/* Use this file to customize the behaviour of libtcod, overriding what's defined in the sample/game code. The main goal of this file is to allow the player to tweak the game in case it doesn't work properly on his system and there are no options screen/config files available in the game. */ libtcod { // uncomment to force the use of a specific renderer // renderer = "GLSL" // renderer = "OPENGL" //renderer = "SDL" // uncomment to force a specific fullscreen resolution /* fullscreen=true fullscreenWidth=1280 fullscreenHeight=1024 */ // uncomment to use a custom font. /* font="data/fonts/terminal8x8_gs_as.png" fontInRow=false fontGreyscale=true fontTcodLayout=false fontNbCharHoriz=16 fontNbCharVertic=16 */ }