// Protocol messages for describing the configuration of the ExampleParserOp. syntax = "proto3"; option cc_enable_arenas = true; option java_outer_classname = "ExampleParserConfigurationProtos"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "org.tensorflow.example"; option go_package = "github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tensorflow/go/core/example"; package tensorflow; import "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.proto"; import "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.proto"; import "tensorflow/core/framework/types.proto"; message VarLenFeatureProto { tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1; string values_output_tensor_name = 2; string indices_output_tensor_name = 3; string shapes_output_tensor_name = 4; }; message FixedLenFeatureProto { tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1; tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2; tensorflow.TensorProto default_value = 3; string values_output_tensor_name = 4; }; message FeatureConfiguration { oneof config { FixedLenFeatureProto fixed_len_feature = 1; VarLenFeatureProto var_len_feature = 2; } }; message ExampleParserConfiguration { map feature_map = 1; };