-- | Composition and control.
module Temporal.Music.Score(
    -- * Types
    Dur, Score, Event(..), eventEnd, within,
    -- * Composition
    temp, event, rest, stretch, delay, reflect, (+|), (*|), (=:=), (+:+), (=:/),
    line, chord, chordT, loop, sustain, sustainT, 
    -- ** Common patterns
    lineTemp, chordTemp, 
    lineMap, chordMap, chordTMap,    
    -- * Filtering
    slice, takeS, dropS, filterEvents,    
    -- * Mappings
    mapEvents, tmap, tmapRel,
    -- * Rendering
    dur, render, alignByZero, sortEvents,   
    -- * Miscellaneous
    linfun, linfunRel,
    -- ** Monoid synonyms
    -- | This package heavily relies on 'Monoid's, so there are shorcuts
    -- for 'Monoid' methods.    
    module Data.Monoid,
    -- * Volume control
    setDiap, setDiapRel, setLevel, setAccent, accent, (!),
    louder, quieter, loud, quiet, withAccent, withAccentSeg, withAccentRel, 
    -- * Pitch control
    setScale, setBend, setStep, step, bend,
    lower, higher, low, high, 
    -- ** Shortcuts
    -- | Denotes @lower 1-2@ and @higher 1-2@.
    l', ll', hh', h',
    -- * Time stretching   
    r, dot, ddot, trn, bpm,

    -- ** Shortcuts
    -- | Naming conventions : 
    -- First part @x@ can be [b | w | h | q | e | s | t | d[x] ] 
    -- @b@ means brewis @(stretch 2)@
    -- @w@ means whole @(stretch 1)@
    -- @h@ means half @(stretch $ 1/2)@
    -- @q@ means quater @(stretch $ 1/4)@
    -- @e@ means eighth @(stretch $ 1/8)@
    -- @s@ means sixteenth @(stretch $ 1/16)@
    -- @t@ means thirty second @(stretch $ 1/32)@
    -- @d[x]@ means dotted [x] @(stretch 1.5 $ x)@
    bn, wn, hn, qn, en, sn, tn,
    dbn, dwn, dhn, dqn, den, dsn, dtn,

    -- ** Pauses
    -- | Naming conventions are the same as for 'time stretching'.
    bnr, wnr, hnr, qnr, enr, snr, tnr,
    dbnr, dwnr, dhnr, dqnr, denr, dsnr, dtnr


import Temporal.Media(Event(..), within, eventEnd, nil, 
        linfun, linfunRel, alignByZero, sortEvents)
import qualified Temporal.Media as M
import Temporal.Music.Pitch
import Temporal.Music.Volume
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Foldable

-- | Duration.
type Dur = Double

-- | Instances
-- * 'Functor' 'Score'
-- * 'Foldable' 'Score'
-- * 'Monoid' @(@'Score' @a)@
type Score a = M.Track Double a

-- Composition

-- | 'temp' constructs just an event. 
-- Value of type @a@ lasts for one time unit and starts at zero.
temp :: a -> Score a
temp = M.temp

-- | Creates a single event.
-- > event dur a 
-- Event lasts for some time and contains a value @a@.
event :: Dur -> a -> Score a
event = M.event

-- | Empty 'Score' that lasts for some time.
rest :: Dur -> Score a
rest = M.rest

-- | Delays all events by given duration. 
delay :: Dur -> Score a -> Score a
delay = M.delay

-- | Stretches 'Score' in time domain.
stretch :: Dur -> Score a -> Score a
stretch = M.stretch

-- | Infix 'delay' function.
(+|) :: Dur -> Score a -> Score a
(+|) = delay

-- | Infix 'stretch' function.
(*|) :: Dur -> Score a -> Score a
(*|) = stretch

-- | Reversing the scores
reflect :: Score a -> Score a
reflect = M.reflect

-- | Parallel composition. Play two scores simultaneously.
(=:=) :: Score a -> Score a -> Score a
(=:=) = (M.=:=)
-- | Sequent composition. Play first score then second.
(+:+) :: Score a -> Score a -> Score a
(+:+) = (M.+:+)

-- | Turncating parallel composition. Total duration
-- equals to minimum of the two scores. All events
-- that goes beyond the lmimt are dropped.
(=:/) :: Score a -> Score a -> Score a
(=:/) = (M.=:/)

-- | Sequent composition on list of scores.
line :: [Score a] -> Score a
line = M.line

-- | Parallel composition on list of scores.
chord :: [Score a] -> Score a
chord = M.chord

-- | Turncating parallel composition on list of scores.
chordT :: [Score a] -> Score a
chordT = M.chordT

-- | A line of one events. Each of them lasts for one second.
lineTemp :: [a] -> Score a
lineTemp = M.lineTemp

-- | A chord of one events. Each of them lasts for one second.
chordTemp :: [a] -> Score a
chordTemp = M.chordTemp

