Name: tempus Version: 0.1.0 Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 Build-Type: Simple License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Copyright: (C) 2010, Matthias Reisner Author: Matthias Reisner Maintainer: Matthias Reisner Stability: experimental Synopsis: Interpreter for the FRP language Tempus Description: This package provides an interactive console application for loading of modules, definition of types and values, as well as type checking and evaluation of expressions in the functional reactive language Tempus. Category: FRP, Language, Compilers/Interpreters Tested-With: GHC == 6.10.4, GHC == 6.12.1 Data-Files: Extra-Source-Files: Tempus/Examples/ Flag base4 Description: base >= 4.0 Default: True Executable tempus Build-Tools: happy >= 1.18 if flag(base4) Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5 else Build-Depends: base >= 3.0.3 && < 4 Build-Depends: mtl >= && < 1.2, uniplate >= 1.5.1, array >= 0.2 && < 3, utf8-string >= 0.3.6, filepath >=, directory >=, haskeline >=, executable-path >= 0.0.2 Extensions: DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances Main-Is: Tempus/Main.hs Other-Modules: Tempus.Loc, Tempus.Lexer, Tempus.Syntax, Tempus.Parser, Tempus.TypeCheck, Tempus.Evaluation, Tempus.Interpreter