thorn- Datatype Manipulation with Template Haskell

Safe HaskellNone




Thorn, Datatype Manipulation with Template Haskell.



Thorn generates functors from various kinds of data types.

Quite surprisingly, it still works for any arities, co/contra/free/fixed-variances, partially applied types, type synonyms, and mutual recursions.

For more information, see Functor Example.

autofmap :: TypeQ -> ExpQSource

autofmap t generates the fmap of the type t.

data Variance Source

Variance is a variance of a parameter of a functor.



Covariance, one of a normal functor.


Contravariance, a dual of covariance.


Free-variance, or novariance, being supposed to satisfy either covariance or contravariance.


Fixed-variance, or invariance, being suppoesed to satisfy both covariance and contravariance.


Read Variance 
Show Variance 
Monoid Variance

v1 mappend v2 means to be supposed to satisfy both v1 and v2.

autovariance :: TypeQ -> ExpQSource

autovariance t provides the variances of the type t.

autofunctorize :: TypeQ -> DecsQSource

autofunctorize t provides instance delcarations of the type t, for the suitable functor classes : Funtor, Contravariant, Bifunctor, or Profunctor.

Folding and Unfolding

For more information, see Folding and Unfolding Example.

unfixdata :: TypeQ -> DecsQSource

unfixdata t provides a declaration of a data whose fixpoint is the recursive type t.



:: (String, String)

prefix and suffix of type constructor

-> (String, String)

prefix and suffix of data constructor

-> (String, String)

prefix and suffix of infix type constructor

-> (String, String)

prefix and suffix of infix data constructor

-> TypeQ

data type

-> DecsQ

declaration of data

Special version of unfixdata. Note that

 unfixdata = unfixdataEx ("Uf","") ("Uf","") ("&","") ("&","")



:: TypeQ

u, un-recursive datatype

-> TypeQ

t, fixpoint of u

-> ExpQ

function with a type u a0 .. an t -> t a0 .. an



:: TypeQ

u, un-recursive datatype

-> TypeQ

t, fixpoint of u

-> ExpQ

function with a type t x0 .. xn -> u x0 .. xn t



:: TypeQ

u, un-recursive datatype

-> ExpQ

function with a type (a -> u x0 .. xn a) -> (u x0 .. xn b -> b) -> (a -> b)



:: TypeQ

u, un-recursive datatype

-> TypeQ

t, fixpoint of u

-> ExpQ

function with a type (u x0 .. xn a -> a) -> (t -> a)

autofold u t provides a folding function for a recursive type t.



:: TypeQ

u, un-recursive datatype

-> TypeQ

t, fixpoint of u

-> ExpQ

function with a type (a -> u x0 .. xn a) -> (a -> t)

autounfold t provides an unfolding function for the recursive type t.

Type Variants

These types are used for representing type variants. For more information, see Functor Example.

data T0 Source

data T1 Source

data T2 Source

data T3 Source

data T4 Source

data T5 Source

data T6 Source

data T7 Source

data T8 Source

data T9 Source


Functor Example

 import Data.Thorn
 import Data.Char
 import Data.Functor.Contravariant
 import Data.Bifunctor
 import Data.Profunctor
 type a :<- b = b -> a
 nuf :: Char
 nuf = $(autofmap [t|(:<-)|]) chr ord (+1) 'a' -- 'b'
 varnuf :: [Variance]
 varnuf = $(autovariance [t|(:<-)|]) -- [Co,Contra]
 data Cntr a = Cntr (a -> Int)
 autofunctorize [t|Cntr|] -- instance Contravariant Cntr where ...
 tuple :: (Int,Int,Int)
 tuple = $(autofmap $[t|(,,) Int|]) (+1) (+2) (0,0,0) -- (0,1,2)
 vartuple :: [Variance]
 vartuple = $(autovariance [t|(,,) Int|]) -- [Co,Co]
 data FunFun a b = FunFun ((b -> a) -> b)
 varfunfun :: [Variance]
 varfunfun = $(autovariance [t|FunFun|]) -- [Contra,Co]
 autofunctorize [t|FunFun|] -- instance Profunctor FunFun where ...
 data What a b c = What1 c (a -> c) | What2 a
 varwhat :: [Variance]
 varwhat = $(autovariance [t|What|]) -- [Fixed,Free,Co]
 autofunctorize [t|What T0|]
 -- instance Bifunctor (What a) where ... and
 -- instance Profunctor (What a) where ...
 data List a = Nil | a :* (List a) deriving Show
 fromNormalList :: [a] -> List a
 fromNormalList [] = Nil
 fromNormalList (a : as) = a :* fromNormalList as
 toNormalList :: List a -> [a]
 toNormalList Nil = []
 toNormalList (a :* as) = a : toNormalList as
 list :: [Int]
 list = toNormalList $ $(autofmap [t|List|]) (+10) (fromNormalList [1..5]) -- [11..15]
 varlist :: [Variance]
 varlist = $(autovariance [t|List|]) -- [Co]
 autofunctorize [t|List|] -- instance Functor List where ...
 data Rose a = Rose a (Forest a) deriving Show
 data Forest a = Forest [Rose a] deriving Show
 gorose n = Rose n (Forest (replicate n (gorose (n-1))))
 rose = $(autofmap [t|Rose|]) (+1) (gorose 2)
 varrose, varforest :: [Variance]
 varrose = $(autovariance [t|Rose|]) -- [Co]
 varforest = $(autovariance [t|Forest|]) -- [Co]
 autofunctorize [t|Rose|] -- instance Functor Rose where ...
 autofunctorize [t|Forest|] -- instance Functor Forest where ...

Folding and Unfolding Example

 import Data.Thorn
 data x :$ y = Nil | (x,y) :* (x :$ y)
 unfixdata [t|(:$)|]
 insth = $(autoin [t|(:&$)|] [t|(:$)|])
 outsth = $(autoout [t|(:&$)|] [t|(:$)|])
 hylosth = $(autohylo [t|(:&$)|])
 foldsth = $(autofold [t|(:&$)|] [t|(:$)|])
 unfoldsth = $(autounfold [t|(:&$)|] [t|(:$)|])