-- | A hook for XMonad window manager to send updates to the -- corresponding Tianbar widget. -- -- You must include tianbar:scripts/xmonad.js in Tianbar configuration to -- receive the updates. -- -- A "Renderer" can be used to fully customize the output. A renderer is a -- function receiving all the status information and returning HTML -- which will be displayed in the corresponding element of the status bar. -- -- For convenience, a renderer returning 'Markup' can be used as well. module System.Tianbar.XMonadLog ( dbusLog , dbusLogWithMarkup , dbusLogWithRenderer , tianbarMarkup , WindowSpaceInfo(..) , Renderer , MarkupRenderer ) where import Data.Maybe import DBus import DBus.Client import Text.Blaze import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A import Text.Blaze.Renderer.String (renderMarkup) import XMonad hiding (title, workspaces) import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook import qualified XMonad.StackSet as S import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows import XMonad.Util.WorkspaceCompare sig :: Signal sig = signal (fromJust $ parseObjectPath "/org/xmonad/Log") (fromJust $ parseInterfaceName "org.xmonad.Log") (fromJust $ parseMemberName "Update") -- | Workspace information. data WindowSpaceInfo = WindowSpaceInfo { wsTag :: String -- ^ workspace tag , wsCurrent :: Bool -- ^ whether the workspace is current , wsHidden :: Bool -- ^ whether the workspace is hidden , wsUrgent :: Bool -- ^ whether the workspace has any -- urgent windows , wsEmpty :: Bool -- ^ whether the workspace is empty -- (has no windows) } -- | A function to format the status information. type Renderer a = String -- ^ layout description -> String -- ^ active window title -> [WindowSpaceInfo] -- ^ workspaces -> [Window] -- ^ urgent windows -> WindowSet -- ^ all windows -> a type MarkupRenderer = Renderer Markup -- | Tianbar logger with a default renderer. dbusLog :: Client -> X () dbusLog client = dbusLogWithMarkup client tianbarMarkup -- | Tianbar logger with a renderer emitting a string. dbusLogWithRenderer :: Client -> Renderer String -> X () dbusLogWithRenderer client renderer = do winset <- gets windowset urgents <- readUrgents let ld = description . S.layout . S.workspace . S.current $ winset wt <- maybe (return "") (fmap show . getName) . S.peek $ winset sort_ <- mkWsSort getWsCompare let ws = sort_ $ map S.workspace (S.current winset : S.visible winset) ++ S.hidden winset let visibles = map (S.tag . S.workspace) (S.visible winset) let wsinfo w = WindowSpaceInfo tag_ current_ hidden_ urgent_ empty_ where tag_ = S.tag w current_ = tag_ == S.currentTag winset hidden_ = tag_ `notElem` visibles urgent_ = any (\x -> maybe False (== tag_) (S.findTag x winset)) urgents empty_ = isNothing (S.stack w) let html = renderer ld wt (map wsinfo ws) urgents winset liftIO $ emit client sig { signalBody = [ toVariant html ] } -- | Tianbar logger with a Blaze renderer. dbusLogWithMarkup :: Client -> MarkupRenderer -> X () dbusLogWithMarkup client renderer = dbusLogWithRenderer client renderer' where renderer' ld wt wksp urgent winset = renderMarkup $ renderer ld wt wksp urgent winset -- | Default Tianbar renderer. tianbarMarkup :: MarkupRenderer tianbarMarkup layout title workspaces _ _ = do H.span ! A.class_ (toValue "workspaces") $ mapM_ wsHtml $ workspaces H.span ! A.class_ (toValue "layout") $ toMarkup layout H.span ! A.class_ (toValue "title") $ toMarkup title where wsHtml w = H.span ! A.class_ (toValue $ unwords classes) $ toMarkup $ wsTag w where classes = ["workspace"] ++ ["current" | wsCurrent w] ++ ["hidden" | wsHidden w] ++ ["urgent" | wsUrgent w] ++ ["empty" | wsEmpty w]