-- | This module provides quickcheck utilities, e.g. arbitrary and show -- instances, and comparison functions, so we can focus on the actual properties -- in the 'Data.Text.Tests.Properties' module. -- {-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Data.Text.Tests.QuickCheckUtils ( genUnicode , unsquare , smallArbitrary , NotEmpty (..) , Small (..) , small , integralRandomR , DecodeErr (..) , Stringy (..) , eq , eqP , Encoding (..) , write_read ) where import Control.Arrow (first, (***)) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..), deepseq) import Control.Exception (bracket) import Data.Bits ((.&.)) import Data.Char (chr) import Data.Word (Word8, Word16) import Data.String (IsString, fromString) import Data.Text.Foreign (I16) import Debug.Trace (trace) import System.Random (Random (..), RandomGen) import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.)) import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (assert, monadicIO, run) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as T import qualified Data.Text.Fusion as TF import qualified Data.Text.Fusion.Common as TF import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Fusion as TLF import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Internal as TL import qualified System.IO as IO import Data.Text.Tests.Utils instance Random I16 where randomR = integralRandomR random = randomR (minBound,maxBound) instance Arbitrary I16 where arbitrary = choose (minBound,maxBound) instance Arbitrary B.ByteString where arbitrary = B.pack `fmap` arbitrary genUnicode :: IsString a => Gen a genUnicode = fmap fromString string where string = sized $ \n -> do k <- choose (0,n) sequence [ char | _ <- [1..k] ] excluding :: [a -> Bool] -> Gen a -> Gen a excluding bad gen = loop where loop = do x <- gen if or (map ($ x) bad) then loop else return x reserved = [lowSurrogate, highSurrogate, noncharacter] lowSurrogate c = c >= 0xDC00 && c <= 0xDFFF highSurrogate c = c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDBFF noncharacter c = masked == 0xFFFE || masked == 0xFFFF where masked = c .&. 0xFFFF ascii = choose (0,0x7F) plane0 = choose (0xF0, 0xFFFF) plane1 = oneof [ choose (0x10000, 0x10FFF) , choose (0x11000, 0x11FFF) , choose (0x12000, 0x12FFF) , choose (0x13000, 0x13FFF) , choose (0x1D000, 0x1DFFF) , choose (0x1F000, 0x1FFFF) ] plane2 = oneof [ choose (0x20000, 0x20FFF) , choose (0x21000, 0x21FFF) , choose (0x22000, 0x22FFF) , choose (0x23000, 0x23FFF) , choose (0x24000, 0x24FFF) , choose (0x25000, 0x25FFF) , choose (0x26000, 0x26FFF) , choose (0x27000, 0x27FFF) , choose (0x28000, 0x28FFF) , choose (0x29000, 0x29FFF) , choose (0x2A000, 0x2AFFF) , choose (0x2B000, 0x2BFFF) , choose (0x2F000, 0x2FFFF) ] plane14 = choose (0xE0000, 0xE0FFF) planes = [ascii, plane0, plane1, plane2, plane14] char = chr `fmap` excluding reserved (oneof planes) -- For tests that have O(n^2) running times or input sizes, resize -- their inputs to the square root of the originals. unsquare :: (Arbitrary a, Show a, Testable b) => (a -> b) -> Property unsquare = forAll smallArbitrary smallArbitrary :: (Arbitrary a, Show a) => Gen a smallArbitrary = sized $ \n -> resize (smallish n) arbitrary where smallish = round . (sqrt :: Double -> Double) . fromIntegral . abs instance Arbitrary T.Text where arbitrary = T.pack `fmap` arbitrary instance Arbitrary TL.Text where arbitrary = (TL.fromChunks . map notEmpty) `fmap` smallArbitrary newtype NotEmpty a = NotEmpty { notEmpty :: a } deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Show a => Show (NotEmpty a) where show (NotEmpty a) = show a instance Functor NotEmpty where fmap f (NotEmpty a) = NotEmpty (f a) instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (NotEmpty [a]) where arbitrary = sized (\n -> NotEmpty `fmap` (choose (1,n+1) >>= vector)) instance Arbitrary (NotEmpty T.Text) where arbitrary = (fmap T.pack) `fmap` arbitrary instance Arbitrary (NotEmpty TL.Text) where arbitrary = (fmap TL.pack) `fmap` arbitrary instance Arbitrary (NotEmpty B.ByteString) where arbitrary = (fmap B.pack) `fmap` arbitrary data Small = S0 | S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | S6 | S7 | S8 | S9 | S10 | S11 | S12 | S13 | S14 | S15 | S16 | S17 | S18 | S19 | S20 | S21 | S22 | S23 | S24 | S25 | S26 | S27 | S28 | S29 | S30 | S31 deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded) small :: Integral a => Small -> a small = fromIntegral . fromEnum intf :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Small -> Small -> Small intf f a b = toEnum ((fromEnum a `f` fromEnum b) `mod` 32) instance Show Small where show = show . fromEnum instance Read Small