{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-uni-patterns #-} module Sound.Tidal.Tempo where -- import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, UTCTime, NominalDiffTime, diffUTCTime, addUTCTime) -- import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds) import Control.Concurrent.MVar import qualified Sound.Tidal.Pattern as P import qualified Sound.OSC.FD as O -- import qualified Sound.OSC.Transport.FD.UDP as O import qualified Network.Socket as N import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, ThreadId, threadDelay) import Control.Monad (forever, when, foldM) import Data.List (isPrefixOf, nub) import qualified Control.Exception as E import Sound.Tidal.Config data Tempo = Tempo {atTime :: O.Time, atCycle :: Rational, cps :: O.Time, paused :: Bool, nudged :: Double, localUDP :: O.UDP, remoteAddr :: N.SockAddr, synched :: Bool } -- deriving Show -- sendTempo udp tempo remote_sockaddr -- data State = State {ticks :: Int, start :: O.Time, nowTime :: O.Time, nowArc :: P.Arc, starting :: Bool } resetCycles :: MVar Tempo -> IO (Tempo) resetCycles tempoMV = do t <- O.time tempo <- takeMVar tempoMV let tempo' = tempo {atTime = t, atCycle = (-0.5) } sendTempo tempo' putMVar tempoMV $ tempo' return tempo' setCps :: MVar Tempo -> O.Time -> IO (Tempo) setCps tempoMV newCps = do t <- O.time tempo <- takeMVar tempoMV let c = timeToCycles tempo t tempo' = tempo {atTime = t, atCycle = c, cps = newCps } sendTempo tempo' -- TODO - should we set the tempo ASAP rather than waiting for (possibly failing) network round trip? putMVar tempoMV $ tempo' return tempo' defaultTempo :: O.Time -> O.UDP -> N.SockAddr -> Tempo defaultTempo t local remote = Tempo {atTime = t, atCycle = 0, cps = 0.5625, paused = False, nudged = 0, localUDP = local, remoteAddr = remote, synched = False } -- | Returns the given time in terms of -- cycles relative to metrical grid of a given Tempo timeToCycles :: Tempo -> O.Time -> Rational timeToCycles tempo t = (atCycle tempo) + (toRational cycleDelta) where delta = t - (atTime tempo) cycleDelta = (realToFrac $ cps tempo) * delta {- getCurrentCycle :: MVar Tempo -> IO Rational getCurrentCycle t = (readMVar t) >>= (cyclesNow) >>= (return . toRational) -} clocked :: Config -> (MVar Tempo -> State -> IO ()) -> IO (MVar Tempo, [ThreadId]) clocked config callback = do s <- O.time -- TODO - do something with thread id _ <- serverListen config (tempoMV, listenTid) <- clientListen config s let st = State {ticks = 0, start = s, nowTime = s, nowArc = (P.Arc 0 0), starting = True } clockTid <- forkIO $ loop tempoMV st return (tempoMV, [listenTid, clockTid]) where loop tempoMV st = do -- putStrLn $ show $ nowArc ts tempo <- readMVar tempoMV let frameTimespan = cFrameTimespan config -- 'now' comes from clock ticks, nothing to do with cycles logicalT ticks' = start st + (fromIntegral ticks') * frameTimespan logicalNow = logicalT $ (ticks st) + 1 -- the tempo is just used to convert logical time to cycles e = timeToCycles tempo logicalNow s = if (starting st) && (synched tempo) then (timeToCycles tempo (logicalT $ ticks st)) else (P.stop $ nowArc st) st' = st {ticks = (ticks st) + 1, nowArc = P.Arc s e, starting = not (synched tempo) } t <- O.time when (t < logicalNow) $ threadDelay (floor $ (logicalNow - t) * 1000000) callback tempoMV st' loop tempoMV st' clientListen :: Config -> O.Time -> IO (MVar Tempo, ThreadId) clientListen config s = do -- Listen on random port let tempoClientPort = cTempoClientPort config hostname = cTempoAddr config port = cTempoPort config (remote_addr:_) <- N.getAddrInfo Nothing (Just hostname) Nothing local <- O.udpServer "" tempoClientPort let (N.SockAddrInet _ a) = N.addrAddress remote_addr remote = N.SockAddrInet (fromIntegral port) (a) t = defaultTempo s local remote -- Send to clock port from same port that's listened to O.sendTo local (O.p_message "/hello" []) remote -- Make tempo mvar tempoMV <- newMVar t -- Listen to tempo changes tempoChild <- (forkIO $ listenTempo local tempoMV) return (tempoMV, tempoChild) sendTempo :: Tempo -> IO () sendTempo tempo = O.sendTo (localUDP tempo) (O.p_bundle (atTime tempo) [m]) (remoteAddr tempo) where m = O.Message "/transmit/cps/cycle" [O.Float $ fromRational $ atCycle tempo, O.Float $ realToFrac $ cps tempo, O.Int32 $ if (paused tempo) then 1 else 0 ] listenTempo :: O.UDP -> (MVar Tempo) -> IO () listenTempo udp tempoMV = forever $ do pkt <- O.recvPacket udp act Nothing pkt return () where act _ (O.Packet_Bundle (O.Bundle ts ms)) = mapM_ (act (Just ts) . O.Packet_Message) ms act (Just ts) (O.Packet_Message (O.Message "/cps/cycle" [O.Float atCycle', O.Float cps', O.Int32 paused' ] ) ) = do tempo <- takeMVar tempoMV putMVar tempoMV $ tempo {atTime = ts, atCycle = realToFrac atCycle', cps = realToFrac cps', paused = (paused' == 1), synched = True } act _ pkt = putStrLn $ "Unknown packet: " ++ show pkt serverListen :: Config -> IO (Maybe ThreadId) serverListen config = catchAny (run) (\_ -> do putStrLn $ "Tempo listener failed (is one already running?)" return Nothing ) where run = do let port = cTempoPort config -- iNADDR_ANY deprecated - what's the right way to do this? udp <- O.udpServer "" port tid <- forkIO $ loop udp [] return $ Just tid loop udp cs = do (pkt,c) <- O.recvFrom udp cs' <- act udp c Nothing cs pkt loop udp cs' act :: O.UDP -> N.SockAddr -> Maybe O.Time -> [N.SockAddr] -> O.Packet -> IO [N.SockAddr] act udp c _ cs (O.Packet_Bundle (O.Bundle ts ms)) = foldM (act udp c (Just ts)) cs $ map (O.Packet_Message) ms act _ c _ cs (O.Packet_Message (O.Message "/hello" [])) = return $ nub $ c:cs act udp _ (Just ts) cs (O.Packet_Message (O.Message path params)) | isPrefixOf "/transmit" path = do let path' = drop 9 path msg = O.Message path' params mapM_ (O.sendTo udp $ O.p_bundle ts [msg]) cs return cs act _ _ _ cs pkt = do putStrLn $ "Unknown packet: " ++ show pkt return cs catchAny :: IO a -> (E.SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a catchAny = E.catch