{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Main where import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad (void, forM_) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.Coerce (coerce) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import Data.HashSet (HashSet) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Dhall hiding (maybe, void) import Network.HTTP.Types (hLocation) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (defaultSettings, runSettings, setInstallShutdownHandler, setPort) import Options.Applicative hiding (command, action) import Prettyprinter.Internal (pretty) import Servant import Servant.HTML.Blaze import System.Random (randomIO) import Test.QuickCheck (generate, shuffle) import Text.Blaze.Html import Web.Internal.FormUrlEncoded (ToForm, FromForm) import Web.Cookie import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import qualified Data.UUID as UUID import qualified Options.Applicative as Optparse (command) -- import qualified System.Posix.Signals as Sig import qualified System.Signal as Sig import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A import Telegram.Bot.API import Telegram.Bot.API.Games import Telegram.Bot.API.InlineMode.InlineQueryResult import Telegram.Bot.API.InlineMode.InputMessageContent import Telegram.Bot.Simple import Telegram.Bot.Simple.UpdateParser type Model = () data Action = NoOp | AGame ChatId Text | AInlineGame InlineQueryId Text | AFeedback SomeChatId MessageId | ACallback CallbackQuery gameBot :: BotSettings -> BotApp Model Action gameBot settings = BotApp { botInitialModel = () , botAction = flip (updateToAction settings) , botHandler = handleAction settings , botJobs = [] } updateToAction :: BotSettings -> Model -> Update -> Maybe Action updateToAction BotSettings{..} _ update | isJust $ parseUpdate (command "game") update = game update | isJust $ parseUpdate (command "feedback") update = do msg <- updateMessage update let msgId = messageMessageId msg chat = SomeChatId $ chatId $ messageChat msg pure $ AFeedback chat msgId | isJust $ updateInlineQuery update = do query <- updateInlineQuery update let queryId = inlineQueryId query msg = inlineQueryQuery query Just $ AInlineGame queryId msg | isJust $ updateCallbackQuery update = ACallback <$> updateCallbackQuery update | otherwise = Nothing where game upd = AGame <$> (updateChatId upd) <*> (Just gameUrl) handleAction :: BotSettings -> Action -> Model -> Eff Action Model handleAction BotSettings{..} action model = case action of NoOp -> pure model AFeedback sourceChatId msgId -> model <# do let shouldNotify = Just True targetChatId = SomeChatId (ChatId (fromIntegral supportChatId)) fwdMsgRequest = ForwardMessageRequest targetChatId Nothing sourceChatId shouldNotify Nothing msgId _ <- liftClientM (forwardMessage fwdMsgRequest) return () AInlineGame queryId msg -> model <# do let inlineQueryResult = InlineQueryResult InlineQueryResultGame (InlineQueryResultId msg) (Just msg) (Just gameMsg) Nothing gameMsg = (defaultInputTextMessageContent gameMessageText) { inputMessageContentParseMode = Just "HTML" } answerInlineQueryRequest = AnswerInlineQueryRequest { answerInlineQueryRequestInlineQueryId = queryId , answerInlineQueryRequestResults = [inlineQueryResult] , answerInlineQueryCacheTime = Nothing , answerInlineQueryIsPersonal = Nothing , answerInlineQueryNextOffset = Nothing , answerInlineQuerySwitchPmText = Nothing , answerInlineQuerySwitchPmParameter = Nothing } _ <- liftClientM (answerInlineQuery answerInlineQueryRequest) return () AGame targetChatId msg -> model <# do let sendGameRequest = SendGameRequest { sendGameChatId = coerce targetChatId , sendGameMessageThreadId = Nothing , sendGameGameShortName = gameId , sendGameDisableNotification = Nothing , sendGameProtectContent = Nothing , sendGameReplyToMessageId = Nothing , sendGameAllowSendingWithoutReply = Nothing , sendGameReplyMarkup = Nothing } _ <- liftClientM $ sendGame sendGameRequest return () ACallback callback -> model <# do let queryId = coerce (callbackQueryId callback) queryData = callbackQueryData callback answerCallbackQueryRequest = AnswerCallbackQueryRequest { answerCallbackQueryCallbackQueryId = queryId , answerCallbackQueryText = queryData , answerCallbackQueryShowAlert = Nothing , answerCallbackQueryUrl = Just gameUrl , answerCallbackQueryCacheTime = Nothing } _ <- liftClientM $ answerCallbackQuery answerCallbackQueryRequest return () where gameMessageText = " gameUrl <> "\">" <> gameName <> "" data Command = CmdBot | CmdServer -- * Main main :: IO () main = execParser (info (commands <**> helper) idm) >>= \case CmdBot -> runTelegramBot CmdServer -> runServer commands :: Parser Command commands = subparser (Optparse.command "bot" (info botOpts (progDesc botDesc)) <> Optparse.command "server" (info serverOpts (progDesc serverDesc))) where botDesc = "Run Telegram Game Bot" serverDesc = "Run HTML5 Game Server" botOpts = pure CmdBot serverOpts = pure CmdServer -- * Bot runTelegramBot :: IO () runTelegramBot = do botSettings <- loadBotSettings let token = Token (botToken botSettings) env <- defaultTelegramClientEnv token startBot_ (conversationBot updateChatId (gameBot botSettings)) env data BotSettings = BotSettings { botToken :: Text , gameUrl :: Text , gameId :: Text , gameName :: Text , supportChatId :: Integer } deriving (Generic, FromDhall) loadBotSettings :: IO BotSettings loadBotSettings = input Dhall.auto "./examples/game-bot-settings.dhall" -- * Server runServer :: IO () runServer = do serverSettings <- loadServerSettings env <- loadEnv serverSettings let shutdownHandler closeSocket = void $ Sig.installHandler Sig.sigTERM handler where shutdownAction = storeEnv env handler _sig = shutdownAction >> closeSocket warpSettings = defaultSettings & setPort port & setInstallShutdownHandler shutdownHandler port = fromIntegral (serverPort serverSettings) runSettings warpSettings (serverApp env) data ServerSettings = ServerSettings { serverPort :: Natural , serverUrlPrefix :: Text , questionsPerGame :: Natural , usersPath :: Text , questionsPath :: Text , analyticsPath :: Text , pageStyle :: Text , quizDescription :: Text } deriving (Generic, FromDhall) serverSettingsPath :: Text serverSettingsPath = "./examples/game-server-settings.dhall" loadServerSettings :: IO ServerSettings loadServerSettings = input Dhall.auto serverSettingsPath data AnswerInt = AnswerInt { q :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) instance ToForm AnswerInt instance FromForm AnswerInt type WithCookie x = Headers '[ Header "Set-Cookie" SetCookie ] x type API = Header "Cookie" Text :> ( Get '[HTML] (WithCookie Html) :<|> "game" :> ( Get '[HTML] (WithCookie Html) :<|> ReqBody' '[Required, Strict] '[FormUrlEncoded] AnswerInt :> Post '[HTML] (WithCookie Html) ) ) api :: Proxy API api = Proxy server :: Env -> Server API server env = \cookie -> ( startHandler env cookie :<|> (firstQuestionHandler env cookie :<|> nextQuestionHandler env cookie) ) serverApp :: Env -> Application serverApp env = serve api (server env) -- *** Questions data Choice = Choice { choiceText :: Text , choiceNumber :: Integer , choiceIsCorrect :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Hashable, Ord, FromDhall, ToDhall) data Question = QuestionBool { questionBoolText :: Text , questionBoolAnswerIsTrue :: Bool , questionBoolExplanation :: Text } | QuestionChoice { questionChoiceText :: Text , questionChoiceChoices :: [Choice] , questionChoiceExplanation :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Hashable, Ord, FromDhall, ToDhall) questionText :: Question -> Text questionText (QuestionBool txt _ _) = txt questionText (QuestionChoice txt _ _) = txt questionExists :: Text -> HashSet Question -> Bool questionExists questionTxt = not . HashSet.null . HashSet.filter exists where exists (QuestionBool txt _isTrue _) = txt == questionTxt exists (QuestionChoice txt _choices _) = txt == questionTxt explainError :: Question -> Text explainError QuestionBool{..