj):after) -> Just $
            mkNewEqStore before after <$> S.toList disj
    mkNewEqStore before after subst =
        fst $ addDisj (set eqsConj (Conj (before ++ after)) eqStore)
                      (S.singleton subst)

-- | Add a list of term equalities to the equation store. Returns the split
-- identifier of the disjunction in resulting equation store.
addEqs :: MonadFresh m
       => MaudeHandle -> [Equal LNTerm] -> EqStore -> m (EqStore, Maybe SplitId)
addEqs hnd eqs0 eqStore =
    case unifyLNTermFactored eqs `runReader` hnd of
        (_, []) ->
            return (set eqsConj falseEqConstrConj eqStore, Nothing)
        (subst, [substFresh]) | substFresh == emptySubstVFresh ->
            return (applyEqStore hnd subst eqStore, Nothing)
        (subst, substs) -> do
            let (eqStore', sid) = addDisj (applyEqStore hnd subst eqStore)
                                          (S.fromList substs)
            return (eqStore', Just sid)
            case splitStrat of
                SplitLater ->
                    return [ addDisj (applyEqStore hnd subst eqStore) (S.fromList substs) ]
                SplitNow ->
                    addEqsAC (modify eqsSubst (compose subst) eqStore)
                        <$> simpDisjunction hnd (const False) (Disj substs)
    eqs = apply (L.get eqsSubst eqStore) $ trace (unlines ["addEqs: ", show eqs0]) $ eqs0
    addEqsAC eqSt (sfree, Nothing)   = [ applyEqStore hnd sfree eqSt ]
    addEqsAC eqSt (sfree, Just disj) =
      fromMaybe (error "addEqsSplit: impossible, splitAtPos failed")
                (splitAtPos (applyEqStore hnd sfree (addDisj eqSt (S.fromList disj))) 0)

-- | Apply a substitution to an equation store and bring resulting equations into
--   normal form again by using unification.
applyEqStore :: MaudeHandle -> LNSubst -> EqStore -> EqStore
applyEqStore hnd asubst eqStore
    | dom asubst `intersect` varsRange asubst /= [] || trace (show ("applyEqStore", asubst, eqStore)) False
    = error $ "applyEqStore: dom and vrange not disjoint for `"++show asubst++"'"
    | otherwise
    = modify eqsConj (fmap (second (S.fromList . concatMap applyBound  . S.toList))) $
          set eqsSubst newsubst eqStore
    newsubst = asubst `compose` L.get eqsSubst eqStore
    applyBound s = map (restrictVFresh (varsRange newsubst ++ domVFresh s)) $
        (`runReader` hnd) $ unifyLNTerm
          [ Equal (apply newsubst (varTerm lv)) t
          | let slist = substToListVFresh s,
            -- variables in the range are fresh, so we have to rename
            -- them away from all other variables in unification problem
            -- NOTE: these variables never enter the global context
            let ran = renameAvoiding (map snd slist)
                                     (domVFresh s ++ varsRange newsubst),
            (lv,t) <- zip (map fst slist) ran

{- NOTES for @applyEqStore tau@ to a fresh substitution sigma:
[ FIXME: extend explanation to multiple unifiers ]
Let dom(sigma) = x1,..,xk, vrange(sigma) = y1, .. yl, vrange(tau) = z1,..,zn
Fresh substitution denotes formula
  exists #y1, .., #yl. x1 = t1 /\ .. /\ xk = tk
for variables #yi that do not clash with xi and zi [renameAwayFrom]
and with vars(ti) `subsetOf` [#y1, .. #yl].
We apply tau with vrange(tau) = z1,..,zn to the formula to obtain
  exists ##y1, .., ##yl. tau(x1) = t1 /\ .. /\ tau(xk) = tk
unification then yields a lemma
  forall xi zi #yi.
    tau(x1) = t1 /\ .. /\ tau(xk) = tk
    <-> exists vars(s1,..sm). x1 = .. /\ z1 = .. /\ #y1 = ..
So we have
  exists #y1, .., #yl.
    exists vars(s1,..sm). x1 = .. /\ z1 = .. /\ #y1 = ..
  exists vars(s1,..sm). x1 = .. /\ z1 = ..
      /\  (exists #y1, .., #yl. #y1 = ..)
<=> [restric]
  exists vars(s1,..sm). x1 = .. /\ z1 = .. /\ True

