import Text.Replace -- base import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Data.Foldable (asum) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.Functor (void) import System.Exit (die) import qualified System.IO as IO -- optparse-applicative import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt -- parsec import qualified Text.Parsec as P import Text.Parsec.Text.Lazy as P (Parser) -- text import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as LT optsParserInfo :: Opt.ParserInfo Opts optsParserInfo = (Opt.helper <*> optsParser) $ Opt.header "Perform simple replacements in a text file, using a list \ \of search/replace pairs." <> Opt.footer "The search for strings to replace is performed left-to-right, \ \preferring longer matches to shorter ones. All streams are \ \assumed to be UTF-8 encoded." enc :: IO.TextEncoding enc = IO.utf8 main :: IO () main = do opts <- Opt.execParser optsParserInfo IO.hSetEncoding IO.stdout enc IO.hSetEncoding IO.stderr enc let d = delimiterOpt opts argMapping <- opt_mapping opts & foldMap (parseReplacementList' d "--mapping") fileMapping <- opt_mapFile opts & foldMap (\path -> IO.withFile path IO.ReadMode $ \h -> do IO.hSetEncoding h enc x <- LT.hGetContents h parseReplacementList' d path x) withInputH (opt_inFile opts) $ \inH -> withOutputH (opt_outFile opts) $ \outH -> do input <- LT.hGetContents inH let output = replaceWithList (argMapping ++ fileMapping) input LT.hPutStr outH output withInputH :: Maybe FilePath -> (IO.Handle -> IO a) -> IO a withInputH Nothing f = f IO.stdin withInputH (Just path) f = IO.withFile path IO.ReadMode f withOutputH :: Maybe FilePath -> (IO.Handle -> IO a) -> IO a withOutputH Nothing f = f IO.stdout withOutputH (Just path) f = IO.withFile path IO.WriteMode f data Opts = Opts { opt_inFile :: Maybe FilePath , opt_outFile :: Maybe FilePath , opt_mapping :: [LT.Text] , opt_mapFile :: [FilePath] , opt_delimiter :: [Delimiter] , opt_newlineDelimiter :: Bool } optsParser :: Opt.Parser Opts optsParser = Opts <$> inFileParser <*> outFileParser <*> mappingParser <*> mapFileParser <*> delimiterParser <*> newlineDelimiterParser inFileParser :: Opt.Parser (Maybe FilePath) inFileParser = Opt.optional $ Opt.strOption $ Opt.metavar "FILEPATH" <> Opt.long "in-file" <> Opt.short 'i' <> "Input file to read (optional, defaults to stdin)" outFileParser :: Opt.Parser (Maybe FilePath) outFileParser = Opt.optional $ Opt.strOption $ Opt.metavar "FILEPATH" <> Opt.long "out-file" <> Opt.short 'o' <> "Output file to write (optional, defaults to stdout)" mappingParser :: Opt.Parser [LT.Text] mappingParser = Opt.many $ Opt.strOption $ Opt.metavar "MAPPING" <> Opt.long "mapping" <> Opt.short 'm' <> "A list of search/replace pairs, separated by any of the \ \delimiters" mapFileParser :: Opt.Parser [FilePath] mapFileParser = Opt.many $ Opt.strOption $ Opt.metavar "FILEPATH" <> Opt.long "map-file" <> Opt.short 'f' <> "A file containing a list of search/replace pairs, \ \separated by any of the delimiters" type Delimiter = String delimiterParser :: Opt.Parser [Delimiter] delimiterParser = Opt.many $ Opt.strOption $ Opt.metavar "DELIMITER" <> Opt.long "delimiter" <> Opt.short 'd' <> "Add a delimiter that separates search/replace strings in \ \--mapping and in the contents of --map-file" newlineDelimiterParser :: Opt.Parser Bool newlineDelimiterParser = Opt.switch $ Opt.long "newline-delimiter" <> Opt.short 'n' <> "Add newline as a delimiter" delimiterOpt :: Opts -> [Delimiter] delimiterOpt opts = opt_delimiter opts & (if opt_newlineDelimiter opts then ("\n" :) else id) parseReplacementList :: [Delimiter] -> P.SourceName -> LT.Text -> Either P.ParseError [Replace] parseReplacementList delims sourceName input = P.parse (P.many replaceP <* P.eof) sourceName input where delimP :: P.Parser () delimP = delims & fmap (void . P.try . P.string) & asum strP :: P.Parser T.Text strP = T.pack <$> P.manyTill P.anyChar (delimP <|> P.eof) strP' :: P.Parser Text' strP' = do x <- P.anyChar xs <- T.pack <$> P.manyTill P.anyChar (delimP) pure $ Text' x xs replaceP :: P.Parser Replace replaceP = Replace <$> strP' <*> strP parseReplacementList' :: [Delimiter] -> P.SourceName -> LT.Text -> IO [Replace] parseReplacementList' delims sourceName input = parseReplacementList delims sourceName input & either (die . show) pure