{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns, PatternGuards, DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-} module Codec.Archive.Tar.Index.StringTable ( StringTable(..), lookup, index, construct, StringTableBuilder, empty, insert, inserts, finalise, unfinalise, serialise, serialiseSize, deserialiseV1, deserialiseV2, index' ) where import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Prelude hiding (lookup, id) import Data.List hiding (lookup, insert) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Word (Word32) import Data.Int (Int32) import Data.Bits import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Control.Exception (assert) import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as A import Data.Array.Unboxed ((!)) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import Data.ByteString.Builder as BS import Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra as BS (byteStringCopy) -- | An efficient mapping from strings to a dense set of integers. -- data StringTable id = StringTable {-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString -- all strings concatenated {-# UNPACK #-} !(A.UArray Int32 Word32) -- string offset table {-# UNPACK #-} !(A.UArray Int32 Int32) -- string index to id table {-# UNPACK #-} !(A.UArray Int32 Int32) -- string id to index table deriving (Show, Typeable) instance (Eq id, Enum id) => Eq (StringTable id) where tbl1 == tbl2 = unfinalise tbl1 == unfinalise tbl2 -- | Look up a string in the token table. If the string is present, return -- its corresponding index. -- lookup :: Enum id => StringTable id -> BS.ByteString -> Maybe id lookup (StringTable bs offsets ids _ixs) str = binarySearch 0 (topBound-1) str where (0, topBound) = A.bounds offsets binarySearch !a !b !key | a > b = Nothing | otherwise = case compare key (index' bs offsets mid) of LT -> binarySearch a (mid-1) key EQ -> Just $! toEnum (fromIntegral (ids ! mid)) GT -> binarySearch (mid+1) b key where mid = (a + b) `div` 2 index' :: BS.ByteString -> A.UArray Int32 Word32 -> Int32 -> BS.ByteString index' bs offsets i = BS.unsafeTake len . BS.unsafeDrop start $ bs where start, end, len :: Int start = fromIntegral (offsets ! i) end = fromIntegral (offsets ! (i+1)) len = end - start -- | Given the index of a string in the table, return the string. -- index :: Enum id => StringTable id -> id -> BS.ByteString index (StringTable bs offsets _ids ixs) = index' bs offsets . (ixs !) . fromIntegral . fromEnum -- | Given a list of strings, construct a 'StringTable' mapping those strings -- to a dense set of integers. Also return the ids for all the strings used -- in the construction. -- construct :: Enum id => [BS.ByteString] -> StringTable id construct = finalise . foldl' (\tbl s -> fst (insert s tbl)) empty data StringTableBuilder id = StringTableBuilder !(Map BS.ByteString id) {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32 deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable) empty :: StringTableBuilder id empty = StringTableBuilder Map.empty 0 insert :: Enum id => BS.ByteString -> StringTableBuilder id -> (StringTableBuilder id, id) insert str builder@(StringTableBuilder smap nextid) = case Map.lookup str smap of Just id -> (builder, id) Nothing -> let !id = toEnum (fromIntegral nextid) !smap' = Map.insert str id smap in (StringTableBuilder smap' (nextid+1), id) inserts :: Enum id => [BS.ByteString] -> StringTableBuilder id -> (StringTableBuilder id, [id]) inserts bss builder = mapAccumL (flip insert) builder bss finalise :: Enum id => StringTableBuilder id -> StringTable