syntax = "proto3"; package tensorflow; option cc_enable_arenas = true; option java_outer_classname = "LogMemoryProtos"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework"; option go_package = ""; import "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_description.proto"; message MemoryLogStep { // Process-unique step id. int64 step_id = 1; // Handle describing the feeds and fetches of the step. string handle = 2; }; message MemoryLogTensorAllocation { // Process-unique step id. int64 step_id = 1; // Name of the kernel making the allocation as set in GraphDef, // e.g., "affine2/weights/Assign". string kernel_name = 2; // Allocated tensor details. TensorDescription tensor = 3; }; message MemoryLogTensorDeallocation { // Id of the tensor buffer being deallocated, used to match to a // corresponding allocation. int64 allocation_id = 1; // Name of the allocator used. string allocator_name = 2; }; message MemoryLogTensorOutput { // Process-unique step id. int64 step_id = 1; // Name of the kernel producing an output as set in GraphDef, e.g., // "affine2/weights/Assign". string kernel_name = 2; // Index of the output being set. int32 index = 3; // Output tensor details. TensorDescription tensor = 4; } message MemoryLogRawAllocation { // Process-unique step id. int64 step_id = 1; // Name of the operation making the allocation. string operation = 2; // Number of bytes in the allocation. int64 num_bytes = 3; // Address of the allocation. uint64 ptr = 4; // Id of the tensor buffer being allocated, used to match to a // corresponding deallocation. int64 allocation_id = 5; // Name of the allocator used. string allocator_name = 6; }; message MemoryLogRawDeallocation { // Process-unique step id. int64 step_id = 1; // Name of the operation making the deallocation. string operation = 2; // Id of the tensor buffer being deallocated, used to match to a // corresponding allocation. int64 allocation_id = 3; // Name of the allocator used. string allocator_name = 4; // True if the deallocation is queued and will be performed later, // e.g. for GPU lazy freeing of buffers. bool deferred = 5; };