# TheMovieDB API for Haskell This is a simple library that provides functions for retrieving movie metadata from [TheMovieDB][] API. To use this library you need to request an API key from TheMovieDB. Follow the directions on the [API][] page. [TheMovieDB]: http://themoviedb.com [API]: http://docs.themoviedb.apiary.io # Documentation See the [Network.API.TheMovieDB][] module for complete documentation. [Network.API.TheMovieDB]: https://github.com/pjones/themoviedb/blob/master/Network/API/TheMovieDB.hs # Example There's an [example][] application in the `example` directory. Surprising, I know. [example]: https://github.com/pjones/themoviedb/blob/master/example/Main.hs # Warning This library currently uses HTTP and not *HTTPS* while sending your API key to TheMovieDB. In order to fix this we'll need to use something other than `Network.HTTP`. Patches welcome!