{-- TerraHS - Interface between TerraLib and Haskell

    (c) Sergio Costa (INPE) - Setembro, 2005

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it 
    and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General 
    Public License 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation

{- |  A module for supporting a TeSTInstance TerraLib class

An instance in a time of a spatial element

More information - <http://www.terralib.org>

module TerraHS.TerraLib.TeSTInstance 

			-- * The @TeSTInstance@ type
			TeSTInstance (..),
			-- * The @TeSTInstancePtr@ type 
			-- ** Operations on @TeSTInstancePtr@ 
			getProperties, getGeometry, objectId,
			-- * The @Value@ type 
			Value (..),

import Foreign
import Foreign.C.String
import qualified Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)

import TerraHS.Misc.Object
import TerraHS.TerraLib.TeGeometry
import TerraHS.Misc.Generic
import TerraHS.TerraLib.TePoint
import TerraHS.TerraLib.TeLine2D
import TerraHS.TerraLib.TeCell
import TerraHS.TerraLib.TeBox
import TerraHS.TerraLib.TePolygon

-- |  The type @TeSTInstance@  represent an instance in a time of a spatial element
data TeSTInstance = TeSTInstance 

-- | The type @TeSTInstancePtr@ is a pointer to @TeSTInstance@
type TeSTInstancePtr = Foreign.Ptr.Ptr TeSTInstance

type Property = (String, Value) -- (name,value)

instance Pointer TeSTInstance where
	new st = testinstance_new

-- |  Returns the property list of this instance
getProperties :: TeSTInstancePtr ->  Prelude.IO [Property]
getProperties st  = testinstance_sizePropriety st >>= (getProperties2 st 0)
getProperties2 :: TeSTInstancePtr -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Prelude.IO [Property]
getProperties2 st i size = do
	if i >= size then return [] else testinstance_namePropriety st i >>= peekCString >>= \name -> testinstance_valuePropriety st i >>= peekCString >>= \value -> testinstance_typePropriety st i >>= \t -> (getProperties2 st (i+1) size) >>= \xs -> return  (( (name, (fvalue t value)) : xs))
		fvalue t v
			| t == 1 = DbValue (toDouble v)
			| t == 2 = InValue (toInt v)
			| otherwise = StValue v
-- |  Returns the geometry list of this instance	
getGeometry::TeSTInstancePtr -> Prelude.IO [TeGeometry]
getGeometry st = do
	hp <- (testinstance_hasPoints st)
	-- Pontos
	if (hp == True) then (TerraHS.Misc.Object.new (TePointSet [])) >>= \ps -> testinstance_gettepoints st ps >> pointset2geometryset ps 0 1  >>= \points -> delete ps >> return points else do
		hl <- (testinstance_hasLines st)
		-- Lines
		if (hl == True) then (TerraHS.Misc.Object.new (TeLineSet [])) >>= \ps -> testinstance_gettelines st ps >> lineset2geometryset ps 0 1  >>= \lines -> delete ps >> return lines else do
			hp1 <- testinstance_hasPolygons st
			-- Polygons
			if (hp1 == True) then (TerraHS.Misc.Object.new (TePolygonSet [])) >>= \ps -> testinstance_gettepolygons st ps >> polygonset2geometryset ps 0 1  >>= \pols -> delete ps >> return pols else do
				hc <- testinstance_hasCells st
				-- Cells
				if (hc == True) then (TerraHS.Misc.Object.new (TeCellSet [])) >>= \cs -> testinstance_gettecells st cs >> cellset2geometryset cs 0 1  >>= \cells -> delete cs >> return cells else return []
				--if (hc == True) then (TerraHS.Misc.Object.new (TeCellSet [])) >>= \cs -> testinstance_gettecells st cs >> cellset2geometryset cs 0 1  >>= \cells -> return cells else return []

-- | Returns the object identification
objectId :: TeSTInstancePtr ->  Prelude.IO String
objectId st = testinstance_objectId st >>= peekCString >>= return	

data Value  
	= StValue String  
	| DbValue Double  
	| InValue Int32 
	| Undefined
	deriving (Eq, Show)

foreign import stdcall unsafe "c_testinstance_new" testinstance_new :: Prelude.IO TeSTInstancePtr
foreign import stdcall unsafe "c_testinstance_namePropriety" testinstance_namePropriety :: TeSTInstancePtr -> Int32 -> Prelude.IO CString
foreign import stdcall unsafe "c_testinstance_valuePropriety" testinstance_valuePropriety :: TeSTInstancePtr -> Int32 -> Prelude.IO CString
foreign import stdcall unsafe "c_testinstance_typePropriety" testinstance_typePropriety :: TeSTInstancePtr -> Int32 -> Prelude.IO Int32
foreign import stdcall unsafe "c_testinstance_gettepoints" testinstance_gettepoints :: TeSTInstancePtr -> TePointSetPtr -> Prelude.IO ()
foreign import stdcall unsafe "c_testinstance_objectId" testinstance_objectId :: TeSTInstancePtr -> Prelude.IO CString
foreign import stdcall unsafe "c_testinstance_sizePropriety" testinstance_sizePropriety :: TeSTInstancePtr -> Prelude.IO Int32 
foreign import stdcall unsafe "c_testinstance_gettelines" testinstance_gettelines :: TeSTInstancePtr -> TeLineSetPtr -> Prelude.IO ()
foreign import stdcall unsafe "c_testinstance_gettepolygons" testinstance_gettepolygons :: TeSTInstancePtr -> TePolygonSetPtr -> Prelude.IO ()
foreign import stdcall unsafe "c_testinstance_hasPoints" testinstance_hasPoints :: TeSTInstancePtr -> Prelude.IO Bool
foreign import stdcall unsafe "c_testinstance_hasLines" testinstance_hasLines :: TeSTInstancePtr -> Prelude.IO Bool
foreign import stdcall unsafe "c_testinstance_hasPolygons" testinstance_hasPolygons :: TeSTInstancePtr -> Prelude.IO Bool
foreign import stdcall unsafe "c_testinstance_hasCells" testinstance_hasCells :: TeSTInstancePtr -> Prelude.IO Bool
foreign import stdcall unsafe "c_testinstance_gettecells" testinstance_gettecells :: TeSTInstancePtr -> TeCellSetPtr -> Prelude.IO ()