id finalise (StringTableBuilder smap _) = (StringTable strs offsets ids ixs) where strs = BS.concat (Map.keys smap) offsets = A.listArray (0, fromIntegral (Map.size smap)) . scanl (\off str -> off + fromIntegral (BS.length str)) 0 $ Map.keys smap ids = A.listArray (0, fromIntegral (Map.size smap) - 1) . map (fromIntegral . fromEnum) $ Map.elems smap ixs = A.array (A.bounds ids) [ (id,ix) | (ix,id) <- A.assocs ids ] unfinalise :: Enum id => StringTable id -> StringTableBuilder id unfinalise (StringTable strs offsets ids _) = StringTableBuilder smap nextid where smap = Map.fromAscList [ (index' strs offsets ix, toEnum (fromIntegral (ids ! ix))) | ix <- [0..h] ] (0,h) = A.bounds ids nextid = fromIntegral (h+1) ------------------------- -- (de)serialisation -- serialise :: StringTable id -> BS.Builder serialise (StringTable strs offs ids ixs) = let (_, !ixEnd) = A.bounds offs in BS.word32BE (fromIntegral (BS.length strs)) <> BS.word32BE (fromIntegral ixEnd + 1) <> BS.byteStringCopy strs <> foldr (\n r -> BS.word32BE n <> r) mempty (A.elems offs) <> foldr (\n r -> BS.int32BE n <> r) mempty (A.elems ids) <> foldr (\n r -> BS.int32BE n <> r) mempty (A.elems ixs) serialiseSize :: StringTable id -> Int serialiseSize (StringTable strs offs _ids _ixs) = let (_, !ixEnd) = A.bounds offs in 4 * 2 + BS.length strs + 4 * (fromIntegral ixEnd + 1) + 8 * fromIntegral ixEnd deserialiseV1 :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe (StringTable id, BS.ByteString) deserialiseV1 bs | BS.length bs >= 8 , let lenStrs = fromIntegral (readWord32BE bs 0) lenArr = fromIntegral (readWord32BE bs 4) lenTotal= 8 + lenStrs + 4 * lenArr , BS.length bs >= lenTotal , let strs = BS.take lenStrs (BS.drop 8 bs) arr = A.array (0, fromIntegral lenArr - 1) [ (i, readWord32BE bs off) | (i, off) <- zip [0 .. fromIntegral lenArr - 1] [offArrS,offArrS+4 .. offArrE] ] ids = A.array (0, fromIntegral lenArr - 1) [ (i,i) | i <- [0 .. fromIntegral lenArr - 1] ] ixs = ids -- two identity mappings offArrS = 8 + lenStrs offArrE = offArrS + 4 * lenArr - 1 !stringTable = StringTable strs arr ids ixs !bs' = BS.drop lenTotal bs = Just (stringTable, bs') | otherwise = Nothing deserialiseV2 :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe (StringTable id, BS.ByteString) deserialiseV2 bs | BS.length bs >= 8 , let lenStrs = fromIntegral (readWord32BE bs 0) lenArr = fromIntegral (readWord32BE bs 4) lenTotal= 8 -- the two length prefixes + lenStrs + 4 * lenArr +(4 * (lenArr - 1)) * 2 -- offsets array is 1 longer , BS.length bs >= lenTotal , let strs = BS.take lenStrs (BS.drop 8 bs) offs = A.listArray (0, fromIntegral lenArr - 1) [ readWord32BE bs off | off <- offsets offsOff ] -- the second two arrays are 1 shorter ids = A.listArray (0, fromIntegral lenArr - 2) [ readInt32BE bs off | off <- offsets idsOff ] ixs = A.listArray (0, fromIntegral lenArr - 2) [ readInt32BE bs off | off <- offsets ixsOff ] offsOff = 8 + lenStrs idsOff = offsOff + 4 * lenArr ixsOff = idsOff + 4 * (lenArr-1) offsets from = [from,from+4 .. from + 4 * (lenArr - 1)] !stringTable = StringTable strs offs ids ixs !bs' = BS.drop lenTotal bs = Just (stringTable, bs') | otherwise = Nothing readInt32BE :: BS.ByteString -> Int -> Int32 readInt32BE bs i = fromIntegral (readWord32BE bs i) readWord32BE :: BS.ByteString -> Int -> Word32 readWord32BE bs i = assert (i >= 0 && i+3 <= BS.length bs - 1) $ fromIntegral (BS.unsafeIndex bs (i + 0)) `shiftL` 24 + fromIntegral (BS.unsafeIndex bs (i + 1)) `shiftL` 16 + fromIntegral (BS.unsafeIndex bs (i + 2)) `shiftL` 8 + fromIntegral (BS.unsafeIndex bs (i + 3))