# Taskell [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/smallhadroncollider/taskell.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/smallhadroncollider/taskell) A CLI kanban board/task manager for Mac and Linux - Per project task lists - `vim` style key-bindings - Stored using Markdown - Clean diffs for easy version control - Support for sub-tasks and due dates - Trello board imports - GitHub project imports Buy Me A Coffee Follow [@taskellcli](https://twitter.com/taskellcli) on Twitter for updates ![Demo](https://taskell.app/img/demo.gif) --- ## Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Using Taskell](#using-taskell) - [Options](#options) - [Controls](#controls) - [Storage](#storage) - [Importing Trello Boards](#importing-trello-boards) - [Importing GitHub Projects](#importing-github-projects) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Theming](#theming) - [Roadmap](#roadmap) ## Installation ### Homebrew (Mac) You can install Taskell on your Mac using [Homebrew](https://brew.sh): ```bash brew install taskell ``` There are usually bottles (binaries) available. If these are not available for your computer, Homebrew will build Taskell from scratch, which can take a while, particularly on older machines. Occasionally the build fails the first time, but usually works on a second attempt. ### Debian/Ubuntu [A `.deb` package is available for Debian/Ubuntu](https://github.com/smallhadroncollider/taskell/releases). Download it and install with `dpkg -i `. ### Fedora Run `sudo dnf install ncurses-compat-libs` then download and run binary as described below. ### Binaries [A binary is available for Mac and Linux](https://github.com/smallhadroncollider/taskell/releases). Download it and copy it to a directory in your `$PATH` (e.g. `/usr/local/bin` or `/usr/bin`). ### Stack If none of the above options work you can build taskell using [Stack](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/). First [install Stack on your machine](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/#how-to-install). Then clone the repo and run `stack build && stack install`: this will build taskell and then install it in `~/.local/bin` (so make sure that directory is in your `$PATH`). Building from scratch can take a long time and occasionally doesn't work the first time (if this happens try running it again). ## Using Taskell - `taskell`: will use `taskell.md` in the pwd - offers to create if not found - `taskell filename.md`: will use `filename.md` in the pwd - offers to create if not found ### Options - `-h`: show help - `-v`: show version number - `-t `: import a Trello board ([see below](#importing-trello-boards)) - `-g `: import a GitHub project ([see below](#importing-github-projects)) ### Controls Press `?` for a [list of controls](https://github.com/smallhadroncollider/taskell/blob/master/templates/controls.md) #### Tips - If you're using a simple two-column "To Do" and "Done" then use the space bar to mark an item as complete while staying in the "To Do" list. If you're using a more complicated column setup then you will want to use `H`/`L` to move tasks between columns. ### Storage By default stores in a `taskell.md` file in the working directory: ```md ## To Do - Do this ## Done - Do That ``` ### Importing Trello Boards Taskell includes the ability to fetch a Trello board and store it as local taskell file. #### Authentication Before fetching a Trello board, you'll need to create an access token and store it in `~/.taskell/config.ini`. - First, [get a Trello token](https://trello.com/1/authorize?expiration=never&name=taskell&scope=read&response_type=token&key=80dbcf6f88f62cc5639774e13342c20b) - Then add it to `~/.taskell/config.ini`: ```ini [trello] token = ``` You can revoke access tokens [on Trello](https://trello.com/my/account) #### Fetching Running the following would pull down the Trello board with the ID "TRe1l0iD" into a file named `trello.md` and then open taskell with that file. ```bash taskell -t TRe1l0iD trello.md ``` Make sure you have permission to view the Trello board, otherwise you'll get an error. #### Limitations - This is a one-off procedure: it effectively imports a Trello board to taskell - Currently imports: - Lists - Cards - Card descriptions - Card due dates - Card checklists (merged into one list per card) ### Importing GitHub Projects Taskell includes the ability to fetch a GitHub project and store it as local taskell file. #### Authentication Before fetching a GitHub board, you'll need to create a person access token and store it in `~/.taskell/config.ini`. - First, [get a GitHub personal access token](https://github.com/settings/tokens/new) - Make sure to tick the `repo` scope - Then add it to `~/.taskell/config.ini`: ```ini [github] token = ``` You can delete personal access tokens [on GitHub](https://github.com/settings/tokens/) #### Fetching Projects can belong to [organisations](#organisations) or to [individual repositories](#repositories). Make sure you have permission to view the GitHub project, otherwise you'll get an error. ![GitHub Demo](https://taskell.app/img/github.gif) ##### Organisations To import a project for an organisation called "test-org" you would use the following: ```bash taskell -g orgs/test-org github.md ``` This would then show you a list of possible projects to import. Enter the number of the project you wish to import. ##### Repositories To import a project for the repository "test-repo" for the user "test-user": ```bash taskell -g repos/test-user/test-repo github.md ``` This would then show you a list of possible projects to import. Enter the number of the project you with to import. #### Limitations - This is a one-off procedure: it effectively imports a GitHub project to taskell - Currently imports: - Columns - Cards ## Configuration You can edit Taskell's settings by editing `~/.taskell/config.ini`: ```ini [general] ; the default filename to create/look for filename = taskell.md [layout] ; the width of a column column_width = 30 ; the padding of a column ; for both sides, so 3 would give a gap of 6 between two columns column_padding = 3 ; the icon to use when a task has a description ; the default icon may not display on all systems description_indicator = "≡" [markdown] ; the markdown to start a title line with title = "##" ; the markdown to start a task line with task = "-" ; the markdown to start a sub-task line with subtask = " *" ``` Make sure that the values in the `[markdown]` section are surrounded by **double**-quotes. If you always use sub-tasks, an alternative setup for `[markdown]` might be: ```ini [markdown] title = "##" ; each task is a header task = "###" ; subtasks are list items under the header subtask = "-" ``` **Warning**: currently if you change your `[markdown]` settings any older files stored with different settings will not be readable. ### Theming You can edit Taskell's colour-scheme by editing `~/.taskell/theme.ini`: ```ini [other] ; list title title.fg = green ; current list title titleCurrent.fg = blue ; current task taskCurrent.fg = magenta ``` You can also change the background and default text colour: ```ini [default] ; the app background colour default.bg = brightBlack ; the app text colour default.fg = white ``` The available colours are: `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan`, `white`, `brightBlack`, `brightRed`, `brightGreen`, `brightYellow`, `brightBlue`, `brightMagenta`, `brightCyan`, `brightWhite`, or `default` --- ## Roadmap See [roadmap.md](https://github.com/smallhadroncollider/taskell/blob/develop/roadmap.md) for planned features ### Contributing Please check the [roadmap.md](https://github.com/smallhadroncollider/taskell/blob/develop/roadmap.md) before adding any bugs/feature requests to Issues. Anyone is welcome to contribute to the project, but please read through [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/smallhadroncollider/taskell/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) and make sure that you agree with the [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/smallhadroncollider/taskell/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) before getting involved. --- ## Acknowledgements Built using [Brick](https://github.com/jtdaugherty/brick). Thanks to [Jonathan Daugherty](https://github.com/jtdaugherty) for answering all my questions and pointing me in the right direction. Also thanks to [Jack Leigh](https://github.com/leighman) and [Thom Wright](https://github.com/ThomWright) for helping me get started. Also thanks to [Katja Durrani](https://github.com/katjad) for submitting Taskell to [`homebrew-core`](https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core).