{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- | Types with invariants. Currently these are mostly examples of how to 
-- define such types, suggestions on useful types are appreciated.
-- To use the invariant types you can use the record label. For instance:
-- @
--  data C a = C [a] [a] deriving Typeable
--  instance Enumerable a => Enumerable (C a) where
--     enumerate = unary $ funcurry $ 
--       \xs ys -> C (nonEmpty xs) (nonEmpty ys)
-- @
-- Alternatively you can put everything in pattern postition:
-- @
--  instance Enumerable a => Enumerable (C a) where
--     enumerate = unary $ funcurry $ 
--       \(Free (NonEmpty xs,NonEmpty ys)) -> C xs ys)
-- @
-- The first approach has the advantage of being usable with a 
-- point free style: @ \xs -> C (nonEmpty xs) . nonEmpty @.
module Test.Feat.Modifiers(

  ) where

-- testing-feat
import Test.Feat.Enumerate 
import Test.Feat.Class
-- quickcheck -- Should be made compatible at some point.
-- import Test.QuickCheck.Modifiers

-- | A type of non empty lists.
newtype NonEmpty a = NonEmpty {nonEmpty :: [a]} 
  deriving (Typeable, Show)
mkNonEmpty x xs = x:xs
instance Enumerable a => Enumerable (NonEmpty a) where
  enumerate = unary NonEmpty

-- Copy paste from Enumerate.hs
-- | A type of natural numbers.
newtype Nat = Nat {nat :: Integer} 
  deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Enumerable Nat where 
  enumerate = let e = Enumerate{
    card = crd,
    select = sel,
    optimal = return e} in e where
      crd p
        | p <= 0     = 0
        | p == 1     = 1
        | otherwise  = 2^(p-2)
      sel 1 0 = Nat 0
      sel p i = Nat $ 2^(p-2) + i