{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XTemplateHaskell -XQuasiQuotes -XUndecidableInstances #-} -- | This package expose the function @jsonQQ@ that compile time converts json code into a @Text.JSON.JSValue@. -- @jsonQQ@ got the signature -- -- > jsonQQ :: QuasiQuoter -- -- and is used like -- -- > myCode = [jsonQQ| {age: 23, name: "Pelle", likes: ["mac","Haskell"] } |] -- -- where it is important that -- -- * you got no space in @[jsonQQ|@ and -- -- * no additional code after @|]@. -- -- The quasiquatation can also bind to variables like -- -- > myCode = [jsonQQ| {age: <|age|>, name: <|name|>} |] -- > where age = 34 :: Integer -- > name = "Pelle" -- -- where the function @toJSON@ will be called on @age@ and @name@ runtime. -- -- You can also insert Haskell code: -- -- > myCode = [jsonQQ| {age: <|age + 34 :: Integer|>, name: <|map toUpper name|>} |] -- > where age = 34 :: Integer -- > name = "Pelle" -- -- You can use a similar syntax if you want to insert a value of type JSValue like -- -- > myCode = [jsonQQ| {"age": <>} |] -- -- If you want to replace the name of the key in a hash you'll use the $-syntax: -- -- > foo = [jsonQQ| {$bar: 42} |] -- > bar = "age" -- module Text.JSON.QQ ( jsonQQ ) where import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote import Data.Data import Data.Maybe import Text.JSON import Text.JSON.Generic import Data.JSON.QQ import Data.Ratio import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Error -- import Text.Parsec.Perm import Language.Haskell.Meta.Parse jsonQQ :: QuasiQuoter jsonQQ = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = jsonExp, quotePat = \s -> error "No quotePat defined for jsonQQ", quoteType = \s -> error "No quoteType defined for jsonQQ", quoteDec = \s -> error "No quoteDec defined for jsonQQ" } jsonExp :: String -> ExpQ jsonExp txt = case parsed' of Left err -> error $ "Error in jsonExp: " ++ show err Right val -> return $ toExp val where parsed' = parsedJson txt ---- -- JSValue etc to ExpQ --------- toExp :: JsonValue -> Exp toExp (JsonString str) = AppE (ConE $ mkName "Text.JSON.JSString") (AppE (VarE $ mkName "Text.JSON.toJSString") (LitE (StringL $ str))) toExp (JsonNull) = ConE $ mkName "Text.JSON.Types.JSNull" toExp (JsonObject objs) = AppE (ConE $ mkName "Text.JSON.JSObject") (AppE (VarE $ mkName "Text.JSON.toJSObject") (ListE $ jsList )) where jsList :: [Exp] -- [(String,JSValue)] jsList = map objs2list (objs) objs2list :: (HashKey,JsonValue) -> Exp objs2list (HashStringKey k,v) = TupE [LitE (StringL k), toExp v] objs2list (HashVarKey k,v) = TupE [VarE $ mkName k, toExp v] toExp (JsonArray arr) = AppE (ConE $ mkName "Text.JSON.JSArray") (ListE $ map toExp arr) toExp (JsonNumber b rat) = AppE (AppE (ConE $ mkName "Text.JSON.JSRational") (ConE $ mkName (if b then "True" else "False"))) (InfixE (Just (LitE (IntegerL $ numerator rat))) (VarE $ mkName "Data.Ratio.%") (Just (LitE (IntegerL $ denominator rat)))) toExp (JsonIdVar v) = VarE $ mkName v toExp (JsonBool b) = AppE (ConE $ mkName "Text.JSON.JSBool") (ConE $ mkName (if b then "True" else "False")) toExp (JsonCode exp) = AppE (VarE $ mkName "Text.JSON.Generic.toJSON") exp