# Techlab - Bleeding Edge Prelude Techlab is a prelude aimed at maximising expressivity in Haskell. This is intended for serious Haskell power users who don't mind the ground moving under them. Techlab values expressivity above all other concerns. We want to see how convenient and natural domain modelling can be made in Haskell. That is, we don't know exactly what the final form of this toolkit might look like, and we make no guarantees that anything you might want in a prelude won't be sacrificed in pursuit of shinier language elements and ergonomics. Techlab currently contains re-exports of chassis, a wide range of polysemy libraries, dhall, formatting and optics. Hobbyists who like polysemy will probably feel right at home here, and contributions are welcome. Very early release - nothing is namespaced well or comprehensively re-exported.