{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

{- | Note that thanks to a restrictive lower bound on @text@, you can be sure
that the following things will be present in the "Data.Text" reexport:

* The 'T.takeWhileEnd' function.
* An instance for @Semigroup Text@.
* An instance for @Binary Text@.
* An instance for 'Text.Printf.printf' (i.e. you can use a 'Text' as one of
  @printf@'s arguments).
module Data.Text.All
  -- * Standard modules from text
  module Data.Text,
  module Data.Text.IO,
  module Data.Text.Encoding,

  -- * Lazy 'Text'

  -- * Conversion
  -- $conversion
  toStrict, toLazy,
  toByteString, toLByteString,

  -- * Showing
  -- $showing
  show, lshow, bshow,

  -- * Formatting
  -- $formatting
  module Data.Text.Format,
  module Data.Text.Buildable,
  format, lformat, bformat,

  -- * 'Builder'

import Data.Text
import Data.Text.IO
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder, flush)

import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL

import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as UTF8L

import Data.Text.Format hiding (format, print, hprint, build)
import Data.Text.Format.Params
import Data.Text.Buildable
import qualified Data.Text.Format as Format
import qualified Prelude as P
import Prelude hiding (show)

type LText = TL.Text

{- $showing

Variants below use 'P.show' from "Prelude". If you want faster showing,
either use <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/text-show text-show> or some
formatting library.

show :: Show a => a -> Text
show = pack . P.show
{-# INLINE show #-}

lshow :: Show a => a -> LText
lshow = TL.pack . P.show
{-# INLINE lshow #-}

bshow :: Show a => a -> Builder
bshow = B.fromString . P.show
{-# INLINE bshow #-}

{- $formatting

'format' is a function similar to @printf@ in spirit. Don't forget to enable
@OverloadedStrings@ if you want to use it!

>>> format "{}+{}={}" (2, 2, 4)

If you have only one argument, use a list:

>>> format "2+2={}" [4]

There are some formatting options available:

>>> format "123 = 0x{}, pi = {}" (hex 123, fixed 5 pi)
"123 = 0x7b, pi = 3.14159"

For more formatters, see "Data.Text.Format".

format :: Params ps => Format -> ps -> Text
format f = TL.toStrict . Format.format f
{-# INLINE format #-}

lformat :: Params ps => Format -> ps -> LText
lformat = Format.format
{-# INLINE lformat #-}

bformat :: Params ps => Format -> ps -> Builder
bformat = Format.build
{-# INLINE bformat #-}

{- $conversion These functions can convert from strict\/lazy 'Text', 'Builder',
'String', and strict\/lazy 'BS.ByteString' (in which case they use lenient
UTF-8 decoding).

class ToStrict t where
    toStrict :: t -> Text
instance (a ~ Char) => ToStrict [a] where
    toStrict = pack
    {-# INLINE toStrict #-}
instance ToStrict LText where
    toStrict = TL.toStrict
    {-# INLINE toStrict #-}
instance ToStrict Builder where
    toStrict = TL.toStrict . B.toLazyText
    {-# INLINE toStrict #-}
instance ToStrict BS.ByteString where
    toStrict = decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
    {-# INLINE toStrict #-}
instance ToStrict BSL.ByteString where
    toStrict = decodeUtf8With lenientDecode . BSL.toStrict
    {-# INLINE toStrict #-}

class ToLazy t where
    toLazy :: t -> LText
instance (a ~ Char) => ToLazy [a] where
    toLazy = TL.pack
    {-# INLINE toLazy #-}
instance ToLazy Text where
    toLazy = TL.fromStrict
    {-# INLINE toLazy #-}
instance ToLazy Builder where
    toLazy = B.toLazyText
    {-# INLINE toLazy #-}
instance ToLazy BS.ByteString where
    toLazy = TL.fromStrict . decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
    {-# INLINE toLazy #-}
instance ToLazy BSL.ByteString where
    toLazy = TL.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
    {-# INLINE toLazy #-}

class ToBuilder t where
    toBuilder :: t -> Builder
instance (a ~ Char) => ToBuilder [a] where
    toBuilder = B.fromString
    {-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
instance ToBuilder Text where
    toBuilder = B.fromText
    {-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
instance ToBuilder LText where
    toBuilder = B.fromLazyText
    {-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
instance ToBuilder BS.ByteString where
    toBuilder = B.fromText . decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
    {-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
instance ToBuilder BSL.ByteString where
    toBuilder = B.fromLazyText . TL.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
    {-# INLINE toBuilder #-}

class ToString t where
    toString :: t -> String
instance ToString Text where
    toString = unpack
    {-# INLINE toString #-}
instance ToString LText where
    toString = TL.unpack
    {-# INLINE toString #-}
instance ToString Builder where
    toString = TL.unpack . B.toLazyText
    {-# INLINE toString #-}
instance ToString BS.ByteString where
    toString = UTF8.toString
    {-# INLINE toString #-}
instance ToString BSL.ByteString where
    toString = UTF8L.toString
    {-# INLINE toString #-}

class ToByteString t where
    toByteString :: t -> BS.ByteString
instance ToByteString Text where
    toByteString = encodeUtf8
    {-# INLINE toByteString #-}
instance ToByteString LText where
    toByteString = encodeUtf8 . TL.toStrict
    {-# INLINE toByteString #-}
instance ToByteString Builder where
    toByteString = encodeUtf8 . TL.toStrict . B.toLazyText
    {-# INLINE toByteString #-}
instance (a ~ Char) => ToByteString [a] where
    toByteString = UTF8.fromString
    {-# INLINE toByteString #-}

class ToLByteString t where
    toLByteString :: t -> BSL.ByteString
instance ToLByteString Text where
    toLByteString = TL.encodeUtf8 . TL.fromStrict
    {-# INLINE toLByteString #-}
instance ToLByteString LText where
    toLByteString = TL.encodeUtf8
    {-# INLINE toLByteString #-}
instance ToLByteString Builder where
    toLByteString = TL.encodeUtf8 . B.toLazyText
    {-# INLINE toLByteString #-}
instance (a ~ Char) => ToLByteString [a] where
    toLByteString = UTF8L.fromString
    {-# INLINE toLByteString #-}

-- | A 'Builder' producing a single character.
bsingleton :: Char -> Builder
bsingleton = B.singleton
{-# INLINE bsingleton #-}