{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TemplateHaskell, DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- | A module containing utilities for testing with @test-framework@, @HUnit@,
-- and @testable@.
module Test.Util
    -- * Throwing and catching exceptions
    , assertThrown
    , assertNotThrown

    -- * Concurrent TDD
    -- TODO: provide a means of testing a monadic property with many threads

    -- * Process timing
    , timeMicroseconds
    , timeoutMicroseconds
    , assertMicroseconds
    , timeoutProcessMicroseconds
    , assertProcessMicroseconds

    -- * Exceptions
    , TestUtilException(..)
    , testUtilExceptionToException
    , testUtilExceptionFromException
    , TimeoutOverflow(..), timeoutOverflow_message, timeoutOverflow_microseconds, timeoutOverflow_inputBound
    , TimeLimitExceeded(..), timelimitExceeded_message, timelimitExceeded_callerName, timelimitExceeded_microseconds
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
--import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Local
import Control.Exception hiding (catch)
import Control.Monad.CatchIO as M
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Lens.TH
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Time.Clock
import System.Exit
import System.Process
import System.Timeout (timeout)
import Text.Printf

import Test.Util.Framework

--- Throwing and catching exceptions ---

-- | Determine whether an exception was caught, and return it if so.
isExceptionThrown :: (Functor m, MonadCatchIO m, Exception e) => m a -> m (Either e a)
isExceptionThrown m = do
    (Right <$> m) `M.catch` (return . Left)

-- | Assert that an exception is thrown.
-- When an exception is not thrown, the input 'String', or otherwise a
-- default string, is output.
-- For more control, see the more fundamental 'isExceptionThrown'.
assertThrown :: (Functor m, MonadCatchIO m, Exception e, Show e) => Maybe String -> Proxy e -> m () -> m ()
assertThrown ms ep m = do
    either (\e -> flip const (e `asProxyTypeOf` ep) $ return ()) (const . liftIO $ assertString s) =<< isExceptionThrown m
    where s = fromMaybe "exception NOT thrown" ms

-- | Assert that an exception is not thrown.
-- When an exception is thrown, the input function, or a default one, is
-- given the exception and the resulting string is output.
-- For more control, see the more fundamental 'isExceptionThrown'.
assertNotThrown :: (Functor m, MonadCatchIO m, Exception e, Show e) => Maybe (e -> String) -> m () -> m ()
assertNotThrown msf m = do
    either (liftIO . assertString . sf) (const $ return ()) =<< isExceptionThrown m
    where sf = fromMaybe (\e -> printf "exception thrown: %s" (show e)) msf

--- Concurrent TDD ---

--- Process timing ---

-- | Time a computation.
timeMicroseconds :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => m a -> m (a, Integer)
timeMicroseconds m = do
    begin <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
    a <- m
    end   <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
    let nomDiffTime :: NominalDiffTime
        nomDiffTime = diffUTCTime end begin
        microsecondsDiff :: Integer
        microsecondsDiff = round $ nomDiffTime * 1000000
    return (a, microsecondsDiff)

-- | Run a computation within an approximate time limit.
-- This is currently a wrapper for 'System.Timeout.timeout' that checks for
-- overflows.
timeoutMicroseconds :: Integer -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
timeoutMicroseconds us m
    | us <= (fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)) =
        timeout (fromIntegral us) m
    | otherwise                              =
        throwIO $ TimeoutOverflow Nothing us (fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int))

-- | Assert that a computation runs within an approximate time limit.
-- If the computation does not finish within the given time limit, a
-- 'TimeLimitExceeded' exception is thrown.
-- For more control, see the more fundamental 'timeoutMicroseconds' function.
assertMicroseconds :: Integer -> IO a -> IO a
assertMicroseconds us m = do
    maybe (throwIO $ TimeLimitExceeded Nothing "assertMicroseconds" us) return =<< timeoutMicroseconds us m

-- | Apply an approximate time limit, from the current time, to a process by
-- its handle.
-- If the process finishes approximately within the given time limit, 'Just'
-- its exit code is returned.  Otherwise, it is killed and 'Nothing' is
-- returned.
-- This function requires a threaded runtime system to work properly.
timeoutProcessMicroseconds :: Integer -> ProcessHandle -> IO (Maybe ExitCode)
timeoutProcessMicroseconds us ph = do
    (maybe (terminateProcess ph >> return Nothing) (return . Just) =<<) . timeoutMicroseconds us $ do
        waitForProcess ph

-- | Assert that a process finishes within an approximate time limit.
-- If the computation does not finish within the given time limit, a
-- 'TimeLimitExceeded' exception is thrown.
-- For more control, see the more fundamental 'timeoutProcessMicroseconds' function.
assertProcessMicroseconds :: Integer -> ProcessHandle -> IO ()
assertProcessMicroseconds us ph = do
    maybe (throwIO $ TimeLimitExceeded Nothing "assertProcessMicroseconds" us) (const $ return ()) =<< timeoutProcessMicroseconds us ph

--- Exceptions ---

-- | A class of exceptions for "Tests.Util".
data TestUtilException where                                                                                                                                                               
    TestUtilException :: (Exception e) => e -> TestUtilException
    deriving (Typeable)

instance Show TestUtilException where
    show (TestUtilException e) = show e

instance Exception TestUtilException where

testUtilExceptionToException :: Exception e => e -> SomeException
testUtilExceptionToException = toException . TestUtilException

testUtilExceptionFromException :: Exception e => SomeException -> Maybe e
testUtilExceptionFromException x = do
    (TestUtilException a) <- fromException x
    cast a

-- | 'timeoutMicrosoconds' was invoked with an integer that would cause the
-- input given to 'timeout' to overflow.
data TimeoutOverflow =
        { _timeoutOverflow_message      :: Maybe String  -- ^ Optional error message.
        , _timeoutOverflow_microseconds :: Integer       -- ^ Input given to 'timeoutMicroseconds'.
        , _timeoutOverflow_inputBound   :: Integer       -- ^ Maximum bound of 'Int' as an 'Integer'.
    deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq)

instance Exception TimeoutOverflow where
    toException   = testUtilExceptionToException
    fromException = testUtilExceptionFromException

data TimeLimitExceeded =
        { _timelimitExceeded_message      :: Maybe String  -- ^ Optional error message.
        , _timelimitExceeded_callerName   :: String         -- ^ Name of the function that directly threw the exception ('assertMicroseconds', etc.)
        , _timelimitExceeded_microseconds :: Integer       -- ^ The timelimit.
    deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq)

instance Exception TimeLimitExceeded where
    toException   = testUtilExceptionToException
    fromException = testUtilExceptionFromException

makeLenses ''TimeoutOverflow
makeLenses ''TimeLimitExceeded