{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts  #-}

-- | This module contains data objects which represents requests to Telegram Bot API
module Web.Telegram.API.Bot.Requests
    ( -- * Types
      SendMessageRequest           (..)
    , ForwardMessageRequest        (..)
    , SendPhotoRequest             (..)
    , SendAudioRequest             (..)
    , SendDocumentRequest          (..)
    , SendStickerRequest           (..)
    , SendVideoRequest             (..)
    , SendVoiceRequest             (..)
    , SendLocationRequest          (..)
    , SendChatActionRequest        (..)
    , ChatAction                   (..)
    , AnswerInlineQueryRequest     (..)
    ) where

import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Aeson.Types
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Proxy
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           GHC.Generics
import           GHC.TypeLits
import           Web.Telegram.API.Bot.JsonExt
import           Web.Telegram.API.Bot.Data

-- | This object represents request for 'sendMessage'
data SendMessageRequest = SendMessageRequest
    message_chat_id                  :: Text
  , message_text                     :: Text
  , message_parse_mode               :: Maybe ParseMode
  , message_disable_web_page_preview :: Maybe Bool
  , message_reply_to_message_id      :: Maybe Int
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance ToJSON SendMessageRequest where
  toJSON = toJsonDrop 8

instance FromJSON SendMessageRequest where
  parseJSON = parseJsonDrop 8

-- | This object represents request for 'forwardMessage'
data ForwardMessageRequest = ForwardMessageRequest
    forward_chat_id :: Text
  , forward_from_chat_id :: Text
  , forward_mesage_id :: Int
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance ToJSON ForwardMessageRequest where
  toJSON = toJsonDrop 8

instance FromJSON ForwardMessageRequest where
  parseJSON = parseJsonDrop 8

-- | This object represents request for 'sendPhoto'
data SendPhotoRequest = SendPhotoRequest
    photo_chat_id             :: Text
  , photo_photo               :: Text
  , photo_caption             :: Maybe Text
  , photo_reply_to_message_id :: Maybe Int
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance ToJSON SendPhotoRequest where
  toJSON = toJsonDrop 6

instance FromJSON SendPhotoRequest where
  parseJSON = parseJsonDrop 6

-- | This object represents request for 'sendAudio'
data SendAudioRequest = SendAudioRequest
    _audio_chat_id             :: Text
  , _audio_audio               :: Text
  , _audio_duration            :: Maybe Int
  , _audio_performer           :: Maybe Text
  , _audio_title               :: Maybe Text
  , _audio_reply_to_message_id :: Maybe Int
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance ToJSON SendAudioRequest where
  toJSON = toJsonDrop 7

instance FromJSON SendAudioRequest where
  parseJSON = parseJsonDrop 7

-- | This object represents request for 'sendSticker'
data SendStickerRequest = SendStickerRequest
    sticker_chat_id                  :: Text
  , sticker_sticker                  :: Text
  , sticker_reply_to_message_id      :: Maybe Int
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance ToJSON SendStickerRequest where
  toJSON = toJsonDrop 8

instance FromJSON SendStickerRequest where
  parseJSON = parseJsonDrop 8

-- | This object represents request for 'sendDocument'
data SendDocumentRequest = SendDocumentRequest
    document_chat_id                  :: Text
  , document_document                 :: Text
  , document_reply_to_message_id      :: Maybe Int
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance ToJSON SendDocumentRequest where
  toJSON = toJsonDrop 9

instance FromJSON SendDocumentRequest where
  parseJSON = parseJsonDrop 9

-- | This object represents request for 'sendVideo'
data SendVideoRequest = SendVideoRequest
    _video_chat_id                  :: Text
  , _video_video                    :: Text
  , _video_duration                 :: Maybe Int
  , _video_caption                  :: Maybe Text
  , _video_reply_to_message_id      :: Maybe Int
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance ToJSON SendVideoRequest where
  toJSON = toJsonDrop 7

instance FromJSON SendVideoRequest where
  parseJSON = parseJsonDrop 7

-- | This object represents request for 'sendVoice'
data SendVoiceRequest = SendVoiceRequest
    _voice_chat_id                  :: Text
  , _voice_voice                    :: Text
  , _voice_duration                 :: Maybe Int
  , _voice_reply_to_message_id      :: Maybe Int
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance ToJSON SendVoiceRequest where
  toJSON = toJsonDrop 7

instance FromJSON SendVoiceRequest where
  parseJSON = parseJsonDrop 7

-- | This object represents request for 'sendLocation'
data SendLocationRequest = SendLocationRequest
    location_chat_id :: Text
  , location_latitude :: Float
  , location_longitude :: Float
  , location_reply_to_message_id :: Maybe Int
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance ToJSON SendLocationRequest where
  toJSON = toJsonDrop 9

instance FromJSON SendLocationRequest where
  parseJSON = parseJsonDrop 9

-- | Type of action to broadcast.
data ChatAction = Typing
                | UploadPhoto
                | RecordVideo
                | UploadVideo
                | RecordAudio
                | UploadAudio
                | UploadDocument
                | FindLocation deriving (Show, Generic)

instance ToJSON ChatAction where
  toJSON Typing         = "typing"
  toJSON UploadPhoto    = "upload_photo"
  toJSON RecordVideo    = "record_video"
  toJSON UploadVideo    = "upload_video"
  toJSON RecordAudio    = "record_audio"
  toJSON UploadAudio    = "upload_audio"
  toJSON UploadDocument = "upload_cocument"
  toJSON FindLocation   = "find_location"

instance FromJSON ChatAction where
  parseJSON "typing"          = pure Typing
  parseJSON "upload_photo"    = pure UploadPhoto
  parseJSON "record_video"    = pure RecordVideo
  parseJSON "upload_video"    = pure UploadVideo
  parseJSON "record_audio"    = pure RecordAudio
  parseJSON "upload_audio"    = pure UploadAudio
  parseJSON "upload_cocument" = pure UploadDocument
  parseJSON "find_location"   = pure FindLocation

-- | This object represents request for 'sendChatAction'
data SendChatActionRequest = SendChatActionRequest
    action_chat_id :: Text
  , action_action :: ChatAction
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance ToJSON SendChatActionRequest where
  toJSON = toJsonDrop 7

instance FromJSON SendChatActionRequest where
  parseJSON = parseJsonDrop 7

data AnswerInlineQueryRequest = AnswerInlineQueryRequest
    query_inline_query_id :: Text -- ^ Unique identifier for the answered query
  , query_results         :: [InlineQueryResult] -- ^ A JSON-serialized array of results for the inline query
  , query_cache_time      :: Maybe Int -- ^ The maximum amount of time in seconds that the result of the inline query may be cached on the server. Defaults to 300.
  , query_is_personal     :: Maybe Bool -- ^ Pass True, if results may be cached on the server side only for the user that sent the query. By default, results may be returned to any user who sends the same query
  , query_next_offset     :: Maybe Text -- ^ Pass the offset that a client should send in the next query with the same text to receive more results. Pass an empty string if there are no more results or if you don‘t support pagination. Offset length can’t exceed 64 bytes.
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance ToJSON AnswerInlineQueryRequest where
  toJSON = toJsonDrop 6

instance FromJSON AnswerInlineQueryRequest where
  parseJSON = parseJsonDrop 6