module Main (main) where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Monad (forever) import GHC.Clock (getMonotonicTime) import qualified Ki import qualified Termbox.Tea as Termbox import Text.Printf (printf) main :: IO () main = do t0 <- getMonotonicTime result <- Ki.scoped \scope -> do timeVar <- newEmptyMVar Ki.fork_ scope do forever do threadDelay 100_000 getMonotonicTime >>= putMVar timeVar Termbox.Program { initialize, pollEvent = pollEvent t0 timeVar, handleEvent, render, finished } case result of Left err -> print err Right _state -> pure () data State = State { elapsed :: Double, lastKey :: Maybe Termbox.Key, bright :: Bool } initialize :: Termbox.Size -> State initialize _size = State { elapsed = 0, lastKey = Nothing, bright = False } pollEvent :: Double -> MVar Double -> Maybe (IO Double) pollEvent t0 timeVar = Just do t1 <- takeMVar timeVar pure (t1 - t0) handleEvent :: State -> Termbox.Event Double -> IO State handleEvent State {elapsed, lastKey, bright} = \case Termbox.EventKey key -> pure State { elapsed, lastKey = Just key, bright = case key of Termbox.KeyChar '*' -> not bright _ -> bright } Termbox.EventUser elapsed1 -> pure State { elapsed = elapsed1, lastKey, bright } _ -> pure State { elapsed, lastKey, bright } render :: State -> Termbox.Scene render State {elapsed, lastKey, bright} = renderBox Termbox.Pos {row = 1, col = 2} $ vcat [ string "Welcome to Termbox. Try typing, clicking, and resizing the terminal!", string " ", hcat [ string "Elapsed time: ", string (map Termbox.char (printf "%.1fs" elapsed)) ], hcat [ string "Latest key press: ", case lastKey of Nothing -> emptyBox Just event -> string (map (Termbox.bold . Termbox.char) (show event)) ], string " ", string "default red green yellow blue magenta cyan white", hcat [ rect Rect { size = Termbox.Size {width = 7, height = 2}, color = brighten Termbox.defaultColor }, string " ", rect Rect { size = Termbox.Size {width = 3, height = 2}, color = brighten }, string " ", rect Rect { size = Termbox.Size {width = 5, height = 2}, color = brighten }, string " ", rect Rect { size = Termbox.Size {width = 6, height = 2}, color = brighten Termbox.yellow }, string " ", rect Rect { size = Termbox.Size {width = 4, height = 2}, color = brighten }, string " ", rect Rect { size = Termbox.Size {width = 7, height = 2}, color = brighten Termbox.magenta }, string " ", rect Rect { size = Termbox.Size {width = 4, height = 2}, color = brighten Termbox.cyan }, string " ", rect Rect { size = Termbox.Size {width = 5, height = 2}, color = brighten Termbox.white }, string " ", vcat [ string ("Press " ++ [Termbox.bold (Termbox.char '*')] ++ " to toggle brightness."), string ( let selected = map ( (Termbox.gray 20) . Termbox.fg (Termbox.gray 0)) in if bright then "normal " ++ selected "bright" else selected "normal" ++ " bright" ) ] ], string " ", string "color 0 .. color 215", vcat ( map ( \is -> hcat ( map ( \i -> acat [ rect Rect { size = Termbox.Size {width = 4, height = 2}, color = Termbox.color i }, string (map ( (Termbox.color i) . Termbox.char) (show i)) ] ) is ) ) (chunksOf 24 [0 .. 215]) ), string " ", string "gray 0 .. gray 23", hcat ( map ( \i -> acat [ rect Rect { size = Termbox.Size {width = 4, height = 2}, color = Termbox.gray i }, string (map ( (Termbox.gray i) . Termbox.char) (show i)) ] ) [0 .. 23] ), string " ", hcat [ string (map Termbox.bold "This text is bold."), string " ", string (map Termbox.underline "This text is underlined."), string " ", string (map Termbox.blink "This text is blinking (maybe).") ], string " ", hcat [ string "Press ", string (map Termbox.bold "Esc"), string " to quit!" ] ] where brighten :: Termbox.Color -> Termbox.Color brighten = if bright then Termbox.bright else id finished :: State -> Bool finished State {lastKey} = case lastKey of Just Termbox.KeyEsc -> True _ -> False data Box = Box !Termbox.Size Content data Content = E | O !Termbox.Cell | A !Box !Box | H !Box !Box | V !Box !Box emptyBox :: Box emptyBox = Box (Termbox.Size 0 0) E one :: Termbox.Cell -> Box one cell = Box (Termbox.Size 1 1) (O cell) -- assume it's not an empty cell *shrug* acat :: [Box] -> Box acat = foldr f emptyBox where f :: Box -> Box -> Box f box1@(Box (Termbox.Size w1 h1) _) box2@(Box (Termbox.Size w2 h2) _) = Box (Termbox.Size (max w1 w2) (max h1 h2)) (A box1 box2) hcat :: [Box] -> Box hcat = foldr f emptyBox where f :: Box -> Box -> Box f box1@(Box (Termbox.Size w1 h1) _) box2@(Box (Termbox.Size w2 h2) _) = Box (Termbox.Size (w1 + w2) (max h1 h2)) (H box1 box2) vcat :: [Box] -> Box vcat = foldr f emptyBox where f :: Box -> Box -> Box f box1@(Box (Termbox.Size w1 h1) _) box2@(Box (Termbox.Size w2 h2) _) = Box (Termbox.Size (max w1 w2) (h1 + h2)) (V box1 box2) renderBox :: Termbox.Pos -> Box -> Termbox.Scene renderBox pos (Box _ content) = case content of E -> mempty O cell -> Termbox.cell pos cell A box1 box2 -> renderBox pos box1 <> renderBox pos box2 H box1@(Box (Termbox.Size w1 _) _) box2 -> renderBox pos box1 <> renderBox (Termbox.posRight w1 pos) box2 V box1@(Box (Termbox.Size _ h1) _) box2 -> renderBox pos box1 <> renderBox (Termbox.posDown h1 pos) box2 string :: [Termbox.Cell] -> Box string = hcat . map one data Rect = Rect { size :: Termbox.Size, color :: Termbox.Color } rect :: Rect -> Box rect Rect {size = Termbox.Size {width, height}, color} = vcat (replicate height (string (replicate width ( color (Termbox.char ' '))))) chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] chunksOf n = \case [] -> [] xs -> let (ys, zs) = splitAt n xs in ys : chunksOf n zs