} = questionBoolExplanation explainError QuestionChoice{..} = questionChoiceExplanation validateQuestion :: Question -> Bool validateQuestion (QuestionBool _ _ _) = True validateQuestion (QuestionChoice _ choices _) = checkConsistency choices where checkAnswerConsistency = (== 1) . length . filter choiceIsCorrect checkIdConsistency x = (HashSet.size . HashSet.fromList . fmap choiceNumber) x == length x checkConsistency x = checkIdConsistency x && checkAnswerConsistency x shuffleQuestions :: Int -> HashSet Question -> IO [Question] shuffleQuestions limit questions = generate $ take limit <$> shuffle (HashSet.toList questions) solveQuestion :: Int -> Question -> Bool solveQuestion result QuestionBool{..} = intToBool result == questionBoolAnswerIsTrue where intToBool 0 = False intToBool _ = True solveQuestion result QuestionChoice{..} = not . null . filter (byNumber result) $ questionChoiceChoices where byNumber x Choice{..} = choiceNumber == fromIntegral x -- ** Answer data Answer = Answer { answerQuestion :: Question , answerIsRight :: Bool , answerExplanationOnError :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromDhall, ToDhall) registerAnswer :: Int -> Maybe Question -> [Answer] -> [Answer] registerAnswer userAnswer prevQuestion oldAnswers = case prevQuestion of Nothing -> oldAnswers Just q -> newAnswer q : oldAnswers where newAnswer q = Answer q (solveQuestion userAnswer q) (explainError q) -- *** UserData newtype GameUserId = GameUserId Text deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Hashable, FromDhall, ToDhall) data UserData = UserData { userDataCurrentQuestion :: Maybe Question , userDataQuestions :: [Question] , userDataAnswers :: [Answer] , userDataTotalQuestions :: Integer } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromDhall, ToDhall) createUser :: Handler GameUserId createUser = liftIO (GameUserId . UUID.toText <$> randomIO) getOrCreateUser :: Maybe Text -> Handler GameUserId getOrCreateUser Nothing = createUser getOrCreateUser (Just cookie) = case parseUser cookie of Nothing -> createUser Just user -> pure user parseUser :: Text -> Maybe GameUserId parseUser = fmap GameUserId . HashMap.lookup "HUID" . HashMap.fromList . fmap (fmap (Text.drop 1) . Text.span (/= '=')) . Text.splitOn ";" . Text.filter (not . isSpace) userToSetCookie :: GameUserId -> SetCookie userToSetCookie user = defaultSetCookie { setCookieName = "HUID" , setCookieValue = encodeUtf8 (coerce user) } findUserData :: GameUserId -> HashMap GameUserId UserData -> Maybe UserData findUserData = HashMap.lookup initUserData :: [Question] -> Maybe UserData initUserData [] = Nothing initUserData total@(q : qs) = Just $ UserData { userDataCurrentQuestion = Just q , userDataQuestions = qs , userDataAnswers = [] , userDataTotalQuestions = fromIntegral $ length total } alterUserData :: Int -> UserData -> GameState alterUserData userAnswer old = case (userDataCurrentQuestion old, userDataQuestions old) of (Nothing, []) -> GameNotFound (Just q, []) -> GameOver $ old { userDataCurrentQuestion = Just q , userDataQuestions = [] , userDataAnswers = registerAnswer userAnswer (userDataCurrentQuestion old) (userDataAnswers old) } (_, q : qs) -> GameInProgress $ old { userDataCurrentQuestion = Just q , userDataQuestions = qs , userDataAnswers = registerAnswer userAnswer (userDataCurrentQuestion old) (userDataAnswers old) } gameDataFromState :: GameState -> Maybe UserData gameDataFromState = \case GameNotFound -> Nothing GameOver game -> Just game GameInProgress game -> Just game data GameState = GameOver UserData | GameNotFound | GameInProgress UserData deriving Eq -- *** Analytics data Analytics = Analytics { rootPageCounter :: Integer , nextQuestionPageCounter :: Integer } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromDhall, ToDhall) incrementRootPage :: Analytics -> Analytics incrementRootPage a = a { rootPageCounter = 1 + rootPageCounter a } incrementNextQuestionPage :: Analytics -> Analytics incrementNextQuestionPage a = a { nextQuestionPageCounter = 1 + nextQuestionPageCounter a } -- *** Env data Env = Env { settings :: ServerSettings , userState :: TVar (HashMap GameUserId UserData) , questionsState :: TVar (HashSet Question) , analytics :: TVar Analytics } loadEnv :: ServerSettings -> IO Env loadEnv settings@ServerSettings{..} = do userState <- newTVarIO =<< loadUserState questionsState <- newTVarIO =<< loadQuestionsState analytics <- newTVarIO =<< loadAnalytics pure Env{..} where loadUserState = input Dhall.auto usersPath loadQuestionsState = input Dhall.auto questionsPath loadAnalytics = input Dhall.auto analyticsPath storeEnv :: Env -> IO () storeEnv Env{..} = do let ServerSettings{..} = settings storeState @(HashMap GameUserId UserData) usersPath userState storeState @Analytics analyticsPath analytics where storeState :: forall a. ToDhall a => Text -> TVar a -> IO () storeState path state = do stateData <- readTVarIO state Text.writeFile (Text.unpack path) (renderDhall stateData) renderDhall :: forall a. ToDhall a => a -> Text renderDhall = Text.pack . show . pretty . Dhall.embed Dhall.inject -- *** Handlers withUser :: Maybe Text -> (GameUserId -> Handler (WithCookie Html)) -> Handler (WithCookie Html) withUser Nothing _action = redirectToRoot withUser (Just cookie) action = maybe redirectToRoot action (parseUser cookie) startHandler :: Env -> Maybe Text -> Handler (WithCookie Html) startHandler Env{..} mCookie = do user <- getOrCreateUser mCookie pure $ addHeader @"Set-Cookie" (userToSetCookie user) $ renderStartPage settings firstQuestionHandler :: Env -> Maybe Text -> Handler (WithCookie Html) firstQuestionHandler env mCookie = withUser mCookie (firstQuestionForUser env) where ServerSettings{..} = settings env limit = fromIntegral questionsPerGame firstQuestionForUser Env{..} user = do mNewUserData <- liftIO $ do newQuestions <- shuffleQuestions limit =<< readTVarIO questionsState atomically $ do modifyTVar' analytics incrementNextQuestionPage let newUserData = initUserData newQuestions case newUserData of Nothing -> pure () Just userData -> modifyTVar' userState $! HashMap.insert user userData pure newUserData case mNewUserData of Nothing -> redirectToRoot Just newUserData -> pure $ addHeader @"Set-Cookie" (userToSetCookie user) $ renderQuestionPage settings newUserData nextQuestionHandler :: Env -> Maybe Text -> AnswerInt -> Handler (WithCookie Html) nextQuestionHandler env mCookie (AnswerInt answer) = withUser mCookie (nextQuestionForUser env answer) where nextQuestionForUser Env{..} numAnswer user = do newGameState <- liftIO $ atomically $ do modifyTVar' analytics incrementNextQuestionPage oldUserState <- readTVar userState case findUserData user oldUserState of Nothing -> pure GameNotFound Just oldUserData -> do let newUserState = alterUserData numAnswer oldUserData case gameDataFromState newUserState of Nothing -> writeTVar userState $! HashMap.delete user oldUserState Just newUserData -> writeTVar userState $! HashMap.insert user newUserData oldUserState pure newUserState case newGameState of GameNotFound -> redirectToStart user GameOver oldUserData -> pure $ addHeader @"Set-Cookie" (userToSetCookie user) $ renderUserScore settings oldUserData GameInProgress newUserData -> pure $ addHeader @"Set-Cookie" (userToSetCookie user) $ renderQuestionPage settings newUserData -- *** Redirects redirectToRoot :: Handler (WithCookie Html) redirectToRoot = noHeader @"Set-Cookie" <$> throwError (err301WithLoc "/") redirectToStart :: GameUserId -> Handler (WithCookie Html) redirectToStart user = addHeader @"Set-Cookie" (userToSetCookie user) <$> throwError (err301WithLoc "/game") err301WithLoc :: ByteString -> ServerError err301WithLoc loc = err301 { errHeaders = [(hLocation, loc)] } -- *** Renderers makeAbsoluteUrl :: ServerSettings -> Text -> Text makeAbsoluteUrl ServerSettings{..