{-# Language TypeFamilies #-}
module Temporal.Class(
	DurOf, Duration(..), Melody(..), Harmony(..), Compose(..), 
	loopBy, melMap, harMap, 
	Delay(..), (+|),
	Rest(..), Stretch(..), (*|), Limit(..), 
) where

-- | Calculates duration.
class Duration a where
	dur :: a -> DurOf a

-- | Duration for the given type.
type family DurOf a :: *

class Melody a where
	-- | Sequent composition for a list of values (melody). 
	mel :: [a] -> a
	-- | Sequent composition. Play first track then second.
	(+:+) :: a -> a -> a

	a +:+ b = mel [a, b]
	mel = foldl1 (+:+)

class Harmony a where
	-- | Parallel composition for a list of values (harmony). 
	har :: [a] -> a

	-- | Parallel composition. Play two tracks simultaneously.
	(=:=) :: a -> a -> a

	a =:= b = har [a, b]
	har = foldl1 (=:=)

class (Melody a, Harmony a) => Compose a where

-- | Repeats the given audio segment several times.
loopBy :: Melody a => Int -> a -> a
loopBy n = mel . replicate n

class Delay a where
	-- | Delays the sound source by the given duration.
	del :: DurOf a -> a -> a

class Stretch a where
	-- | Delays the sound source by the given duration factor.
	str :: DurOf a -> a -> a

-- | Infix 'del' function.
(+|) :: Delay a => DurOf a -> a -> a
(+|) = del

-- | Infix 'str' function.
(*|) :: Stretch a => DurOf a -> a -> a
(*|) = str

class Rest a where
	rest :: DurOf a -> a

class Limit a where
	-- | Limits the duration of the sound source.
	lim :: DurOf a -> a -> a

class Loop a where
	-- | Loops over the sound
	loop :: a -> a

-- | Transforms a sequence and then applies a mel.
melMap :: (Melody b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> b
melMap f xs = mel $ fmap f xs

-- | Transforms a sequence and then applies a har.
harMap :: (Harmony b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> b
harMap f xs = har $ fmap f xs