-- | Transforms a sequence and then applies a line.
lineMap :: (a -> Score b) -> [a] -> Score b
lineMap = M.lineMap

-- | Transforms a sequence and then applies a chord.
chordMap :: (a -> Score b) -> [a] -> Score b
chordMap = M.chordMap

-- | Transforms a sequence and then applies a chordT.
chordTMap :: (a -> Score b) -> [a] -> Score b
chordTMap = M.chordTMap

-- | Analog of 'replicate' function for scores. Replicated
-- scores are played sequentially.
loop :: Int -> Score a -> Score a
loop = M.loop 

-- | After this transformation events last longer
-- by some constant amount of time.
sustain :: Dur -> Score a -> Score a
sustain = M.sustain

-- | Prolongated events can not exceed total score duration.
-- All event are sustained but those that are close to 
-- end of the score are clipped. It resembles sustain on piano,
-- when score ends you release the pedal.
sustainT :: Dur -> Score a -> Score a
sustainT = M.sustainT

-- filtering

-- | 'slice' cuts piece of value within given time interval.
-- for @('slice' t0 t1 m)@, if @t1 < t0@ result is reversed.
-- If @t0@ is negative or @t1@ goes beyond @'dur' m@ blocks of
-- nothing inserted so that duration of result equals to 
-- @'abs' (t0 - t1)@.
slice :: Dur -> Dur -> Score a -> Score a
slice = M.slice

-- | @('takeS' t)@ is equivalent to @('slice' 0 t)@.
takeS :: Dur -> Score a -> Score a
takeS = M.takeT

-- | @('dropS' t m)@ is equivalent to @('slice' t (dur a) a)@.
dropS :: Dur -> Score a -> Score a
dropS = M.dropT

-- | Filter score.
filterEvents :: (Event Dur a -> Bool) -> Score a -> Score a
filterEvents = M.filterEvents

-- mapping

-- | General mapping. Mapps not only values but events.
mapEvents :: (Event Dur a -> Event Dur b) -> Score a -> Score b
mapEvents = M.mapEvents

-- | Mapps values and time stamps.
tmap :: (Event Dur a -> b) -> Score a -> Score b
tmap = M.tmap

-- | Relative tmap. Time values are normalized by argument's duration. 
tmapRel :: (Event Dur a -> b) -> Score a -> Score b
tmapRel = M.tmapRel

-- rendering

-- | Calculates duration.
dur :: Score a -> Dur
dur = M.dur

-- | Gets all recordered events. 
render :: Score a -> [Event Dur a]
render = M.render

-- Volume control

-- | Sets diapason to specified value.
setDiap :: VolumeLike a => (Double, Double) -> Score a -> Score a
setDiap a = fmap $ mapVolume $ 
    \v -> let d = volumeDiap v
          in  v{ volumeDiap = d{ diapRange = a } }

-- | Relative update of diapason value in decibels, 
-- (0, 1) turns diapason interval into itself.
setDiapRel :: VolumeLike a => (Double, Double) -> Score a -> Score a
setDiapRel (a, b) = fmap $ mapVolume $ 
    \v -> let d = volumeDiap v
          in  v{ volumeDiap = d{ diapRange = (diapAt d a, diapAt d b) } }

-- | Sets level to the given value.
setLevel :: VolumeLike a => Level -> Score a -> Score a
setLevel a = fmap $ mapVolume $
    \v -> v{ volumeLevel = a }

-- | Sets accent to the given value
setAccent :: VolumeLike a => Accent -> Score a -> Score a
setAccent a = fmap $ mapVolume $
    \v -> v{ volumeAccent = a }

-- | Increases 'Accent' by the given value.
accent :: VolumeLike a => Accent -> Score a -> Score a
accent a = fmap $ mapVolume $
    \v -> v{ volumeAccent = a + volumeAccent v }

-- | Synonym for @flip setAcent@
(!) :: VolumeLike a => Score a -> Accent -> Score a
(!) = flip setAccent

-- | Input becomes louder by given number of levels.
louder :: (VolumeLike a) => Int -> Score a -> Score a
louder n = fmap $ mapVolume $
    \v -> v{ volumeLevel = volumeLevel v + n }

-- | Input becomes quieter by given number of levels.
quieter :: (VolumeLike a) => Int -> Score a -> Score a
quieter = louder . negate

-- | Input becomes one level louder.
loud :: (VolumeLike a) => Score a -> Score a
loud = louder 1

-- | Input becomes one level quieter.
quiet :: (VolumeLike a) => Score a -> Score a
quiet = quieter 1

-- | Accent that depends on time of note, time is relative, 
-- so 'Score' starts at 't = 0' and ends at 't = 1'.
withAccent :: (VolumeLike a) => (Dur -> Accent) -> Score a -> Score a
withAccent f = tmapRel $ \(Event s d c) -> accent' c (f s)
    where accent' v a = mapVolume (\v -> v{ volumeAccent = a }) v 

