name: text-json-qq version: 0.4.1 synopsis: Json Quasiquatation for Haskell. -- A longer description of the package. description: @text-json-qq@ provides json quasiquatation for Haskell. . This package expose the function @jsonQQ@ that compile time converts json code into a @Text.JSON.JSValue@. @jsonQQ@ got the signature . > jsonQQ :: QuasiQuoter. . Consult documentation in the module @Text.JSON.QQ@. homepage: license: OtherLicense license-file: COPYING.txt author: Oscar Finnsson maintainer: category: JSON build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.6 library hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Text.JSON.QQ build-depends: base >= 4.3 && < 5, json-qq == 0.4.1, json, parsec >= 2, template-haskell, haskell-src-meta >= 0.1.0 source-repository head type: git location: