{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Main (main) where import Prelude () import Prelude.Compat import Control.Applicative (ZipList (..)) import Control.Lens (folded, toListOf) import Control.Monad (join) import Data.Bifunctor (bimap) import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose (..)) import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..)) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import Data.List (nub) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..)) import Data.Sequence (Seq) import Data.Traversable (fmapDefault, foldMapDefault) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..), CoArbitrary (..), Property, elements, once, (.&&.), (===)) import Test.QuickCheck.Function (Fun (..)) import Test.QuickCheck.Instances () import Test.Tasty (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Binary as Binary import qualified Data.Functor.Product as P import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Tree as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC import Data.Align import Data.Align.Indexed import Data.Align.Key import Data.These import Data.These.Combinators import Data.These.Lens -- For old GHC to work data Proxy (a :: * -> *) = Proxy main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Tests" [ theseProps , alignProps , alignWithKeyProps , crosswalkProps , testGroup "Semigroup" [ semigroupLaws "These" (These "x" "y") , semigroupLaws "SearchResult" (ScannedAndFound "x" "y") , monoidLaws "List" "x" -- to disallow ] ] theseProps :: TestTree theseProps = testGroup "These" [ functorProps , traversableProps , testProperty "Map value laziness property" mapStrictnessProp , testProperty "IntMap value laziness property" intmapStrictnessProp , aesonProps , binaryProps ] crosswalkProps :: TestTree crosswalkProps = testGroup "Crosswalk" [ crosswalkLaws "[]" (Proxy :: Proxy []) -- , crosswalkLaws "Identity" (Proxy :: Proxy Identity) , crosswalkLaws "Maybe" (Proxy :: Proxy Maybe) , crosswalkLaws "These" (Proxy :: Proxy (These Int)) , crosswalkLaws "Seq" (Proxy :: Proxy Seq) , crosswalkLaws "Vector" (Proxy :: Proxy V.Vector) , crosswalkLaws "(,) Int" (Proxy :: Proxy ((,) Int)) , crosswalkLaws "Compose [] []" (Proxy :: Proxy (Compose [] [])) ] alignProps :: TestTree alignProps = testGroup "Align" [ dataAlignLaws "[]" (CAlign :: C []) , dataAlignLaws "HashMap String" (CAlign :: C (HashMap String)) , dataAlignLaws "IntMap" (CAlign :: C IntMap) , dataAlignLaws "Map Char" (CAlign :: C (Map Char)) , dataAlignLaws "Maybe" (CAlign :: C Maybe) , dataAlignLaws "Product [] Maybe" (CAlign :: C (P.Product [] Maybe)) , dataAlignLaws "Compose [] Maybe" (CAlign :: C (Compose [] Maybe)) , dataAlignLaws "Seq" (CAlign :: C Seq) , dataAlignLaws "Vector" (CAlign :: C V.Vector) , dataAlignLaws "ZipList" (CAlign :: C ZipList) , dataAlignLaws "Tree" (CSemialign :: C T.Tree) , dataAlignLaws "NonEmpty" (CSemialign :: C NonEmpty) -- , dataAlignLaws "WrongMap" (CAlign :: C (WrongMap Char)) -- weird objects: -- , dataAlignLaws "Const String" (CAlign :: C (Const String)) , dataAlignLaws "R" (CAlign :: C R) -- , dataAlignLaws "Weirdmap" (CAlign :: C (WeirdMap Char)) ] alignWithKeyProps :: TestTree alignWithKeyProps = testGroup "AlignWithKey / AlignWithIndex" [ testProperty "example" $ once $ exampleK , testProperty "example" $ once $ exampleI ] where exampleK = alignWithKey (,) "foo" "quux" === exampleV exampleI = ialign (,) "foo" "quux" === exampleV exampleV = [ (0, These 'f' 'q') , (1, These 'o' 'u') , (2, These 'o' 'u') , (3, That 'x') ] -- Even the `align` is/was defined using strict combinators, this will still work: mapStrictnessProp :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool mapStrictnessProp lkeys rkeys = length (nub lkeys) <= Map.size (lhs `align` rhs) where lhs = Map.fromList $ fmap (,loop) lkeys rhs = Map.fromList $ fmap (,loop) rkeys loop :: Int loop = error "break" intmapStrictnessProp :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool intmapStrictnessProp lkeys rkeys = length (nub lkeys) <= IntMap.size (lhs `align` rhs) where lhs = IntMap.fromList $ fmap (,loop) lkeys rhs = IntMap.fromList $ fmap (,loop) rkeys loop :: Int loop = error "break" functorIdentityProp :: (Functor f, Eq (f a), Show (f a)) => f a -> Property functorIdentityProp x = fmap id x === x functorCompositionProp :: (Functor f, Show (f c), Eq (f c)) => f a -> Fun a b -> Fun b c -> Property functorCompositionProp x (Fun _ f) (Fun _ g) = fmap g (fmap f x) === fmap (g . f) x functorProps :: TestTree functorProps = testGroup "Functor" [ QC.testProperty "identity" (functorIdentityProp :: These Int Bool -> Property) , QC.testProperty "composition" (functorCompositionProp :: These Int Int -> Fun Int Int -> Fun Int Int -> Property) ] traversableIdentityProp :: (Traversable t, Eq (t a), Show (t a)) => t a -> Property traversableIdentityProp x = traverse Identity x === Identity x traversableCompositionProp :: (Traversable t, Applicative g, Applicative f, Show (Compose f g (t b)), Eq (Compose f g (t b))) => t a1 -> Fun a1 (f a) -> Fun a (g b) -> Property traversableCompositionProp x (Fun _ f) (Fun _ g) = traverse (Compose . fmap g . f) x === (Compose . fmap (traverse g) . traverse f $ x) traversableFunctorProp :: (Traversable f, Show (f b), Eq (f b)) => f a -> Fun a b -> Property traversableFunctorProp x (Fun _ f) = fmap f x === fmapDefault f x traversableFoldableProp :: (Monoid m, Traversable t, Show m, Eq m) => t a -> Fun a m -> Property traversableFoldableProp x (Fun _ f) = foldMap f x === foldMapDefault f x traversableProps :: TestTree traversableProps = testGroup "Traversable" [ QC.testProperty "identity" (traversableIdentityProp :: These Int Bool -> Property) , QC.testProperty "composition" (traversableCompositionProp :: These Bool Int -> Fun Int (Maybe Int) -> Fun Int (Either Bool Int) -> Property) , QC.testProperty "functor" (traversableFunctorProp :: These Bool Int -> (Fun Int Int) -> Property) , QC.testProperty "foldable" (traversableFoldableProp :: These Bool Int -> (Fun Int [Bool]) -> Property) ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Align laws ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Data.Align data C f where CSemialign :: Semialign f => C f CAlign :: Align f => C f -- (\`align` nil) = fmap This -- (nil \`align`) = fmap That -- join align = fmap (join These) -- align (f \<$> x) (g \<$> y) = bimap f g \<$> align x y -- alignWith f a b = f \<$> align a b -- -- We also require a sixth property, when f is Foldable. dataAlignLaws :: forall (f :: * -> *). ( Foldable f , Eq (f (These Int Int)) , Show (f (These Int Int)) , Eq (f (These Int (These Int Int))) , Show (f (These Int (These Int Int))) , CoArbitrary (These Int Int) , Arbitrary (f Int) , Eq (f Int) , Show (f Int) ) => String -> C f -> TestTree dataAlignLaws name p = testGroup ("Data.Align laws: " <> name) props where props = case p of CSemialign -> semialignProps CAlign -> semialignProps ++ alignLaws semialignProps :: Semialign f => [TestTree] semialignProps = [ QC.testProperty "join" joinProp , QC.testProperty "bimap" bimapProp , QC.testProperty "alignWith" alignWithProp , QC.testProperty "assoc" assocProp , QC.testProperty "alignToList" alignToListProp ] alignLaws :: Align f => [TestTree] alignLaws = [ QC.testProperty "right