where readsPrec n = map (first toEnum) . readsPrec n instance Num Small where fromInteger = toEnum . fromIntegral signum _ = 1 abs = id (+) = intf (+) (-) = intf (-) (*) = intf (*) instance Real Small where toRational = toRational . fromEnum instance Integral Small where toInteger = toInteger . fromEnum quotRem a b = (toEnum x, toEnum y) where (x, y) = fromEnum a `quotRem` fromEnum b instance Random Small where randomR = integralRandomR random = randomR (minBound,maxBound) instance Arbitrary Small where arbitrary = choose (minBound,maxBound) integralRandomR :: (Integral a, RandomGen g) => (a,a) -> g -> (a,g) integralRandomR (a,b) g = case randomR (fromIntegral a :: Integer, fromIntegral b :: Integer) g of (x,h) -> (fromIntegral x, h) data DecodeErr = DE String T.OnDecodeError instance Show DecodeErr where show (DE d _) = "DE " ++ d instance Arbitrary DecodeErr where arbitrary = oneof [ return $ DE "lenient" T.lenientDecode , return $ DE "ignore" T.ignore , return $ DE "strict" T.strictDecode , DE "replace" `fmap` arbitrary ] class Stringy s where packS :: String -> s unpackS :: s -> String splitAtS :: Int -> s -> (s,s) packSChunkSize :: Int -> String -> s packSChunkSize _ = packS instance Stringy String where packS = id unpackS = id splitAtS = splitAt instance Stringy (TF.Stream Char) where packS = TF.streamList unpackS = TF.unstreamList splitAtS n s = (TF.take n s, TF.drop n s) instance Stringy T.Text where packS = T.pack unpackS = T.unpack splitAtS = T.splitAt instance Stringy TL.Text where packSChunkSize k = TLF.unstreamChunks k . TF.streamList packS = TL.pack unpackS = TL.unpack splitAtS = ((TL.lazyInvariant *** TL.lazyInvariant) .) . TL.splitAt . fromIntegral -- Do two functions give the same answer? eq :: (Eq a, Show a) => (t -> a) -> (t -> a) -> t -> Bool eq a b s = a s =^= b s -- What about with the RHS packed? eqP :: (Eq a, Show a, Stringy s) => (String -> a) -> (s -> a) -> String -> Word8 -> Bool eqP f g s w = eql "orig" (f s) (g t) && eql "mini" (f s) (g mini) && eql "head" (f sa) (g ta) && eql "tail" (f sb) (g tb) where t = packS s mini = packSChunkSize 10 s (sa,sb) = splitAt m s (ta,tb) = splitAtS m t l = length s m | l == 0 = n | otherwise = n `mod` l n = fromIntegral w eql d a b | a =^= b = True | otherwise = trace (d ++ ": " ++ show a ++ " /= " ++ show b) False -- Work around lack of Show instance for TextEncoding. data Encoding = E String IO.TextEncoding instance Show Encoding where show (E n _) = "utf" ++ n instance Arbitrary Encoding where arbitrary = oneof . map return $ [ E "8" IO.utf8, E "8_bom" IO.utf8_bom, E "16" IO.utf16 , E "16le" IO.utf16le, E "16be" IO.utf16be, E "32" IO.utf32 , E "32le" IO.utf32le, E "32be" IO.utf32be ] windowsNewlineMode :: IO.NewlineMode windowsNewlineMode = IO.NewlineMode { IO.inputNL = IO.CRLF, IO.outputNL = IO.CRLF } -- Newline and NewlineMode have standard Show instance from GHC 7 onwards #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 700 instance Show IO.Newline where show IO.CRLF = "CRLF" show IO.LF = "LF" instance Show IO.NewlineMode where show (IO.NewlineMode i o) = "NewlineMode { inputNL = " ++ show i ++ ", outputNL = " ++ show o ++ " }" # endif instance Arbitrary IO.NewlineMode where arbitrary = oneof . map return $ [ IO.noNewlineTranslation, IO.universalNewlineMode, IO.nativeNewlineMode , windowsNewlineMode ] instance Arbitrary IO.BufferMode where arbitrary = oneof [ return IO.NoBuffering, return IO.LineBuffering, return (IO.BlockBuffering Nothing), (IO.BlockBuffering . Just . (+1) . fromIntegral) `fmap` (arbitrary :: Gen Word16) ] -- This test harness is complex! What property are we checking? -- -- Reading after writing a multi-line file should give the same -- results as were written. -- -- What do we vary while checking this property? -- * The lines themselves, scrubbed to contain neither CR nor LF. (By -- working with a list of lines, we ensure that the data will -- sometimes contain line endings.) -- * Encoding. -- * Newline translation mode. -- * Buffering. write_read :: (NFData a, Eq a) => ([b] -> a) -> ((Char -> Bool) -> a -> b) -> (IO.Handle -> a -> IO ()) -> (IO.Handle -> IO a) -> Encoding -> IO.NewlineMode -> IO.BufferMode -> [a] -> Property write_read unline filt writer reader (E _ _) nl buf ts = monadicIO $ assert . (==t) =<< run act where t = unline . map (filt (not . (`elem` "\r\n"))) $ ts act = withTempFile $ \path h -> do -- hSetEncoding h enc IO.hSetNewlineMode h nl IO.hSetBuffering h buf () <- writer h t IO.hClose h bracket (IO.openFile path IO.ReadMode) IO.hClose $ \h' -> do -- hSetEncoding h' enc IO.hSetNewlineMode h' nl IO.hSetBuffering h' buf r <- reader h' r `deepseq` return r