} uri = serverUrlPrefix <> uri makeAbsoluteRootUrl :: ServerSettings -> Text makeAbsoluteRootUrl = flip makeAbsoluteUrl "/" makeAbsoluteGameUrl :: ServerSettings -> Text makeAbsoluteGameUrl = flip makeAbsoluteUrl "/game" withGameTemplate :: ServerSettings -> Html -> Html withGameTemplate ServerSettings{..} content = toHtml $ H.html $ do H.head $ do H.title $ "Game" H.meta ! A.name "viewport" ! A.content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" H.style $ toMarkup pageStyle H.body $ content renderText :: Text -> Html renderText txt = H.div ! A.class_ "qbox pad" $ do H.div ! A.class_ "qel" $ do H.div ! A.class_ "text" $ toMarkup txt renderExplanation :: Bool -> Text -> Html renderExplanation True txt = renderText txt renderExplanation False txt = H.div ! A.class_ "qbox pad" $ do H.div ! A.class_ "wel" $ do H.div ! A.class_ "text" $ toMarkup txt renderButton :: Text -> Html renderButton txt = H.div ! A.class_ "qbox pad" $ do H.button ! A.class_ "qel text button" ! A.type_ "submit" ! A.value "submit" $ toMarkup txt renderLink :: ServerSettings -> Text -> Html renderLink settings txt = do H.a ! A.href (toValue $ makeAbsoluteGameUrl settings) $ do H.div ! A.class_ "qbox pad" $ do H.div ! A.class_ "qel button" $ do H.div ! A.class_ "text" $ toMarkup txt renderAnswer :: Bool -> Int -> Text -> Html renderAnswer ch num txt = H.div ! A.class_ "qbox pad" $ do H.div ! A.class_ "qel" $ do H.label ! A.class_ "container" ! A.for (toValue num) $ do H.input ! A.id (toValue num) ! A.type_ "radio" ! A.name "q" !? (ch, A.checked "") ! A.value (toValue num) H.div ! A.class_ "checkmark" $ "" H.div ! A.class_ "ctext text typing" $ toMarkup txt renderProgress :: Text -> Html renderProgress txt = H.div ! A.class_ "qbox pad" $ do H.div $ do H.div ! A.class_ "text" $ toMarkup txt renderStartPage :: ServerSettings -> Html renderStartPage settings = withGameTemplate settings $ do renderText "Haskell Quiz Game" renderText (quizDescription settings) renderLink settings "Play" renderQuestionPage :: ServerSettings -> UserData -> Html renderQuestionPage settings UserData{..} = withGameTemplate settings $ do let progress = show (length userDataAnswers + 1) <> "/" <> show userDataTotalQuestions case userDataCurrentQuestion of Nothing -> do renderText "No more questions left." renderLink settings "Play again" Just QuestionBool{..} -> do renderText questionBoolText H.form ! A.action (toValue $ makeAbsoluteGameUrl settings) ! A.method "post" $ do renderAnswer True 1 "True" renderAnswer False 0 "False" renderButton "Next question" renderProgress $ Text.pack progress Just QuestionChoice{..} -> do renderText questionChoiceText H.form ! A.action (toValue $ makeAbsoluteGameUrl settings) ! A.method "post" $ do forM_ questionChoiceChoices $ \Choice{..} -> renderAnswer (if choiceNumber == 1 then True else False) (fromIntegral choiceNumber) choiceText renderButton "Next question" renderProgress $ Text.pack progress renderUserScore :: ServerSettings -> UserData -> Html renderUserScore settings UserData{..} = withGameTemplate settings $ do case userDataAnswers of [] -> do renderText "Sorry. Looks like no answers available at the moment. Try again maybe?" renderLink settings "Play again" _ -> do let total = show userDataTotalQuestions current = show (length $ filter answerIsRight userDataAnswers) score = Text.pack (current <> "/" <> total) H.b $ do renderText $ "Your score is: " <> score H.div $ do forM_ userDataAnswers $ \Answer{..} -> H.tr $ do H.div $ renderText (questionText answerQuestion) H.div $ if answerIsRight then renderExplanation True "OK" else renderExplanation False $ explainError answerQuestion renderLink settings "Play again"