Name: test-framework-sandbox Version: 0.0.1 Cabal-Version: >= 1.14 Category: Testing Synopsis: test-sandbox support for the test-framework package Description: Interfaces the test-sandbox the test-framework packages to allow writing system tests in Haskell in a standard fashion. The environment is preserved between test cases, enabling the user, for instance, to start a process in one test and stop it in another. License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Author: Benjamin Surma Maintainer: Benjamin Surma Build-Type: Simple Library Exposed-modules: Test.Framework.Providers.Sandbox Test.Framework.Providers.Sandbox.Internals Build-Depends: base >=4 && <5, ansi-terminal, lifted-base, mtl, temporary, test-framework, test-sandbox == 0.0.1.*, transformers Hs-source-dirs: src Default-Language: Haskell2010