-- | Add the given rule variants.
addRuleVariants :: Disj LNSubstVFresh -> EqStore -> (EqStore, SplitId)
addRuleVariants (Disj substs) eqStore
    | dom freeSubst `intersect` concatMap domVFresh substs /= []
    = error $ "addRuleVariants: Nonempty intersection between domain of variants and free substitution. "
              ++"This case has not been implemented, add rule variants earlier."
    | otherwise = addDisj eqStore (S.fromList substs)
    freeSubst = L.get eqsSubst eqStore

-- | Return the set of variables that is constrained by disjunction at give position.
constrainedVarsPos :: EqStore -> Int -> [LVar]
constrainedVarsPos eqStore k
    | k < length conj = frees (conj!!k)
    | otherwise       = []
    conj = getConj . L.get eqsConj $ eqStore

-- Simplifying disjunctions

-- | Simplify given disjunction via EqStore simplification. Obtains fresh
--   names for variables from the underlying 'MonadFresh'.
simpDisjunction :: MonadFresh m
                => MaudeHandle
                -> (LNSubst -> LNSubstVFresh -> Bool)
                -> Disj LNSubstVFresh
                -> m (LNSubst, Maybe [LNSubstVFresh])
simpDisjunction hnd isContr disj0 = do
    eqStore' <- simp hnd isContr eqStore
    return (L.get eqsSubst eqStore', wrap $ L.get eqsConj eqStore')
    eqStore = fst $ addDisj emptyEqStore (S.fromList $ getDisj $ disj0)
    wrap (Conj [])          = Nothing
    wrap (Conj [(_, disj)]) = Just $ S.toList disj
    wrap conj               =
        error ("simplifyDisjunction: imposible, unexpected conjunction `"
               ++ show conj ++ "'")

-- Simplification

-- | @simp eqStore@ simplifies the equation store.
simp :: MonadFresh m => MaudeHandle -> (LNSubst -> LNSubstVFresh -> Bool) -> EqStore -> m EqStore
simp hnd isContr eqStore =
    execStateT (whileTrue (simp1 hnd isContr))
               (trace (show ("eqStore", eqStore)) eqStore)

-- | @simp1@ tries to execute one simplification step
--   for the equation store. It returns @True@ if
--   the equation store was modified.
simp1 :: MonadFresh m => MaudeHandle -> (LNSubst -> LNSubstVFresh -> Bool) -> StateT EqStore m Bool
simp1 hnd isContr = do
    eqs <- MS.get
    if eqsIsFalse eqs
        then return False
        else do
          b1 <- simpMinimize (isContr (L.get eqsSubst eqs))
          b2 <- simpRemoveRenamings
          b3 <- simpEmptyDisj
          b4 <- foreachDisj hnd simpSingleton
          b5 <- foreachDisj hnd simpAbstractSortedVar
          b6 <- foreachDisj hnd simpIdentify
          b7 <- foreachDisj hnd simpAbstractFun
          b8 <- foreachDisj hnd simpAbstractName
          (trace (show ("simp:", [b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8]))) $
              return $ (or [b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8])

-- | Remove variable renamings in fresh substitutions.
simpRemoveRenamings :: MonadFresh m => StateT EqStore m Bool
simpRemoveRenamings = do
    conj <- gets (L.get eqsConj)
    if F.any (S.foldl' (\b subst -> b || domVFresh subst /= domVFresh (removeRenamings subst)) False . snd) conj
      then modM eqsConj (fmap (second $ S.map removeRenamings)) >> return True
      else return False

-- | If empty disjunction is found, the whole conjunct
--   can be simplified to False.
simpEmptyDisj :: MonadFresh m => StateT EqStore m Bool
simpEmptyDisj = do
    conj <- getM eqsConj
    if (F.any ((== falseDisj) . snd) conj && conj /= falseEqConstrConj)
      then eqsConj =: falseEqConstrConj >> return True
      else return False

-- | If there is a singleton disjunction, it can be
--   composed with the free substitution.
simpSingleton :: MonadFresh m
              => [LNSubstVFresh]
              -> m (Maybe (Maybe LNSubst, [S.Set LNSubstVFresh]))
simpSingleton [subst0] = do
        subst <- freshToFree subst0
        return (Just (Just subst, []))
simpSingleton _        = return Nothing

