-- |
-- module: Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding.Locale
-- copyright: © kudah 2013
-- license: BSD3
-- maintainer: kudahkukarek@gmail.com
-- stability: experimental
-- portability: GHC-only
-- This module provides functions to encode and decode 'Data.Text.Lazy.Text'
-- to/from 'Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString' using 'System.IO.TextEncoding'
-- For performance, Text\'s native encoding functions are used if the conditions
-- are right (LF NewlineMode and UTF encoding).
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
module Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding.Locale


    ) where
import Import (getLocale'

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TLIO
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE

import System.IO

import Data.ByteString.Handle

import Data.Maybe

handleDecoder :: Maybe TextEncoding -> Maybe NewlineMode -> L.ByteString -> IO TL.Text
handleDecoder menc mnlmode = \bs -> do
    h <- readHandle False bs
    whenJust' menc $ hSetEncoding h
    whenJust' mnlmode $ hSetNewlineMode h
    TLIO.hGetContents h

handleEncoder :: Maybe TextEncoding -> Maybe NewlineMode -> TL.Text -> IO L.ByteString
handleEncoder menc mnlmode = \t -> do
    (res, ()) <- writeHandle False $ \h -> do
        whenJust' menc $ hSetEncoding h
        whenJust' mnlmode $ hSetNewlineMode h
        TLIO.hPutStr h t
    return res

chooseDecoder :: Maybe TextEncoding -> Maybe NewlineMode -> L.ByteString -> IO TL.Text
chooseDecoder menc mnlmode = \bs -> do
    if inputNL nlmode == LF
      -- decode* functions won't convert line ends
      then do
        enc <- maybe getLocale' return menc
        case show enc of
          'U':'T':'F':'-':s ->
            case s of
              '8':[] -> return (TLE.decodeUtf8 bs)
                  | 'L' == x -> return (TLE.decodeUtf16LE bs)
                  | 'B' == x -> return (TLE.decodeUtf16BE bs)
                  | 'L' == x -> return (TLE.decodeUtf32LE bs)
                  | 'B' == x -> return (TLE.decodeUtf32BE bs)
              _ -> fallback bs
          _ -> fallback bs
        fallback bs
    nlmode = fromMaybe nativeNewlineMode mnlmode
    fallback = handleDecoder menc mnlmode

chooseEncoder :: Maybe TextEncoding -> Maybe NewlineMode -> TL.Text -> IO L.ByteString
chooseEncoder menc mnlmode = \bs ->
    if outputNL nlmode == LF
      -- encode* functions won't convert line ends
      then do
        enc <- maybe getLocale' return menc
        case show enc of
          'U':'T':'F':'-':s ->
            case s of
              '8':[] -> return (TLE.encodeUtf8 bs)
                  | 'L' == x -> return (TLE.encodeUtf16LE bs)
                  | 'B' == x -> return (TLE.encodeUtf16BE bs)
                  | 'L' == x -> return (TLE.encodeUtf32LE bs)
                  | 'B' == x -> return (TLE.encodeUtf32BE bs)
              _ -> fallback bs
          _ -> fallback bs
        fallback bs
    nlmode = fromMaybe nativeNewlineMode mnlmode
    fallback = handleEncoder menc mnlmode

-- | Decode 'L.ByteString' to 'TL.Text' using current locale
decodeLocale :: L.ByteString -> IO TL.Text
decodeLocale = chooseDecoder Nothing Nothing

-- | Encode 'TL.Text' to 'L.ByteString' using current locale
encodeLocale :: TL.Text -> IO L.ByteString
encodeLocale = chooseEncoder Nothing Nothing

-- | Decode 'L.ByteString' to 'TL.Text' using supplied 'TextEncoding' and 'NewlineMode'
decodeLocale' :: TextEncoding -> NewlineMode -> L.ByteString -> IO TL.Text
decodeLocale' enc nlmode = chooseDecoder (Just enc) (Just nlmode)

-- | Encode 'TL.Text' to 'L.ByteString' using supplied 'TextEncoding' and 'NewlineMode'
encodeLocale' :: TextEncoding -> NewlineMode -> TL.Text -> IO L.ByteString
encodeLocale' enc nlmode = chooseEncoder (Just enc) (Just nlmode)

-- | Decode 'L.ByteString' to 'TL.Text' using 'Handle's 'TextEncoding' and 'NewlineMode'
decodeFromHandle :: Handle -> L.ByteString -> IO TL.Text
decodeFromHandle h bs = do
    (enc, nlmode) <- hGetEncAndNlMode' h
    decodeLocale' enc nlmode bs

-- | Encode 'TL.Text' to 'L.ByteString' using 'Handle's 'TextEncoding' and 'NewlineMode'
encodeFromHandle :: Handle -> TL.Text -> IO L.ByteString
encodeFromHandle h t = do
    (enc, nlmode) <- hGetEncAndNlMode' h
    encodeLocale' enc nlmode t