
A module for supporting the functions of TerraLib TeGeometryAlgorithms

More information - http://www.terralib.org

class Topology a b where
teintersects :: a -> b -> Bool
tecontains :: a -> b -> Bool
tecoveredby :: a -> b -> Bool
teoverlaps :: a -> b -> Bool
teequals :: a -> b -> Bool
tewithin :: a -> b -> Bool
tedisjoint :: a -> b -> Bool
tecrosses :: a -> b -> Bool
tetouches :: a -> b -> Bool
tecontainedBy :: b -> a -> Bool
data TeSpatialRelation
class TeRelations a b where
terelation :: a -> b -> TeSpatialRelation
returnTeRelation :: Int32 -> TeSpatialRelation
tecell_teequals :: TeCellPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
tepolygon_teequals :: TePolygonPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tepoint_teequals :: TePointPtr -> TePointPtr -> IO Bool
teline2d_teequals :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
teline2d_tecrosses :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
linepol_tecrosses :: TeLine2DPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
linecell_tecrosses :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
tepolygon_tedisjoint :: TePolygonPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
linepol_tedisjoint :: TeLine2DPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tepoint_tedisjoint :: TePointPtr -> TePointPtr -> IO Bool
teline2d_tedisjoint :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
pointline_tedisjoint :: TePointPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
pointpol_tedisjoint :: TePointPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tecell_tedisjoint :: TeCellPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
cellline_tedisjoint :: TeCellPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
cellpol_tedisjoint :: TeCellPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
cellpoint_tedisjoint :: TeCellPtr -> TePointPtr -> IO Bool
teline2d_tetouches :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
linepoint_tetouches :: TePointPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
pointpol_tetouches :: TePointPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
linepol_tetouches :: TeLine2DPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tepolygon_tetouches :: TePolygonPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tecell_tetouches :: TeCellPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
linecell_tetouches :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
cellpol_tetouches :: TeCellPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
pointcell_tetouches :: TePointPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
linepoint_tewithin :: TePointPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
tepoint_tewithin :: TePointPtr -> TePointPtr -> IO Bool
pointpol_tewithin :: TePointPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
teline2d_tewithin :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
linepol_tewithin :: TeLine2DPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tecell_tewithin :: TeCellPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
linecell_tewithin :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
cellpol_tewithin :: TeCellPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
pointcell_tewithin :: TePointPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
tepolygon_tewithin :: TePolygonPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
teline2d_teoverlaps :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
tepolygon_teoverlaps :: TePolygonPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tecell_teoverlaps :: TeCellPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
cellpol_teoverlaps :: TeCellPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
teline2d_tecoveredby :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
tepolygon_tecoveredby :: TePolygonPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tecell_tecoveredby :: TeCellPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
polcell_tecoveredby :: TePolygonPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
linepol_tecoveredby :: TeLine2DPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
linecell_tecoveredby :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
pointline_terelation :: TePointPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Int32
polpol_terelation :: TePolygonPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Int32
pointpol_terelation :: TePointPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Int32
linepol_terelation :: TeLine2DPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Int32
class Topology a b where
Operators that test topologival relation between two objects.
teintersects :: a -> b -> Bool
tecontains :: a -> b -> Bool
tecoveredby :: a -> b -> Bool
teoverlaps :: a -> b -> Bool
teequals :: a -> b -> Bool
tewithin :: a -> b -> Bool
tedisjoint :: a -> b -> Bool
tecrosses :: a -> b -> Bool
tetouches :: a -> b -> Bool
tecontainedBy :: b -> a -> Bool
show/hide Instances
data TeSpatialRelation
show/hide Instances
class TeRelations a b where
terelation :: a -> b -> TeSpatialRelation
show/hide Instances
returnTeRelation :: Int32 -> TeSpatialRelation
tecell_teequals :: TeCellPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
tepolygon_teequals :: TePolygonPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tepoint_teequals :: TePointPtr -> TePointPtr -> IO Bool
teline2d_teequals :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
teline2d_tecrosses :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
linepol_tecrosses :: TeLine2DPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
linecell_tecrosses :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
tepolygon_tedisjoint :: TePolygonPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
linepol_tedisjoint :: TeLine2DPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tepoint_tedisjoint :: TePointPtr -> TePointPtr -> IO Bool
teline2d_tedisjoint :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
pointline_tedisjoint :: TePointPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
pointpol_tedisjoint :: TePointPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tecell_tedisjoint :: TeCellPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
cellline_tedisjoint :: TeCellPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
cellpol_tedisjoint :: TeCellPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
cellpoint_tedisjoint :: TeCellPtr -> TePointPtr -> IO Bool
teline2d_tetouches :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
linepoint_tetouches :: TePointPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
pointpol_tetouches :: TePointPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
linepol_tetouches :: TeLine2DPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tepolygon_tetouches :: TePolygonPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tecell_tetouches :: TeCellPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
linecell_tetouches :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
cellpol_tetouches :: TeCellPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
pointcell_tetouches :: TePointPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
linepoint_tewithin :: TePointPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
tepoint_tewithin :: TePointPtr -> TePointPtr -> IO Bool
pointpol_tewithin :: TePointPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
teline2d_tewithin :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
linepol_tewithin :: TeLine2DPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tecell_tewithin :: TeCellPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
linecell_tewithin :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
cellpol_tewithin :: TeCellPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
pointcell_tewithin :: TePointPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
tepolygon_tewithin :: TePolygonPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
teline2d_teoverlaps :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
tepolygon_teoverlaps :: TePolygonPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tecell_teoverlaps :: TeCellPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
cellpol_teoverlaps :: TeCellPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
teline2d_tecoveredby :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Bool
tepolygon_tecoveredby :: TePolygonPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
tecell_tecoveredby :: TeCellPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
polcell_tecoveredby :: TePolygonPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
linepol_tecoveredby :: TeLine2DPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Bool
linecell_tecoveredby :: TeLine2DPtr -> TeCellPtr -> IO Bool
pointline_terelation :: TePointPtr -> TeLine2DPtr -> IO Int32
polpol_terelation :: TePolygonPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Int32
pointpol_terelation :: TePointPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Int32
linepol_terelation :: TeLine2DPtr -> TePolygonPtr -> IO Int32
Produced by Haddock version 0.7