-- | If all substitutions @si@ map a variable @v@ to terms with the same
--   outermost function symbol @f@, then they all contain the common factor
--   @{v |-> f(x1,..,xk)}@ for fresh variables xi and we can replace
--   @x |-> ..@ by @{x1 |-> ti1, x2 |-> ti2, ..}@ in all substitutions @si@.
simpAbstractFun :: MonadFresh m
                => [LNSubstVFresh]
                -> m (Maybe (Maybe LNSubst, [S.Set LNSubstVFresh]))
simpAbstractFun []             = return Nothing
simpAbstractFun (subst:others) = case commonOperators of
    [] -> return Nothing
    -- abstract all arguments
    (v, o, argss@(args:_)):_ | all ((==length args) . length) argss -> do
        fvars <- mapM (\_ -> freshLVar "x" LSortMsg) args
        let substs' = zipWith (abstractAll v fvars) (subst:others) argss
            fsubst  = substFromList [(v, fApp o (map varTerm fvars))]
        return $ Just (Just fsubst, [S.fromList substs'])
    -- abstract first two arguments
    (v, o@(AC _), argss):_ -> do
        fv1 <- freshLVar "x" LSortMsg
        fv2 <- freshLVar "x" LSortMsg
        let substs' = zipWith (abstractTwo o v fv1 fv2) (subst:others) argss
            fsubst  = substFromList [(v, fApp o (map varTerm [fv1,fv2]))]
        return $ Just (Just fsubst, [S.fromList substs'])
    (_, _ ,_):_ ->
        error "simpAbstract: impossible, invalid arities or List operator encountered."
    commonOperators = do
        (v, viewTerm -> FApp o args) <- substToListVFresh subst
        let images = map (\s -> imageOfVFresh s v) others
            argss  = [ args' | Just (viewTerm -> FApp o' args') <- images, o' == o ]
        guard (length argss == length others)
        return (v, o, args:argss)

    abstractAll v freshVars s args = substFromListVFresh $
        filter ((/= v) . fst) (substToListVFresh s) ++ zip freshVars args

    abstractTwo o v fv1 fv2 s args = substFromListVFresh $
        filter ((/= v) . fst) (substToListVFresh s) ++ newMappings args
        newMappings []      =
            error "simpAbstract: impossible, AC symbols must have arity >= 2."
        newMappings [a1,a2] = [(fv1, a1), (fv2, a2)]
        -- here we always abstract from left to right and do not
        -- take advantage of the AC property of o
        newMappings (a:as)  = [(fv1, a),  (fv2, fApp o as)]

-- | If all substitutions @si@ map a variable @v@ to the same name @n@,
--   then they all contain the common factor
--   @{v |-> n}@ and we can remove @{v -> n}@ from all substitutions @si@
simpAbstractName :: MonadFresh m
                 => [LNSubstVFresh]
                 -> m (Maybe (Maybe LNSubst, [S.Set LNSubstVFresh]))
simpAbstractName []             = return Nothing
simpAbstractName (subst:others) = case commonNames of
    []           -> return Nothing
    (v, c):_     ->
        return $ Just (Just $ substFromList [(v, c)]
                      , [S.fromList (map (\s -> restrictVFresh (delete v (domVFresh s)) s) (subst:others))])
    commonNames = do
        (v, c@(viewTerm -> Lit (Con _))) <- substToListVFresh subst
        let images = map (\s -> imageOfVFresh s v) others
        guard (length images == length [ () | Just c' <- images, c' == c])
        return (v, c)

-- | If all substitutions @si@ map a variable @v@ to variables @xi@ of the same
--   sort @s@ then they all contain the common factor
--   @{v |-> y}@ for a fresh variable of sort @s@
--   and we can replace @{v -> xi}@ by @{y -> xi}@ in all substitutions @si@
simpAbstractSortedVar :: MonadFresh m
                      => [LNSubstVFresh]
                      -> m (Maybe (Maybe LNSubst, [S.Set LNSubstVFresh]))
simpAbstractSortedVar []             = return Nothing
simpAbstractSortedVar (subst:others) = case commonSortedVar of
    []            -> return Nothing
    (v, s, lvs):_ -> do
        fv <- freshLVar (lvarName v) s
        return $ Just (Just $ substFromList [(v, varTerm fv)]
                      , [S.fromList (zipWith (replaceMapping v fv) lvs (subst:others))])
    commonSortedVar = do
        (v, (viewTerm -> Lit (Var lx))) <- substToListVFresh subst
        guard (sortCompare (lvarSort v)  (lvarSort lx) == Just GT)
        let images = map (\s -> imageOfVFresh s v) others
            -- FIXME: could be generalized to choose topsort s of all images if s < sortOf v
            --        could also be generalized to terms of a given sort
            goodImages = [ ly | Just (viewTerm -> Lit (Var ly)) <- images, lvarSort lx == lvarSort ly]
        guard (length images == length goodImages)
        return (v, lvarSort lx, (lx:goodImages))
    replaceMapping v fv lv sigma =
        substFromListVFresh $ (filter ((/=v) . fst) $ substToListVFresh sigma) ++ [(fv, varTerm lv)]