-- | 'envelopeSeg' lifts function 'linfun' to dynamics level
withAccentSeg :: (VolumeLike a) => [Double] -> Score a -> Score a
withAccentSeg xs = withAccent $ (linfun xs)

-- | 'envelopeRel' lifts function 'linfunRel' to dynamics level
withAccentRel :: (VolumeLike a) => [Accent] -> Score a -> Score a
withAccentRel xs a = withAccent (linfunRel 1 xs) a

-- Pitch control

-- | Sets new scale
setScale :: PitchLike a => Scale -> Score a -> Score a
setScale s = fmap $ mapPitch $
    \p -> p{ pitchScale = s }

-- | Sets bend value
setBend :: PitchLike a => Bend -> Score a -> Score a
setBend b = fmap $ mapPitch $ 
    \p -> p{ pitchBend = b }

-- | Increases 'Bend' by given value.
bend :: PitchLike a => Bend -> Score a -> Score a
bend b = fmap $ mapPitch $ 
    \p -> p{ pitchBend = b + pitchBend p }

-- | Sets step value
setStep :: PitchLike a => Step -> Score a -> Score a
setStep s = fmap $ mapPitch $ 
    \p -> p{ pitchStep = s }

-- | Transposition. Increases (octave, step) coordinate by
-- given number of steps.
step :: (PitchLike a) => Int -> Score a -> Score a
step n = fmap $ mapPitch $
    \p -> p{ pitchStep = pitchStep p + n }
-- | Transposition by given number of octaves.
higher :: PitchLike a => Int -> Score a -> Score a
higher n = fmap $ mapPitch $ 
    \p -> p{ pitchOctave = pitchOctave p + n }

-- | Transposition by given number of octaves.
lower :: PitchLike a => Int -> Score a -> Score a
lower = higher . negate

-- | One octave higher.
high :: PitchLike a => Score a -> Score a
high = higher 1

-- | One octave lower.
low :: PitchLike a => Score a -> Score a
low = lower 1

l', ll', hh', h' :: PitchLike a => Score a -> Score a

l'   = low
ll'  = lower 2
h'   = high
hh'  = higher 2

-- | inverts note around some tone center. Tone center defines
-- two tones octave apart around current note in wich inversion takes place.
-- For example with center at 5 note @c@ in twelve tone scale 
-- @[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, bb, 11, c, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]@ goes into note  bb.
-- Inversion counts number of steps from lower center tone to given tone
-- and then result is higher center tone shifted lower by this number.
invert :: (Finite (Step a), PitchLike a) => Int -> Score a -> Score a
invert center = fmap $ mapPitch $
    \p -> let n = domLength $ pitchStep p
              c = mod center n
              w = fromEnum $ pitchStep p
              q = if c <= w
                  then 2 * c + n - w
                  else 2 * c - n - w
              (o, s) = divMod q n
          in  p{ pitchOctave = o + pitchOctave p,
                 pitchStep   = toEnum s }  

-- time stretching 

-- | Shortcut for 'rest'
r :: Dur -> Score a
r = rest

-- | Means 'three notes'. Plays three notes as fast as two.
trn :: Score a -> Score a
trn = stretch (2/3)

-- | Sets tempo in beats per minute, 
-- if 1 "Dur" is equal to 1 second before transformation.
bpm :: Dur -> (Score a -> Score a)
bpm beat = stretch (x1/x0)
    where x0 = 0.25
          x1 = 60/beat

bn, wn, hn, qn, en, sn, tn  :: Score a -> Score a

bn = stretch 2
wn = id
hn = stretch $ 1/2
qn = stretch $ 1/4
en = stretch $ 1/8
sn = stretch $ 1/16
tn = stretch $ 1/32

dbn, dwn, dhn, dqn, den, dsn, dtn :: Score a -> Score a

-- | Synonym to @'stretch' (3/2)@
dot :: Score a -> Score a
dot = stretch $ 3/2

-- | double 'dot', stretch with 1.75
ddot :: Score a -> Score a
ddot = stretch 1.75

dbn = dot . bn
dwn = dot . wn
dhn = dot . hn
dqn = dot . qn
den = dot . en
dsn = dot . sn
dtn = dot . tn

bnr, wnr, hnr, qnr, enr, snr, tnr :: Score a

wnr = rest 1

bnr = bn wnr
hnr = hn wnr
qnr = qn wnr
enr = en wnr
snr = sn wnr
tnr = tn wnr

dbnr, dwnr, dhnr, dqnr, denr, dsnr, dtnr :: Score a

dbnr = dbn wnr
dwnr = dwn wnr
dhnr = dhn wnr
dqnr = dqn wnr
denr = den wnr
dsnr = dsn wnr
dtnr = dtn wnr