The TeGeoObject type
The TeGeoObjects class
Operations on TeGeoObject
The Value type
The Attribute type
The Attributes class
data TeGeoObject = TeGeoObject ObjectId [Attribute] [TeGeometry]
class (Num n, Points p n, Lines l n, Polygons pg l n, Geometries g pg l p n, Ids i, Values v, Attributes at v) => GeoObjects a i at v g pg l p n | a -> i at v g pg l p n where
getId :: a -> i
getAttributes :: a -> [at]
getGeometries :: a -> [g]
data Value
= StValue String
| DbValue Double
| InValue Int32
| Undefined
data Attribute = Attr (String, Value)
class Values v => Attributes a v | a -> v where
getName :: a -> String
getValue :: a -> v
getValuebyName :: [Attribute] -> String -> Value
The TeGeoObject type
data TeGeoObject
TeGeoObject ObjectId [Attribute] [TeGeometry]
show/hide Instances
The TeGeoObjects class
class (Num n, Points p n, Lines l n, Polygons pg l n, Geometries g pg l p n, Ids i, Values v, Attributes at v) => GeoObjects a i at v g pg l p n | a -> i at v g pg l p n where
getId :: a -> i
Returns the object identification
getAttributes :: a -> [at]
Returns the attributes list from a geoobject
getGeometries :: a -> [g]
Returns the geometries list from a geoobject
show/hide Instances
Operations on TeGeoObject
The Value type
data Value
StValue String
DbValue Double
InValue Int32
show/hide Instances
The Attribute type
data Attribute
Attr (String, Value)
show/hide Instances
The Attributes class
class Values v => Attributes a v | a -> v where
getName :: a -> String
getValue :: a -> v
show/hide Instances
getValuebyName :: [Attribute] -> String -> Value
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