identity" rightIdentityProp , QC.testProperty "left identity" leftIdentityProp ] rightIdentityProp :: Align f => f Int -> Property rightIdentityProp xs = (xs `align` (nil :: f Int)) === fmap This xs leftIdentityProp :: Align f => f Int -> Property leftIdentityProp xs = ((nil :: f Int) `align` xs) === fmap That xs joinProp :: Semialign f => f Int -> Property joinProp xs = join align xs === fmap (join These) xs bimapProp :: Semialign f => f Int -> f Int -> Fun Int Int -> Fun Int Int -> Property bimapProp xs ys (Fun _ f) (Fun _ g) = align (f <$> xs) (g <$> ys) === (bimap f g <$> align xs ys) alignWithProp :: Semialign f => f Int -> f Int -> Fun (These Int Int) Int -> Property alignWithProp xs ys (Fun _ f) = alignWith f xs ys === (f <$> align xs ys) assocProp :: Semialign f => f Int -> f Int -> f Int -> Property assocProp xs ys zs = lhs === fmap assocThese rhs where rhs = (xs `align` ys) `align` zs lhs = xs `align` (ys `align` zs) alignToListProp :: Semialign f => f Int -> f Int -> Property alignToListProp xs ys = toList xs === toListOf (folded . here) xys .&&. toList xs === mapMaybe justHere (toList xys) .&&. toList ys === toListOf (folded . there) xys where xys = align xs ys --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WrongMap doesn't satisfy Align laws ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype WrongMap k v = WM (Map k v) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Foldable) instance (Arbitrary k, Arbitrary v, Ord k) => Arbitrary (WrongMap k v) where arbitrary = WM <$> arbitrary shrink (WM m) = WM <$> shrink m instance Ord k => Align (WrongMap k) where nil = WM Map.empty instance Ord k => Semialign (WrongMap k) where align (WM x) (WM y) | Map.null y = WM $ This <$> x | Map.null x = WM $ That <$> y | otherwise = WM $ Map.intersectionWith These x y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WeirdMap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Sequence-like __invalid__ 'Align' instance for Map. -- -- Satisfies first five laws; -- Doesn't satisfy /assoc/ or /toList/ laws. -- newtype WeirdMap k v = WeirdMap (Map k v) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Foldable) instance (Arbitrary k, Arbitrary v, Ord k) => Arbitrary (WeirdMap k v) where arbitrary = WeirdMap <$> arbitrary shrink (WeirdMap m) = WeirdMap <$> shrink m instance Ord k => Align (WeirdMap k) where nil = WeirdMap Map.empty instance Ord k => Semialign (WeirdMap k) where alignWith f (WeirdMap x) (WeirdMap y) = WeirdMap $ Map.fromList $ alignWith g (Map.toList x) (Map.toList y) where g (This (k, a)) = (k, f (This a)) g (That (k, a)) = (k, f (That a)) g (These (k, a) (_, b)) = (k, f (These a b)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Const is invalid Align with Monoid, we need Idemporent monoid! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- instance Monoid a => Align (Const a) where nil = Const mempty instance Monoid a => Semialign (Const a) where align (Const a) (Const b) = Const (mappend a b) -} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- R does satisfy Align laws, though is weird -- https://github.com/isomorphism/these/issues/96 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype R a = Nest [[a]] deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable) instance Align R where nil = Nest [] instance Semialign R where align (Nest ass) (Nest bss) | null ass = That <$> Nest bss | null bss = This <$> Nest ass | shape ass == shape bss = Nest $ zipWith (zipWith These) ass bss | otherwise = Nest [align (concat ass) (concat bss)] where shape = fmap (() <$) instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (R a) where arbitrary = Nest <$> arbitrary shrink (Nest xss) = Nest <$> shrink xss data Index = I1 | I2 | I3 | I4 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded) instance Arbitrary Index where arbitrary = elements [minBound .. maxBound] shrink I1 = [] shrink I2 = [I1] shrink I3 = [I1, I2] shrink I4 = [I1, I2, I3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Crosswalk laws ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crosswalkLaws :: forall (t :: * -> *). ( Crosswalk t , Arbitrary (t Int) , Eq (t Int), Show (t Int) ) => String -> Proxy t -> TestTree crosswalkLaws name _ = testGroup ("Data.CrossWalk laws: " <> name) [ QC.testProperty "crosswalk (const nil) = const nil" firstLaw , QC.testProperty "crosswalk f = sequenceL . fmap f" secondLaw ] where -- f = Map Index -- a, b = Int firstLaw :: t Int -> Property firstLaw x = lhs === rhs where lhs = crosswalk (const nil) x rhs = const nil x :: Map Index (t Int) secondLaw :: Fun Int (Map Index Int) -> t Int -> Property secondLaw (Fun _ f) x = lhs === rhs where lhs = crosswalk f x rhs = sequenceL . fmap f $ x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- aeson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aesonProps :: TestTree aesonProps = testGroup "aeson" [ testProperty "roundtrip / direct" prop1 , testProperty "roundtrip / toJSON" prop2 ] where prop1 :: These Int String -> Property prop1 x = Just x === Aeson.decode (Aeson.encode x) prop2 :: These Int String -> Property prop2 x = Just x === Aeson.decode (Aeson.encode $ Aeson.toJSON x) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- binary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- binaryProps :: TestTree binaryProps = testProperty "binary / roundtrip" prop where prop :: These Int String -> Property prop x = x === Binary.decode (Binary.encode x) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SearchResult ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- semigroupLaws :: forall a. (Semigroup a, Show a, Eq a, Arbitrary a) => String -> a -> TestTree semigroupLaws name _ = testGroup ("Semigroup: " ++ name) [ QC.testProperty "associativity" assocProp ] where assocProp :: a -> a -> a -> Property assocProp x y z = (x <> y) <> z === x <> (y <> z) monoidLaws :: forall a. (Monoid a, Show a, Eq a, Arbitrary a) => String -> a -> TestTree monoidLaws name _ = testGroup ("Monoid: " ++ name) [ QC.testProperty "associativity" assocProp , QC.testProperty "left-identity" idLeftProp , QC.testProperty "right-identity" idRightProp ] where assocProp :: a -> a -> a -> Property assocProp x y z = (x `mappend` y) `mappend` z === x `mappend` (y `mappend` z) idLeftProp :: a -> Property idLeftProp x = mappend mempty x === x idRightProp :: a -> Property idRightProp x = mappend x mempty === x -- | Either a, or b, or both a and b -- -- See https://github.com/isomorphism/these/issues/80 data SearchResult a b = Scanned a | Found b | ScannedAndFound a b deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (SearchResult a b) where arbitrary = srFromThese <$> arbitrary srFromThese :: These a b -> SearchResult a b srFromThese (This a) = Scanned a srFromThese (That b) = Found b srFromThese (These a b) = ScannedAndFound a b -- | Accumulate 'a's from left to right, until one 'b' is found instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (SearchResult a b) where ScannedAndFound a b <> _ = ScannedAndFound a b Found b <> _ = Found b Scanned a <> Scanned a' = Scanned (a <> a') Scanned a <> Found b = ScannedAndFound a b Scanned a <> ScannedAndFound a' b = ScannedAndFound (a <> a') b {- -- almost lawful instance Monoid a => Monoid (SearchResult a b) where mappend = (<>) mempty = Scanned mempty -}