-- | If all substitutions @si@ map two variables @x@ and @y@ to identical terms @ti@,
--   then they all contain the common factor @{x |-> y}@ for a fresh variable @z@
--   and we can remove @{x |-> ti}@ from all @si@.
simpIdentify :: MonadFresh m
             => [LNSubstVFresh]
             -> m (Maybe (Maybe LNSubst, [S.Set LNSubstVFresh]))
simpIdentify []             = return Nothing
simpIdentify (subst:others) = case equalImgPairs of
    []         -> return Nothing
    ((v,v'):_) -> do
        let (vkeep, vremove) = case sortCompare (lvarSort v) (lvarSort v') of
                                 Just GT -> (v', v)
                                 Just _  -> (v, v')
                                 Nothing -> error $ "EquationStore.simpIdentify: impossible, variables with incomparable sorts: "
                                                    ++ show v ++" and "++ show v'
        return $ Just (Just  (substFromList [(vremove, varTerm vkeep)]),
                       [S.fromList (map (removeMappings [vkeep]) (subst:others))])
    equalImgPairs = do
        (v,t)    <- substToListVFresh subst
        (v', t') <- substToListVFresh subst
        guard (t == t' && v < v' && all (agrees_on v v') others)
        return (v,v')
    agrees_on v v' s =
        imageOfVFresh s v == imageOfVFresh s v' && isJust (imageOfVFresh s v)
    removeMappings vs s = restrictVFresh (domVFresh s \\ vs) s

-- | Simplify by removing substitutions that occur twice in a disjunct.
--   We could generalize this function by using AC-equality or subsumption.
simpMinimize :: MonadFresh m => (LNSubstVFresh -> Bool) -> StateT EqStore m Bool
simpMinimize isContr = do
    conj <- MS.gets (L.get eqsConj)
    if F.any (F.any check . snd) conj
      then MS.modify (set eqsConj (fmap (second minimize) conj)) >> return True
      else return False
    minimize substs
      | emptySubstVFresh `S.member` substs = S.singleton emptySubstVFresh
      | otherwise                          = S.filter (not . isContr) substs

    check subst = subst == emptySubstVFresh || isContr subst

-- | Traverse disjunctions and execute @f@ until it returns
--   @Just (mfreeSubst, disjs)@.
--   Then the @disjs@ is inserted at the current position, if @mfreeSubst@ is
--   @Just freesubst@, then it is applied to the equation store. @True@ is
--   returned if any modifications took place.
foreachDisj :: MonadFresh m
            => MaudeHandle
            -> ([LNSubstVFresh] -> m (Maybe (Maybe LNSubst, [S.Set LNSubstVFresh])))
            -> StateT EqStore m Bool
foreachDisj hnd f =
    go [] =<< gets (getConj . L.get eqsConj)
    go _     []               = return False
    go lefts ((idx,d):rights) = do
        b <- lift $ f (S.toList d)
        case b of
          Nothing              -> go ((idx,d):lefts) rights
          Just (msubst, disjs) -> do
              eqsConj =: Conj (reverse lefts ++ ((,) idx <$> disjs) ++ rights)
              maybe (return ()) (\s -> MS.modify (applyEqStore hnd s)) msubst
              return True

-- Pretty printing

-- | Pretty print an 'EqStore'.
prettyEqStore :: HighlightDocument d => EqStore -> d
prettyEqStore eqs@(EqStore substFree (Conj disjs) _nextSplitId) = vcat $
  [if eqsIsFalse eqs then text "CONTRADICTORY" else emptyDoc] ++
  map combine
    [ ("subst", vcat $ prettySubst (text . show) (text . show) substFree)
    , ("conj",  vcat $ map ppDisj disjs)
    combine (header, d) = fsep [keyword_ header <> colon, nest 2 d]
    ppDisj (idx, substs) =
        text (show (unSplitId idx) ++ ".") <-> numbered' conjs
        conjs  = map ppSubst $ S.toList substs

    ppEq (a,b) =
      prettyNTerm (lit (Var a)) $$ nest (6::Int) (opEqual <-> prettyNTerm b)

    ppSubst subst = sep
      [ hsep (opExists : map prettyLVar (varsRangeVFresh subst)) <> opDot
      , nest 2 $ fsep $ intersperse opLAnd $ map ppEq $ substToListVFresh subst

-- Derived and delayed instances

instance Show EqStore where
    show = render . prettyEqStore

$( derive makeBinary ''EqStore)
$( derive makeNFData ''EqStore)